Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme


Well-Known Member
introduced by senator feinstein, kavanaugh knew EXACTLY who Fred Guttenberg the good ole days when AMERICA WAS GREAT an extended arm and empty hand meant NO GUN. After lunch Kavanaugh sent security over who indicated Kavanaugh felt his 'space being invaded':lol:

Andrew Harnik‏Verified account@andyharnik
Fred Guttenberg, the father of Jamie Guttenberg who was killed in the shooting in Parkland, Fla., left, tries to shake hands with @realDonaldTrump's Supreme Court nom., Brett Kavanaugh, right, during a lunch break. Kavanaugh did not shake his hand. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) @ap

fvcking liar..well within social space Merrick Garland would've shaken Guttenberg’s hand.

Kavanaugh has kids..wonder if he'd feel any different if he lived in Parkland and lost a daughter? Talk about bitchy resting face..what a cunt, here's my vote for him:
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Well-Known Member
Good pic. It's a great symbol of the Regal Right. Kavanaugh wasn't scared, he was indignant that his royal person might be violated by being touched by an opponent.

Do you think Democrats can stop his nomination? It doesn't look as if any Republican in the Senate will dare cross Trump. 49 < 50

Whether it is fair or not, progressives(TM) will likely get Schumer's head for this.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Democrats can stop his nomination? It doesn't look as if any Republican in the Senate will dare cross Trump. 49 < 50
Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, and Joe Manchin ensure a good chance of a 54>46 victory of confirming a SCJ that will sit on the court for likely the next three decades, giving the court a relatively solid 6-3 conservative majority, with Ginsberg being the oldest Justice at 85... If Republicans somehow manage to win in 2020, despite all the polls and evidence they won't, it could reach an unprecedented 7-2 conservative majority, with Kagan and Sotomayor being the only progressive voices on the court, while the current fight should be over whether or not a president under federal investigation should legally be allowed to appoint federal judges for lifetime appointments long after he's removed from office.
Whether it is fair or not, progressives(TM) will likely get Schumer's head for this.
"On Tuesday the Senate cut a deal to fast-track votes on 11 nominations to the judiciary, seven of which were President Trump’s nominees for district court judges.



Well-Known Member
Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, and Joe Manchin ensure a good chance of a 54>46 victory of confirming a SCJ that will sit on the court for likely the next three decades, giving the court a relatively solid 6-3 conservative majority, with Ginsberg being the oldest Justice at 85... If Republicans somehow manage to win in 2020, despite all the polls and evidence they won't, it could reach an unprecedented 7-2 conservative majority, with Kagan and Sotomayor being the only progressive voices on the court, while the current fight should be over whether or not a president under federal investigation should legally be allowed to appoint federal judges for lifetime appointments long after he's removed from office.
"On Tuesday the Senate cut a deal to fast-track votes on 11 nominations to the judiciary, seven of which were President Trump’s nominees for district court judges.



Well-Known Member
Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, and Joe Manchin ensure a good chance of a 54>46 victory of confirming a SCJ that will sit on the court for likely the next three decades, giving the court a relatively solid 6-3 conservative majority, with Ginsberg being the oldest Justice at 85... If Republicans somehow manage to win in 2020, despite all the polls and evidence they won't, it could reach an unprecedented 7-2 conservative majority, with Kagan and Sotomayor being the only progressive voices on the court, while the current fight should be over whether or not a president under federal investigation should legally be allowed to appoint federal judges for lifetime appointments long after he's removed from office.
"On Tuesday the Senate cut a deal to fast-track votes on 11 nominations to the judiciary, seven of which were President Trump’s nominees for district court judges.


This is Schumer's fault somehow?

I don't give a crap about Schumer. You Progressives(TM) hate him, I get it. You can have his head. I don't even know what a minority leader does..


Well-Known Member

This is Schumer's fault somehow?

I don't give a crap about Schumer. You Progressives(TM) hate him, I get it. You can have his head. I don't even know what a minority leader does..
Schumer is responsible for fast tracking 1 of 7 Trump appointees to lifelong federal positions, that's more than 60 since he's been elected as president, more than any other president in history. In exchange for a few more days of campaigning for Democrats in red states...

Without Schumer, that wouldn't have been possible. He decided to sell out his Democratic constituents as well as the American people to get a few more days to campaign for Senators that can likely lose their elections, giving the Republicans an even higher majority


Well-Known Member
We have to get the center to radical left to see how important judgeships are like the right does... they are a side note issue for most anyone but someone center right onward that way...

Lindsey Graham was not wrong when he said if we want to appoint judges we must win elections, and that we must and that we will...


Well-Known Member
Schumer is responsible for fast tracking 1 of 7 Trump appointees to lifelong federal positions, that's more than 60 since he's been elected as president, more than any other president in history. In exchange for a few more days of campaigning for Democrats in red states...

Without Schumer, that wouldn't have been possible. He decided to sell out his Democratic constituents as well as the American people to get a few more days to campaign for Senators that can likely lose their elections, giving the Republicans an even higher majority
no he's not. Tell me how he could have stopped this nomination? What legal proceedings could he as minority leader in the senate overcome the GOP's lock on the majority?


Well-Known Member
What would delaying the process have done to stop Republicans from voting in Kavanaugh? GOP have a 50 to 49 majority and there were no Republicans willing to go against their leadership.

Am I aggravated that some Democrats joined with Republicans? Yes I am. Those senators will have to face their own state's electorate. What does Schumer have to do with that? Mark you, I'm not defending Schumer, I'm just trying to figure out what your point is.


Well-Known Member
What would delaying the process have done to stop Republicans from voting in Kavanaugh?
It is 2 months to midterms. If Democratic leadership actually gave a damn, they would obstruct Kavanaugh's hearing until after the election. Mitch McConnell held up Obama's decision for more than a year based on it being an election year. So use this shit against him. It's an election year.

Check a calendar

Now support Mitch McConnell even more..


Well-Known Member
It is 2 months to midterms. If Democratic leadership actually gave a damn, they would obstruct Kavanaugh's hearing until after the election. Mitch McConnell held up Obama's decision for more than a year based on it being an election year. So use this shit against him. It's an election year.

Check a calendar

Now support Mitch McConnell even more..
Mitch McConnell was the majority leader in 2016. I don't understand your point. Mitch could hold up the process because he held the agenda and Democrats couldn't muster enough votes to overrule him. Assuming the Senate is taken by Democrats (very unlikely), they won't take office until 2019 so, what stops them from confirming after the elections? The fast track procedures you mention don't apply to Kavanaugh. Democrats have very few procedural levers on his confirmation.

You aren't making any sense.