Civil Discourse

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Well-Known Member
NO! Why in the hell would anyone want to be mutilated into looking like the opposite sex, and a child thinking they are another sex, kids do not even know what they want to begin with. Seriously, there is no such thing as a sex change, you can not alter the human body to operate against genetics, until we can actually change someone at a genetic level and form fully functional sex organs, surgery is extremely dangerous and hormones even make people suicidal, seriously dangerous.
Yeah, that is my view as well. Parents who do that to their child aught to be put in cages.


Trans boy with gun still bigger man than unarmed slavic
I doubt it.....laughs, My Great Grandfather was Macedonian, if you know their history, you might learn that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be assumed a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Well-Known Member

When a depressed man is found dead in a park with no sign of a struggle and gun residue on his hand, the natural conclusion is suicide, and every subsequent piece of evidence confirmed that finding.

Vince Foster’s death has not been ruled a homicide after autopsy, despite fake news reports

Shit, you even fucked up the math on the year it happened. You know 15 years ago was not 1993 right?
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Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member

When a depressed man is found dead in a park with no sign of a struggle and gun residue on his hand, the natural conclusion is suicide, and every subsequent piece of evidence confirmed that finding.

Vince Foster’s death has not been ruled a homicide after autopsy, despite fake news reports

Shit, you even fucked up the math on the year it happened. You know 15 years ago was not 1993 right?
The truth doesn't fit their rhetoric


Well-Known Member
You seem to have lost your "control" of our responses
I haven't gotten any responses besides one, and they agreed with me that it is wrong to give a child hormone blockers.

If you can't even condemn the act on a forum, you'd probably just let it happen around you and say nothing.

At least none of you are saying that it is a morally acceptable thing.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten any responses besides one, and they agreed with me that it is wrong to give a child hormone blockers.

If you can't even condemn the act on a forum, you'd probably just let it happen around you and say nothing.

At least none of you are saying that it is a morally acceptable thing.
Morals ? No one can talk morals since the Trump debacle least of all right wingers


Well-Known Member
Morals ? No one can talk morals since the Trump debacle least of all right wingers
So you must have a lot stronger moral charactor than I do. Surely you can condemn the act of giving hormone blockers to children. You wouldn't let children you know be given hormone blockers without even objecting, would you?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
So you must have a lot stronger moral charactor than I do. Surely you can condemn the act of giving hormone blockers to children. You wouldn't let children you know be given hormone blockers without even objecting, would you?
I'm gonna throw your ilk a bone , make todays topic ..."Benghazi "it will make you guys feel better
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