Serious Time Question


Active Member
My psychiatrist thinks I have clinical depression and wants to put me on meds. However, SSRIs make it so I pretty much won't be able to take any other drug. Also, she knows I smoke the ganj but thinks that I have an addictive personality. I dunno what to do, my friend who started taking meds changed pretty hard core, but my psychiatrist claims they won't affect my personality. Anyone have any advice or something?


Active Member
Personally from experience I wouldn't say SSRI's really change your personality. They just make it harder to be sad and they're not that bad. But it does suck not being able to do other drugs:cry:


Active Member
Personally from experience I wouldn't say SSRI's really change your personality. They just make it harder to be sad and they're not that bad. But it does suck not being able to do other drugs:cry:
From that I assume you've taken them before and you didn't notice any major (negative) changes, correct? Also, do you know if shrooms and acid and opiates are also bad to take on SSRIs? I can't find much info on anything other than weed and booze.


Well-Known Member
you can still smoke bud. you will get drunk faster. you will be immune to x. i think coke is ok too. be careful with any drugs that release seratonin they will either be a waste of time or deadly.


Active Member
you can still smoke bud. you will get drunk faster. you will be immune to x. i think coke is ok too. be careful with any drugs that release seratonin they will either be a waste of time or deadly.
I dunno about bud. I heard that it makes you sick. My psychiatrist said it would probably just make me vomit, but I've read experiences on Erowid where people have gone to the hospital. Also, you know anything about the effect on psychedelics like shrooms or acid?


Well-Known Member
It's better to stay away from other drugs at least until you get your medication levels figured out. There's a sweet spot between under-medicated and over-medicate and a difference of 5mg in the dosage can make a big difference to how you feel.


Well-Known Member
ive been taking an SSRI for months now, you can smoke as much pot as you like it may reduce the effectiveness of your medication but thats it. ive taken amphetamine, liberty cap mushrooms and heroin while on my SSRI with no ill effects. do not take cocaine or ecstasy while on SSRIs though, unless you want serotonin syndrome


New Member
I used to see a shrink, and eventually she put me on anti-depressants... She told me that if I didn't quit smoking, the meds wouldn't work because smoking weed is considered 'self medicating' and you can't do both... She also told me that I would end up in a mental institution if I didn't quit smoking... lol ...

I'm not an advocate of anti-depressants, but I do understand that they work and make life easier for certain people... So if you truly want to give the pills the best chance at working, then you really should just quit smoking and doing any other types of drugs.. At least until the pills kick in full effect and you know how you react to the medication....

Anti - depressants will more than likely effect your personality as a whole... All they really do is forcefully release seratonin in a gradual manner until eventually your brain doesn't even distinguish true happiness from induced chemical happiness... IMO, you're better off just sticking with the herb and working out your issues on your own...


Well-Known Member
Anti - depressants will more than likely effect your personality as a whole... All they really do is forcefully release seratonin in a gradual manner until eventually your brain doesn't even distinguish true happiness from induced chemical happiness... IMO, you're better off just sticking with the herb and working out your issues on your own...
true that man fuck meds.. these doctors n shrinks dont know shit and dont care about you they get paid to listen to your problems and prescribe meds. they are not into curing what is wrong with you and helping you resolve your issues fuck no! the money is in the treatment baby not the cure!

let me say that again

the money is in the treatment NOT the cure..

think about all the bogus ass pills out there

too anxious?
got pain?
got anger?
got restless legs?
got acid reflux?
need a boner?
wanna not have kids?

man fuck all that shit! talk to someone, meditate, do some yoga and excersize, smoke a joint, chill out, breathe deep, drink water and eat smaller portions, get your girl to wear some sexy lingere and drink some champagne then strap on a condom!!

boom all your problems solved!!

