Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Well if you are old enough to have been drafted you never grew up past 8th grade emotionally going strictly by your posts.

They all sound like na, na, na, na, na, na

And you do want to date me. I wasn’t even posting today and you still have to mention me.

Bet you can’t let go like the other paranoid complaining cry baby’s who put down anyone who disagrees with them.

And it’s funny. I disagree with both parties. Neither platform is sustainable or even possible.

But the extreme lefties here are the only ones who get hysterical and lie and call names to hurt me because of my opinion.

And they can’t seem to stop once they get started. Lol.

And just to put a political opinion here. Focusing on racism against the majority of our country is the stupidest election tactic ever tried.

Because of it I believe the democrats will lose the same way as last time.

Changing how people feel about each other will take time. It isn’t going to happen any time soon. 1000’s of years of environment and religion to overcome.
Do they call you libtard or ...?


Well-Known Member
Kinda seems like most of them. But, holy shit, there's so many smart people here. They have everything figured out. It's very intimidating.
Lol at buck and friends and there incredible knowledge of the world. Never mind they are a small group of friendless alcoholics.

Some of them contacted me to be friends and get me to stop returning bucks trolling but I think they are a bunch of cry baby hypocrites.

So instead of the Jewish born and raised upper middle class person I am. And I have quit chemical drugs for over 20 years and am now a successful caregiver that moved to Michigan to buy property in the woods and grow in peace.

I am now apparently a lazy white supremacist Nazi hick. Not Jewish just lying about it. And a devout trump supporter presently on meth.

Well only in this pathetic subforum. The common advice on this site is to avoid the main posters in here as they are merely annoying trolls.

It’s good advice. They work hard to eliminate anyone who does not parrot them verbatim. I think they are weak and proven wrong almost every post.

This site is not only ad driven it is sponsored by media matters website I am told by old members who know buck personally.

Not an open discussion forum at all but a propoganda machine. Just like they accuse everyone else of.

Buck says he is paid to post here. If that’s true the democrats have seriously lost their way.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Lol at buck and friends and there incredible knowledge of the world. Never mind they are a small group of friendless alcoholics.

Some of them contacted me to be friends and get me to stop returning bucks trolling but I think they are a bunch of cry baby hypocrites.

So instead of the Jewish born and raised upper middle class person I am. And I have quit chemical drugs for over 20 years and am now a successful caregiver that moved to Michigan to buy property in the woods and grow in peace.

I am now apparently a lazy white supremacist Nazi hick. Not Jewish just lying about it. And a devout trump supporter presently on meth.

Well only in this pathetic subforum. The common advice on this site is to avoid the main posters in here as they are merely annoying trolls.

It’s good advice. They work hard to eliminate anyone who does not parrot them verbatim. I think they are weak and proven wrong almost every post.

This site is not only ad driven it is sponsored by media matters website I am told by old members who know buck personally.

Not an open discussion forum at all but a propoganda machine. Just like they accuse everyone else of.

Buck says he is paid to post here. If that’s true the democrats have seriously lost their way.
So you are going on hear say? Deep ...
Btw You are the biggest troll here