Civil Discourse

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Are any "liberals" here willing to say that it is wrong to give hormone blockers to children?

Not a hard question.

Children should only get medical treatment not identity politics. As a kid like I'm sure lots of here too had a ton of issues about who and what we wanted to be. But you don't take drugs which mess with development, and must wait until an adult. Which is why in legal recreation states you must be over 21 to buy bud.
Children should only get medical treatment not identity politics. As a kid like I'm sure lots of here too had a ton of issues about who and what we wanted to be. But you don't take drugs which mess with development, and must wait until an adult. Which is why in legal recreation states you must be over 21 to buy bud.
@MichiganSpinDoctor is another bitter INCEL. We've gotten a few of them lately. This one is dumber than most.
I don’t think he can explain how his small libertarian government will monitor every single woman in America for pregnancy and imprison the 1/3 of women in America who have had an abortion

Also, why does his small libertarian government know what is better for my kids than I do?

Sounds more like an authoritaryan dystopia of state control to me
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