now there are some applications like extreme pain and shit where you need it but for the day to day shit.. man everyone goes thru it, everyone has problems and everyone thinks their problems are unique and nobody feels the way they do... sooooooo wrong... we are all human and face the same shit

for real tho i have been through bouts with depression and people tried to get me to get on all sorts of shit but you gotta man up and work thru it.. and believe me i have seen some fucked up shit and been thru some even more fucked up shit.

what you gotta do is step back and look at life for what it is and not what you are told it is.

life is not about cars clothes or money
it aint about bitches sex and drugs
its not about your fat gut or your glasses or acne
its not about your brothers problems or parents problems or girl naggin ya

bro life is all about you, its about your relationship to the force of energy that surrounds this planet and runs through everything. you need to become more aware of your surroundings and you will realize that 99 percent of the shit you think about is out of your control and only a big deal because someone else says its a big deal. you gotta worry about what is in your control and let everything else flow naturally

fuck mtv
fuck cnn
fuck e
fuck the radio
fuck the internet

we as humans need food water and shelter, thats it brotha, and be glad you have all of that every day no worries. its kind of cliche but think you could be facing genocide in africa, or getting raided by americans in iraq who torture you for thinking you are a terrorist. you could be a chineese kid who has worked for 10 years in a nike shop sewing soles on shoes so some american kid can bitch at his parents for the new shox.. those kids should be depressed and have problems but they could work a year and not be able to afford one bottle of meds but they arent cuz thats how life is there. its normal, its every day life. they dont have people tellin em they are fucked up in the head and need this this and that to cure em..

your energy in your mind and body, that balance of chemicals and electricity is what makes you who you are. your choices your decisions. even weed makes you a little bit different of a person.. a little lighter, more carefree, more paranoid whatever.. but pharma meds change that chemistry and make you a totally different person belive me. anyone that tells you differently is full of shit. period. its all a big marketing scheme to get everybody on something.

for real man, i know i been rambling but the truth is there is a wide variety of treatments you can do to your mind to improve your outlook on life, your health and overall well being. meditation is great. excersizing in nature is great. building good relationships with great people is probably the best of all, but drugs do nothing but treat the problem not cure it.

lastly im going to say this.. our bodies and mind are run by electric energy.. one of the few things we know about energy is that it in no way can be created or destroyed. energy can only change forms and be channeled into different outlets. for instance, you take oil. energy can be put into oil and refined into gasoiline. that energy in the gasoline can be put in your car to make it go down the road right? or you could take that gasoline and throw a match on it and release all of that energy at once in the form of heat and flame right? well its the same thing with our minds and bodies. right now you have a negative energy running through your body that is just building up heat.. take control of your body and your mind and shift that energy into the positives. take that heat and turn it into a constructive passion, take that sadness and turn it into a beautiful art. take that pain and turn it into a deepend spirt and a caring heart. you are you, and only you can live your life, and make your decisions. make the decision to say fuck the bullshit. i did, and i love it.

i know its kinda rambling but i hope this helps,



Well-Known Member
I used to see a shrink, and eventually she put me on anti-depressants... She told me that if I didn't quit smoking, the meds wouldn't work because smoking weed is considered 'self medicating' and you can't do both... She also told me that I would end up in a mental institution if I didn't quit smoking... lol ...

I'm not an advocate of anti-depressants, but I do understand that they work and make life easier for certain people... So if you truly want to give the pills the best chance at working, then you really should just quit smoking and doing any other types of drugs.. At least until the pills kick in full effect and you know how you react to the medication....

Anti - depressants will more than likely effect your personality as a whole... All they really do is forcefully release seratonin in a gradual manner until eventually your brain doesn't even distinguish true happiness from induced chemical happiness... IMO, you're better off just sticking with the herb and working out your issues on your own...
That last sentence I could not have said better myself. Rep+ for ya.


Active Member
From that I assume you've taken them before and you didn't notice any major (negative) changes, correct? Also, do you know if shrooms and acid and opiates are also bad to take on SSRIs? I can't find much info on anything other than weed and booze.
I think you can get serotonin disease from mixing SSRI's and psychedelics, but i'm not sure. I know taking too much of an MAOI can do that if you take drugs with it, but as for negative changes I've felt a lot weaker and more indifferent towards things. My mood isn't depressed though.


