How much does weed cost in your area?


Active Member
I was just wondering what weed costs in everyone's respective areas. Like, how much does an eighth run? An ounce? A pound? What about quality? Is there a lot of good outdoor weed where you are? How about indoor?

I often wonder about these and other questions while im getting high. Where I live (check the sig) weed is priced somewhere in the range of free to cheap. By that, I mean that I have never once in my close to ten years of smoking pot, paid for weed. Since I don't sell weed, I don't know what shit costs. I fear i'm suffering from a lack of knowledge of the market here and I need some help correcting that!

Thanks in advance yall. Smoke It! bongsmilie


Active Member
Ok cool thanks guys. I thought there might have been a thread for this and I searched briefly without success so I thought I'd start my own! Back to the search button I guess. I'll find it!

Oh and as far as my avatar goes - that shot took at least thirty minutes to line up just right. Its hard to balance five drunk college girls in bikinis on one Vegas hotel room bed!


Active Member
nyc weed is 500-600 for good hydro i dont know anyone that sells reg's anymore it seems its abundent supply though


Well-Known Member
nyc weed is 500-600 for good hydro i dont know anyone that sells reg's anymore it seems its abundent supply though

Not really.

All good strains and bangin shit usually goes for no more than 420 throughout pretty much all of newyork state. Regs are everywhere.


Active Member
ive seen it in the 500-600 range,but i guess your smoking brooklyn dirt!!lol you proly buyin reg's for 420 son

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks guys. I thought there might have been a thread for this and I searched briefly without success so I thought I'd start my own! Back to the search button I guess. I'll find it!

Here's the link: thread... happy reading :)

BTW.... I completely disagree with your signature. As a born and raised Cali girl (Placer County) I considered myself a NorCal girl. I lived in So. Cal for 8 years and I consider NorCal to be from the Central Valley up.

Many NorCal people have clammored for a division of the State to N. CA and S. CA.... the line has always been drawn where the begging for water starts (prety much the middle of the State). Placer County is North of that line.... therefore I am a NorCal native.... wether you think so or not
;) :mrgreen:
im from brooklyn and i cant lie brooklyn weed is trash but you have to go to the right people. i get like a oz for $80(regs) and like $400 for a oz of sour or purp(from queens though). eights are like $50 or $60 for sour or any other exotic $20 for regs. pounds are always different it depends on the quality really exotics i'd say about $5000 for regs about $900-1200...... 1 thing though most the regs are garbage anyway you have to see for yourself thought i dont know your tolerance level lol
we also got blacks or chocolate what ever yall out of town people call it. like a quarter oz of that stuff will run you about 35 bucks
I am moving to BK from Seattle and could use some.good smoking peeps... also bringing pnw weed with me....
but I'm gonna need BK hooks
thisisreelz your prices seems legit... I'm in town 2/10 and will want to sample/have a session with some new NY peeps hit me up!


Active Member
in ireland they stopped sellin 8s its 1.5-2gr 50 euro
i got an oz 450 but the chap said oz are 25gr now. its a sellers market over here