Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

Then why doesn't the minority leader in the Senate use the same procedural tricks that the majority leader does?

Now, support Mitch McConnel even more.
Only thing Schumer could have done was cracker up and honkey up the nominations last week, but that would have only delayed those nominations and not kavanaugh

Booker just risked expulsion from the senate to try to stop kavanaugh. I believe padaraper only has bad things to say about booker though, all based on a meaningless vote
I'm curious how much the citation costs for those in the gallery that have been arrested for yelling shit during the hearings? God bless the resistance. They do add excitement to otherwise boring shit show.
Only thing Schumer could have done was cracker up and honkey up the nominations last week, but that would have only delayed those nominations and not kavanaugh

Booker just risked expulsion from the senate to try to stop kavanaugh. I believe padaraper only has bad things to say about booker though, all based on a meaningless vote
Wow, very brave of Booker! I hope he is not expelled!
if you can't answer this question 'no', something is wrong. allowing 'quid pro quo' for pardons? if you can't say 'no'..seriously?

The guy is going to destroy the Millennial's agenda for decades and thanks to Mitch McConnell there is nothing any American can Republicans could , but...
Wow, very brave of Booker! I hope he is not expelled!
The documents he risked expulsion over on Thursday were actually cleared for public consumption on Wednesday night.

That being said either Booker is a fairly stupid/ignorant albeit brave congress person to make such a huge fuss OR he knew he was in no risk of expulsion, knowing these documents were ok to release publicly but wanted to grandstand as risking some huge sacrifice for the American public....

He clearly isn't a stupid man so my money was that decision was more ambitious than brave. Yet judging by the number of people who think he legitimately risked his seat on congress to be a form of whistleblower (& credit to him if he actually thought he was risking this) I would say it was an astute bit of political posturing to raise his profile before 2020.
The documents he risked expulsion over on Thursday were actually cleared for public consumption on Wednesday night.

That being said either Booker is a fairly stupid/ignorant albeit brave congress person to make such a huge fuss OR he knew he was in no risk of expulsion, knowing these documents were ok to release publicly but wanted to grandstand as risking some huge sacrifice for the American public....

He clearly isn't a stupid man so my money was that decision was more ambitious than brave. Yet judging by the number of people who think he legitimately risked his seat on congress to be a form of whistleblower (& credit to him if he actually thought he was risking this) I would say it was an astute bit of political posturing to raise his profile before 2020.
Your narrative is completely devoid of facts
Your narrative is completely devoid of facts
So you dispute that Brooker is smart?

You dispute that Booker stood in congress announcing he would release confidential documents and risk expulsion?

You dispute that lawyers releasing said document(s) claim they did so the night prior to Bookers act?

Or are you just demonstrating, yet again, that you don't have a clue what the word fact means?
The documents he risked expulsion over on Thursday were actually cleared for public consumption on Wednesday night.

That being said either Booker is a fairly stupid/ignorant albeit brave congress person to make such a huge fuss OR he knew he was in no risk of expulsion, knowing these documents were ok to release publicly but wanted to grandstand as risking some huge sacrifice for the American public....

He clearly isn't a stupid man so my money was that decision was more ambitious than brave. Yet judging by the number of people who think he legitimately risked his seat on congress to be a form of whistleblower (& credit to him if he actually thought he was risking this) I would say it was an astute bit of political posturing to raise his profile before 2020.
Believe what you like. I saw the possibility that he was showboating too. I don't know that and so am just putting that possibility aside for later examination if he does something similar again. Booker has connections to billionaires and Wall Street that bother me. He did fairly well with some tech start-up named Waywire that seems more than fishy to me. His Rolodex of big name, big money people is probably the largest issue giving me pause.

This all to say that I'd put him in the bottom of the heap of people I'd consider voting for in the 2020 Democratic primaries. For myself, I'm not going to make any decisions about candidates until after the debates are over. As far as this episode goes, he opposes Kavanaugh, I oppose Kavanaugh, we both are going to see Kavanaugh seated in the SCOTUS. On this issue we agree. That's not a bad thing from my viewpoint.
So you dispute that Brooker is smart?

You dispute that Booker stood in congress announcing he would release confidential documents and risk expulsion?

You dispute that lawyers releasing said document(s) claim they did so the night prior to Bookers act?

Or are you just demonstrating, yet again, that you don't have a clue what the word fact means?
Are you perhaps making too much about your suspicions that he's showboating?
Let's see here Kavanaugh will EASILY be confirmed thanks to the Dem's doing away with the 60 vote. LMAF.

Ruth is close to croaking and I hope Ted Cruz or Amy Barrett up next.

Could it get ever better! Nope!

Let's see here Kavanaugh will EASILY be confirmed thanks to the Dem's doing away with the 60 vote. LMAF.

Ruth is close to croaking and I hope Ted Cruz or Amy Barrett up next.

Could it get ever better! Nope!

What consequence would you face for felony perjury?
Are you perhaps making too much about your suspicions that he's showboating?
Is it ever too much suspicion about a politician showboating?

I think Bookers knows full well this fight is over and is simply placing his chess pieces for future play.