New Member
true that man fuck meds.. these doctors n shrinks dont know shit and dont care about you they get paid to listen to your problems and prescribe meds. they are not into curing what is wrong with you and helping you resolve your issues fuck no! the money is in the treatment baby not the cure!

let me say that again

the money is in the treatment NOT the cure..

think about all the bogus ass pills out there

too anxious?
got pain?
got anger?
got restless legs?
got acid reflux?
need a boner?
wanna not have kids?

man fuck all that shit! talk to someone, meditate, do some yoga and excersize, smoke a joint, chill out, breathe deep, drink water and eat smaller portions, get your girl to wear some sexy lingere and drink some champagne then strap on a condom!!

boom all your problems solved!!

now there are some applications like extreme pain and shit where you need it but for the day to day shit.. man everyone goes thru it, everyone has problems and everyone thinks their problems are unique and nobody feels the way they do... sooooooo wrong... we are all human and face the same shit

for real tho i have been through bouts with depression and people tried to get me to get on all sorts of shit but you gotta man up and work thru it.. and believe me i have seen some fucked up shit and been thru some even more fucked up shit.

what you gotta do is step back and look at life for what it is and not what you are told it is.

life is not about cars clothes or money
it aint about bitches sex and drugs
its not about your fat gut or your glasses or acne
its not about your brothers problems or parents problems or girl naggin ya

bro life is all about you, its about your relationship to the force of energy that surrounds this planet and runs through everything. you need to become more aware of your surroundings and you will realize that 99 percent of the shit you think about is out of your control and only a big deal because someone else says its a big deal. you gotta worry about what is in your control and let everything else flow naturally

fuck mtv
fuck cnn
fuck e
fuck the radio
fuck the internet

we as humans need food water and shelter, thats it brotha, and be glad you have all of that every day no worries. its kind of cliche but think you could be facing genocide in africa, or getting raided by americans in iraq who torture you for thinking you are a terrorist. you could be a chineese kid who has worked for 10 years in a nike shop sewing soles on shoes so some american kid can bitch at his parents for the new shox.. those kids should be depressed and have problems but they could work a year and not be able to afford one bottle of meds but they arent cuz thats how life is there. its normal, its every day life. they dont have people tellin em they are fucked up in the head and need this this and that to cure em..

your energy in your mind and body, that balance of chemicals and electricity is what makes you who you are. your choices your decisions. even weed makes you a little bit different of a person.. a little lighter, more carefree, more paranoid whatever.. but pharma meds change that chemistry and make you a totally different person belive me. anyone that tells you differently is full of shit. period. its all a big marketing scheme to get everybody on something.

for real man, i know i been rambling but the truth is there is a wide variety of treatments you can do to your mind to improve your outlook on life, your health and overall well being. meditation is great. excersizing in nature is great. building good relationships with great people is probably the best of all, but drugs do nothing but treat the problem not cure it.

lastly im going to say this.. our bodies and mind are run by electric energy.. one of the few things we know about energy is that it in no way can be created or destroyed. energy can only change forms and be channeled into different outlets. for instance, you take oil. energy can be put into oil and refined into gasoiline. that energy in the gasoline can be put in your car to make it go down the road right? or you could take that gasoline and throw a match on it and release all of that energy at once in the form of heat and flame right? well its the same thing with our minds and bodies. right now you have a negative energy running through your body that is just building up heat.. take control of your body and your mind and shift that energy into the positives. take that heat and turn it into a constructive passion, take that sadness and turn it into a beautiful art. take that pain and turn it into a deepend spirt and a caring heart. you are you, and only you can live your life, and make your decisions. make the decision to say fuck the bullshit. i did, and i love it.

i know its kinda rambling but i hope this helps,


I like this ... You make a lot of sense...