Civil Discourse

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Well-Known Member
I'd rather "suck shit" than beg for "equitable wealth distribution." Do something worth something if you want some money.
You’re not gonna have that chance

Businesses aren’t setting up in sparsely populated, poorly educated, rusted out shitholes like where you live

They are going to diverse, well educated liberal areas of the nation

Enjoy clinging to your bible and guns and antipathy towards immigrants

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Redistribution of tax dollars in a fair and equitable manner is not theft, most wealthy people pay less taxes on a percentage basis than the middle class here, not sure about there. You are a racist of the worst kind as you feel not only superior to a lower income demographic, you want to take away the one thing that may break the cycle you keep saying is their fault, keeping in mind we are talking about children. You also have yet to explain how they’ve caused their plight in any way. Please explain why a poor child should not be entitled to the same fully funded public education as a rich child?

So, forcibly taking something that other people created isn't theft if you give it to a poor person eh?

No person, child or otherwise is entitled to money forcibly taken from another person who is the rightful owner of the money.

You really don't see the gun you like to wield do you ? Sad.


Well-Known Member
You’re not gonna have that chance

Businesses aren’t setting up in sparsely populated, poorly educated, rusted out shitholes like where you live

They are going to diverse, well educated liberal areas of the nation

Enjoy clinging to your bible and guns and antipathy towards immigrants
Ya, except I live in a city, with diverse people in my own household, and I'm not religious, and I had to give up my guns while I am growing under Michigan law. You are pretty much wrong about everything you think you know about me. I absolutely love many Mexican and black people. They love me.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How is letting every child in the country have the same level of education using tax dollars stealing? So your all for keeping the disadvantaged poorly educated by the unfair distribution of funding then? Only rich kids deserve a fully funded education is your ideal of a just society then?

Taking things that don't belong to you without the consent of the owner is stealing.

That's how.

If you don't have that right (you don't) you can't possibly delegate a nonexistent right to others, even If the others suffer from a delusion that because they call themselves "government" they are exempt from things we are not exempt from.

You will not address what I just said, since what I just said is irrefutably correct and mathematically provable.

You're welcome.


Well-Known Member
Ya, except I live in a city, with diverse people in my own household, and I'm not religious, and I had to give up my guns while I am growing under Michigan law. You are pretty much wrong about everything you think you know about me. I absolutely love many Mexican and black people. They love me.
@cuckedinmichigan do you think your hatred of women has anything to with you not procreating?


Well-Known Member
Taking things that don't belong to you without the consent of the owner is stealing.

That's how.

If you don't have that right (you don't) you can't possibly delegate a nonexistent right to others, even If the others suffer from a delusion that because they call themselves "government" they are exempt from things we are not exempt from.

You will not address what I just said, since what I just said is irrefutably correct and mathematically provable.

You're welcome.
Always glad to have you around for teaching the basics.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someday. I think human rights aught to extend to the unborn.
You said you were libertarian and against authoritarian government yet here is one of the most authoritarian government acts one can consider. The government ordering a woman to carry the baby to term is an incredibly invasive action to affect the woman's entire life. It's an order that only affects the woman, not the man, so there it is also an action that enforces an inequality between the sexes. It is an imposition on the freedom of a woman both in terms of safety and her future well being. If the child could survive without parasitizing her body or cause any further harm to the woman at the time she decides she isn't willing to carry it, then you might have a point.


Well-Known Member
You said you were libertarian and against authoritarian government yet here is one of the most authoritarian government acts one can consider. The government ordering a woman to carry the baby to term is an incredibly invasive action to affect the woman's entire life. It's an order that only affects the woman, not the man, so there it is also an action that enforces an inequality between the sexes. It is an imposition on the freedom of a woman both in terms of safety and her future well being. If the child could survive without parasitizing her body or cause any further harm to the woman at the time she decides she isn't willing to carry it, then you might have a point.
Once you concede that the unborn child is an individual with rights, I think a good argument can be made that the child's right to live trumps the mother's right to not be "parasitized."


Well-Known Member
Once you concede that the unborn child is an individual with rights, I think a good argument can be made that the child's right to live trumps the mother's right to not be "parasitized."
So then make that argument, dummy. This is supposed civil discourse.

I'm staking the position that the government does not have the right to force a woman to carry a fertilized egg until it can survive outside her body. I begin with the point that a woman has the right to decide what to do with her body including whether or not to carry it to term. If the mass of cells feeding off the woman that you call a child could survive outside her body then maybe you'd have an argument.

What forcing a woman to carry to term does is perpetuate inequality between men and women. Bring that up at a date and how you support that. Your field of available women will drop by about 75%.
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