What did you accomplish today?

There's so many deer that get hit in WI the dot hires people (me) to clean them up. I take a lot to zoos to feed the animals.

same down here too.....most of the time they get donated to help feed people who could use it....i know one of the game wardens around my area, he donates the ones he get to his local church he goes too.......then they have a big cook out. Another i know in Okey, he takes his to the local native american reservation there to help feed people......

in Texas if you see a recent deer that hit, you can take it, just have to notify the local wardens first...
same down here too.....most of the time they get donated to help feed people who could use it....i know one of the game wardens around my area, he donates the ones he get to his local church he goes too.......then they have a big cook out. Another i know in Okey, he takes his to the local native american reservation there to help feed people......

in Texas if you see a recent deer that hit, you can take it, just have to notify the local wardens first...

Alaska has a "Road Kill" list for Moose.
You put your name on a list with the troopers & when one gets killed they just go down the list until someone says they'll take it.

It's more active in winter as the meat stays good a lot longer and more moose get hit then. They like walking down the roads when the snow is deeper - much easier than breaking trail.
I've been drilling spot welds all afternoon. I need to separate the outer skin from the spare quarter panels I have. They don't sell good quality replacement panels, they're all missing the lower body crease, so I got some that were cut off parts cars. I'm still gonna need to patch them before I hang them, but at least they'll be right. I've got one side all drilled, one to go. I also tried ordering patches for the fenders, but the one I really need isn't available anywhere. I'm hoping they didnt stop stamping them. Stupid one year only body.
Alaska has a "Road Kill" list for Moose.
You put your name on a list with the troopers & when one gets killed they just go down the list until someone says they'll take it.

It's more active in winter as the meat stays good a lot longer and more moose get hit then. They like walking down the roads when the snow is deeper - much easier than breaking trail.
My father has run over a deer many years ago , the police allowed him to take it home , he got a trailer , took it home and froze it . I live in England , if that happened here I don’t think we would be able to keep it . I don’t know what the authorities would do with it either.
I imagine it must be used for something , I will check on that , and see what happen’s with it .
why is the sand so dark?
Beaches are supposed to be white.

Panhandle of Florida = powder sugar/white sand , mostly crushed quartz and sea shells

Daytona Beach = packed yellowish sand mostly sea shells

Charlston SC = packed light grey sand ( I'm not sure of the material but I think it is granite and Sea shell )

Myrtle Beach SC = packed slightly darker grey sand

The further north you go the darker and more rocky the beaches are is what I've been told, but Myrtle Beach is as far as I have been personally.

Also the gulf of Mexico has minimal tides while the Atlantic has a lot more.
I've only seen this once before and that was earlier this year so I'm not really sure what's up with this ?View attachment 4193521
Coolest thing is that on the next tide they'll all be gone.. I wonder if I could crush these and amend my soil?

actually you can crush the shells up, but you have to sift and wash them first....then you have the bleach them.......shell is mostly Calcium...so...just my 2 cents
After I get them all clean & washed off I set the bucket by my boiler for a year or so.
They crush easily (even King Crab shells) when they're that dry.

that's kind like i do with shell, i don't have a boiler though, i just leave what i have outside in the sun to finish the process......

first wash with water to get rest of the sand off.....then put into a container to bleach them for anything else, wash again for the bleaching stuff.....finish to dry in the sun the rest of the way.......once dried...motar and pestil to powder.....