Well-Known Member
It's because of all those illegal immigrant Mexicans.I doubt something good was on npr recently. Yep, I'm so broke...
It's a good thing that Mexico is going to pay for that wall.

It's because of all those illegal immigrant Mexicans.I doubt something good was on npr recently. Yep, I'm so broke...
I'm hoping one day to have a discussion with a rational informed intelligent conservative. Been here since 2014 and haven't met one yet. I'm not optimistic about this one. Ron Paul and libertarian philosophy are tools of the wealthy.
Big love and forgiveness. I hope you get honest.for the record:
I gave it a good try. The next time people complain about how mean we are to idiots like michiganspinner, I'll just reference this thread.
So, who is going to be indicted next?Big love and forgiveness. I hope you get honest.
So, who is going to be indicted next?
You fix cars because you can't afford to pay others.
Don't nap when doing that.I fix all my own shit, I go 160mph on motorcycles I maintain
I fix all my own shit, I go 160mph on motorcycles I maintain
Wow, compelling argument.Certainly not the one who deserves it. This's all a game. Just like the WWE they pick who loses not on who they really are or did, but on the boo meter.
The real question is, who you gonna boo at the loudest?
Wow, compelling argument.
Just like the WWE?
Trump recently decided Sessions for prosecuting two of his allies for corruption. Which of the WWE characters is guilty of misappropriation of campaign funds and insider trading?
First of all by being a citizen of your great (well it was) country you have entered into a voluntary (voluntary in the fact you can leave at any point) contract, where as you already know that a portion of your wealth will be taxed to pay for infrastructure so let’s give that a number shall we, say 1. Don’t like the contract? Move to your little Island of libertarian/volunteerism and see how that works. Moving on,if your not on the island yet. So you earn a living and pay your obligatory taxes of which you already know what they are and by entering the workforce have, by virtue of earning a wage agreed to pay a portion, let’s give that a number shall we, 1 sounds good to me. Now by virtue of paying taxes you can use any number of items paid for by a portion of your contribution, you know like schools, roads, etc., you have already admitted that you do. These things have contributed to your ability to earn a living and grow your wealth correct? Ok so again let’s arbitarily pull a number out, say 2 because it’s a double positive of being able to use the resources that promote your wealth. Making sense? Now, let’s move to the point where you are unable to earn a wage but due to smart planning have saved a bit using “tax free” savings, well let’s hope so, can’t keep putting your beer in the buddies fridge can you? But now your not earning any money and paying no taxes but still using all of the benefits of the taxes paid, you know Medicare, etc., pretty cool huh. So let’s again pull a fucking random number from the hat, say 2 again, as your are reaping the benifits but no longer contributing, again cool huh. So I’m up to 6, I could go on but you bore me, and I’m going fishing. You should actually apply your thinking to the world at hand and not the dark ages of a libertarian fool. You really need to start shopping for that island, I’m sure you’ll be much happier, and won’t have to steal any of the resources you so much hate to pay for.
Hyperbolic simile? Is that what we call "lying" now?You have no sense of hyperbolic simile? But if I were to guess, The Rock. Because what exactly is he always cooking?
I can not buy into liberals being rebellious when they do not posses independent thought. It is a Constitutional Republic, by the way republic means a representative democracy, not pure democracy. The second amendment was created for the protection of the people, that we are able to defend against all enemies foreign or domestic. Our nation has its problems, mainly corruption, and the intent to alter the absolute meaning of the constitution. As far as I can see, America is not socialist, communist, or purely democratic, the bill of rights, later to become the constitution, was created for the protection of rights, when you speak of laws that remove rights, such as freedom of speech, or the right to bear arms and protect yourself, then you speak of tyranny. Before you ring the liberal bell about cannabis, you might want to consider that smoking cannabis is not liberal or Conservative, both walks of life enjoy some fine smoke that tickles the taste buds and stimulates the mind. I spent a majority of my life believing in the liberal cause, what eventually changed my mind was not fox news or any other media outlet, it was the actions of the democrats and the bigotry they posses today. This bigotry, as I have found through research, was nothing new to the democratic party. In the end, I will point out that the color of one's skin has no bearing on the shade of one's character, or even, lack there of. I voted for Bill Clinton, and seen him lie to our nation. I voted twice for Obamma, and seen him do nothing for this nation. Those actions were enough for me to do research, what I have seen is a lot of people that are fighting for privilege and special treatment, the minorities claim discrimination, yet, they discriminate, I hear young children scream for socialism, yet, the Nazi's were socialists. There are so many horrors in our world, yet, our nation has the fewest, and still, there are protests about social injustice, and then people who support our President, who work for all of us are being harassed in public by mobs of white, over privileged kids, while black on black murder happens all to often, and so we blame the white man, does that really make sense to you, to blame someone that is not the culprit. To me it does not, all the more pity, is that we are free, until someone thinks that being offensive is a crime. While Opinion is a right, forcing it is not. I would hope that what I say would give others a moment to actually think for themselves, to consider what I say, not as rule, as an idea of true freedom, especially when the true corruption is with the politicians on capitol hill who think that they are our bosses, that their word is law. Look to your constitution and you will find freedom in every word.Well, you have to understand the dynamics of this forum. Yes, it's a weed site, and since weed has been mostly illegal, the members of this site are outlaws. As outlaws, we are mostly rebellious people whose attitudes are progressive and liberal.
