Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

Wow. Perhaps you take this forum and 99% of the fools here too seriously. I haven't been here as long as you, but these guys and gals are a joke. (They don't know that, but that's fine.)

I take the Grow section seriousy. The rest is info from about 18 months of him trolling me any post here and from him following me to troll me in Grow and toke n talk. Even when I wasn’t posting just to try to use his edited dirt on me.

Everyone else I have met here and other sites agree with your last sentence.

It is a waste of time I agree.
Wow, sounds like you hurt me bad and I need to apologize to you for you hurting me so bad

You need to apologize to my wife dirtball.

You feel the need to edit my quotes and keep a file of them. As if there is a benefit to proving something against me. Which you haven’t.

Sounds like someone who was hurt.
Excuse me, sir? Question for you . . .

Question for you, a stalwart defender of all things Republican.

Used to be that Republicans stood for probity in governance. Reagan for instance held his party to the standard of "thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican". Also it claimed to be the fiscally responsible party. It stood behind the military. Yes it always was the party of, by and for wealthy white people but their rhetoric was optimistic and expansive.

That's all gone. Trump is pushing isolationist anti-trade policies. The GOP has voted to cut taxes, increase spending and balloon the debt twice - under Bush jr and again under Trump. The Trumpkin wing of the GOP is simply trashing the less radical side of the party. Trumps behavior to the military has been atrocious, what with his attacks on gold star parents, McCain and putting the military under fire with insufficient protection in Afghanistan. His optimism has given way to cynicism both in terms of foreign relations and in terms of governing from a shrinking base of support within the White house staff. So, I ask you:

What happened to the GOP?
I don't think so. NoDrama lives close to Canada.

This guy is quite a bit South of there! :lol:

Ah, the politics mod. You sure post some insightful political . . . stuff. That must be why your stuck here. For your subject matter knowledge. It shows.

You don't know how far South I am, if that's what you mean.
see, all you i there was change it up from "i hurt you, apologize" to "apologize, i hurt you"

lazy bitch

Nice drunken post.

Now apologize to my wife you woman bashing alcoholic.

And then switch to weed. I will still get you a sample of some good old school happy weed. You obviously don’t ever have any.

Maybe if you were nicer some new people would join your cause. But in the 2 years I have been here. Same small group as always. Smaller actually.

But many more that bother to talk to you have been turned off to your point of view, censored and or banned.

You really are doing your best to reTrump America up.

And help lose more great growers for us while you are at it.

Maybe try a canned beer forum. PBR dot com politics subforum. Your drunken anger will fit right in. ;-)
