Gavita users only


Well-Known Member
I know this thread will drag in the trolls but oh well. If you haven’t used gavita I’d appreciate you not commenting. I’ve tried several brands of metal halide bulbs and none of them work. They work in my other fixtures but not the gavita. Is someone using a metal halide bulb in their gavita? If so PM me please I’m tired of trying all these brand bulbs and none work. Thanks in advance
Had 2 gavitas, gave them away, to good friends but still gave them and wouldn’t swap them for the QB’s or Budmasters I currently run.
I’m definitely not complaining about them just been hearing about using the blue spectrum the last week and a half or so to increase oil levels. My energy station fixtures will take both bulbs but they are a cheap Chinese product and only last 2 years max and I’m not interested in using them.
I have DE fixtures that will take both bulbs no matter what brand but gavita will only fire a HPS Bulb. So no I don’t know everything about the gavita. I love it how your so interested in me. My pictures on a lot of these threads you can see how sexy I am.