That makes us targets for moronic sheeple that find the conservative rhetoric plausible. Some of these sheeple come here solely to rile up the liberals, because it makes them feel like they are smart.
Just think, if you were simple enough to buy into what fox news is spewing, you might want to post something that would raise a ruckus, and garner enough responses to make yourself feel important. It just may be the most attention they ever receive.
Good topic today!
Well we have just heard from the Russian perspective...I can not buy into liberals being rebellious when they do not posses independent thought. It is a Constitutional Republic, by the way republic means a representative democracy, not pure democracy. The second amendment was created for the protection of the people, that we are able to defend against all enemies foreign or domestic. Our nation has its problems, mainly corruption, and the intent to alter the absolute meaning of the constitution. As far as I can see, America is not socialist, communist, or purely democratic, the bill of rights, later to become the constitution, was created for the protection of rights, when you speak of laws that remove rights, such as freedom of speech, or the right to bear arms and protect yourself, then you speak of tyranny. Before you ring the liberal bell about cannabis, you might want to consider that smoking cannabis is not liberal or Conservative, both walks of life enjoy some fine smoke that tickles the taste buds and stimulates the mind. I spent a majority of my life believing in the liberal cause, what eventually changed my mind was not fox news or any other media outlet, it was the actions of the democrats and the bigotry they posses today. This bigotry, as I have found through research, was nothing new to the democratic party. In the end, I will point out that the color of one's skin has no bearing on the shade of one's character, or even, lack there of. I voted for Bill Clinton, and seen him lie to our nation. I voted twice for Obamma, and seen him do nothing for this nation. Those actions were enough for me to do research, what I have seen is a lot of people that are fighting for privilege and special treatment, the minorities claim discrimination, yet, they discriminate, I hear young children scream for socialism, yet, the Nazi's were socialists. There are so many horrors in our world, yet, our nation has the fewest, and still, there are protests about social injustice, and then people who support our President, who work for all of us are being harassed in public by mobs of white, over privileged kids, while black on black murder happens all to often, and so we blame the white man, does that really make sense to you, to blame someone that is not the culprit. To me it does not, all the more pity, is that we are free, until someone thinks that being offensive is a crime. While Opinion is a right, forcing it is not. I would hope that what I say would give others a moment to actually think for themselves, to consider what I say, not as rule, as an idea of true freedom, especially when the true corruption is with the politicians on capitol hill who think that they are our bosses, that their word is law. Look to your constitution and you will find freedom in every word.
Well said.I can not buy into liberals being rebellious when they do not posses independent thought. It is a Constitutional Republic, by the way republic means a representative democracy, not pure democracy. The second amendment was created for the protection of the people, that we are able to defend against all enemies foreign or domestic. Our nation has its problems, mainly corruption, and the intent to alter the absolute meaning of the constitution. As far as I can see, America is not socialist, communist, or purely democratic, the bill of rights, later to become the constitution, was created for the protection of rights, when you speak of laws that remove rights, such as freedom of speech, or the right to bear arms and protect yourself, then you speak of tyranny. Before you ring the liberal bell about cannabis, you might want to consider that smoking cannabis is not liberal or Conservative, both walks of life enjoy some fine smoke that tickles the taste buds and stimulates the mind. I spent a majority of my life believing in the liberal cause, what eventually changed my mind was not fox news or any other media outlet, it was the actions of the democrats and the bigotry they posses today. This bigotry, as I have found through research, was nothing new to the democratic party. In the end, I will point out that the color of one's skin has no bearing on the shade of one's character, or even, lack there of. I voted for Bill Clinton, and seen him lie to our nation. I voted twice for Obamma, and seen him do nothing for this nation. Those actions were enough for me to do research, what I have seen is a lot of people that are fighting for privilege and special treatment, the minorities claim discrimination, yet, they discriminate, I hear young children scream for socialism, yet, the Nazi's were socialists. There are so many horrors in our world, yet, our nation has the fewest, and still, there are protests about social injustice, and then people who support our President, who work for all of us are being harassed in public by mobs of white, over privileged kids, while black on black murder happens all to often, and so we blame the white man, does that really make sense to you, to blame someone that is not the culprit. To me it does not, all the more pity, is that we are free, until someone thinks that being offensive is a crime. While Opinion is a right, forcing it is not. I would hope that what I say would give others a moment to actually think for themselves, to consider what I say, not as rule, as an idea of true freedom, especially when the true corruption is with the politicians on capitol hill who think that they are our bosses, that their word is law. Look to your constitution and you will find freedom in every word.
I am Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic, there are no Russians in my family.Well we have just heard from the Russian perspective...
That doesn't change the perspectiveI am Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic, there are no Russians in my family.
That is the American perspective. Expressed pretty damn well.Well we have just heard from the Russian perspective...
NO! Why in the hell would anyone want to be mutilated into looking like the opposite sex, and a child thinking they are another sex, kids do not even know what they want to begin with. Seriously, there is no such thing as a sex change, you can not alter the human body to operate against genetics, until we can actually change someone at a genetic level and form fully functional sex organs, surgery is extremely dangerous and hormones even make people suicidal, seriously dangerous.Ok. Good topic today.
Should "trans children" be put on hormone blockers?