Jordan Peterson

Tell us more about “Jewish supremacy”

If you don’t want to you can just post a link to David duke’s website since he talks about it too

Glad you’re on their side and not mine, virgin


I recommend you don't listen to the song and get triggered, then, again.
So cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy theory blaming Jews for riling minorities to destroy western civilization?
Holy shit, you finally get it.

Maybe this definition will help with your comprehension.

In the context of Peterson's usage it refers to people who believe dogmatically in neo feminist (let's say 3rd wave for simplicity), anti-capitalist dogma.

The philosophical tradition which gave rise to modern feminist theories is tightly allied with queer, gender, critical race theories and others, all under the heading of "Postmodernism." These movements are so called because they reject standard modernist principles such as objective truth, humanistic individualism and the Western philosophical canon in general.

In their place, these philosophies suggest a worldview based on subjective definitions of reality, and attempts to "deconstruct" oppressive, western systems of thought which have been used to dominate minorities, women, transgendered people, etc.

Part of their rejection of western thought includes a rejection of capitalism, based on largely the same principles, though that's actually self contradictory for a group that doesn't believe in objective truths (like dialectical materialism). Following the Marxist school of thought, these people believe in a division of society based on its power structures, harkening back to Marx's division between burgeoise and proletariat.
Denying reality is all you can do at this point
Lets talk reality.

Where has Jordan Peterson ever said anything negative towards Jews? Post a quote.
Where in that article that Peterson tweeted, does it say anything to do with Jews? Post the line.
Where has Peterson ever condoned the far-right or alt-right? Post the quote.

You are so far up your own ass you've lost all track of reality.
Lets talk reality.

Where has Jordan Peterson ever said anything negative towards Jews? Post a quote.
Where in that article that Peterson tweeted, does it say anything to do with Jews? Post the line.
Where has Peterson ever condoned the far-right or alt-right? Post the quote.

You are so far up your own ass you've lost all track of reality.
Peterson posted an article about cultural Marxism, a conspiracy theory that posits that Jews are riling minorities into destroying western civilization

He does shows with leaders of neo nazi paramilitary groups without condemning their nazi views

These facts are irrefutable, so all you are left with is reality denial
Peterson posted an article about cultural Marxism, a conspiracy theory that posits that Jews are riling minorities into destroying western civilization

He does shows with leaders of neo nazi paramilitary groups without condemning their nazi views

These facts are irrefutable, so all you are left with is reality denial
Unable to post anything feasible I see.

Where in that article about cultural marxism does it say anything about Jews? It doesn't. Cultural Marxism is about an ideology that seeks to destroy western societal norms; not races.

As demonstrated, Gavin McInnes isn't in a paramilitary group and he's not a nazi. He's an idiot provocateur who started the "proud boys", an alt-right, pseudo-frat.

Just refuted them, sparkplug. I see you were unable to respond to my post though... funny about that.
Huh? I'm simply asking what the bull is and what the facts are. You alluded to these things as though they were self explanatory so I was hoping for some more.

Well I'm not creating a list. But in one lecture (I forget which & when) he said that the Garden of Eden story is memories from when we lived in trees.

This is ridiculous. By this reasoning the story of the blonde girl, and the three bears are memories of when we lived in caves, and displaced the bears that lived in them. In reality the Eden story borrows elements of older mythos from ancient Sumeria.

Investigate what he says. Do not be taken in by word play.
Unable to post anything feasible I see.

Where in that article about cultural marxism does it say anything about Jews? It doesn't. Cultural Marxism is about an ideology that seeks to destroy western societal norms; not races.

As demonstrated, Gavin McInnes isn't in a paramilitary group and he's not a nazi. He's an idiot provocateur who started the "proud boys", an alt-right, pseudo-frat.

Just refuted them, sparkplug. I see you were unable to respond to my post though... funny about that.
Cultural Marxism is a nazi conspiracy theory and the proud boys are a neo nazi paramilitary group

You are only left with reality denial
Cultural Marxism is a nazi conspiracy theory and the proud boys are a neo nazi paramilitary group

You are only left with reality denial

"Cultural Marxism can be a controversial term—some assert there’s no such thing, and others use the term as a catch-all for anything they see as undermining society. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Cultural Marxism is often linked to an insistence upon political correctness, multiculturalism, and perpetual attacks on the foundations of culture: the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc. Cultural Marxists are assumed to be committed to establishing economic Marxism, in which case their cultural attacks are a necessary preparation for their ultimate goal."

There are some hate-groups that have used the term as well, but they're not talking about the same things obviously. Well, obvious for almost everyone... but not for ole sparkplug....

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
"Cultural Marxism can be a controversial term—some assert there’s no such thing, and others use the term as a catch-all for anything they see as undermining society. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Cultural Marxism is often linked to an insistence upon political correctness, multiculturalism, and perpetual attacks on the foundations of culture: the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc. Cultural Marxists are assumed to be committed to establishing economic Marxism, in which case their cultural attacks are a necessary preparation for their ultimate goal."

There are some hate-groups that have used the term as well, but they're not talking about the same things obviously. Well, obvious for almost everyone... but not for ole sparkplug....

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Jordan Peterson complains about cultural Marxism.

So does David duke
Jordan Peterson complains about cultural Marxism.

So does David duke
so do you....

any way im still waiting on those disgusting tweets mcinnes posted that peterson should have known about and abmonished him about on the the one show they did together.......

and thats ignoring the fact that peterson isnt responsible for another persons life work
******cute stuff******
so no evidence on why you freaked out for something like 10 pages about why peterson should have admonished mcinnies for having a paramilitary nazi organization that didnt exist when peterson did the one interview?

come on now....

we're waiting for this
so no evidence on why you freaked out for something like 10 pages about why peterson should have admonished mcinnies for having a paramilitary nazi organization that didnt exist when peterson did the one interview?

come on now....

we're waiting for this
