Civil Discourse

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That is super gross if it is true. Surely a "hate crime." You should turn him in.
We’re going golfing tomorrow and I’m sure I’ll have a good laugh about the half a dozen white pregnancies he purposely misdiagnosed into abortions this week over a bowl and a beer

Relax buddy, still plenty of whites out there even though they’re being rapidly outbred by minorities. You’ve still got a decade or so until minorities outnumber whites
I like watching white women abort their babies. I have a buddy who misdiagnoses healthy white pregnancies as ectopic to force them into abortions. It’s fucking hilarious. He never does it for non-white pregnancies, says he is adherent of white genocide

I love that guy
I’m no lawyer but if that’s true you’ve just incriminated yourself and your buddy in a pretty serious crime ........ just sayin :o!
Im against federal funding of schools period. I think local folks should make the best with what they have and not steal from other people.
How is letting every child in the country have the same level of education using tax dollars stealing? So your all for keeping the disadvantaged poorly educated by the unfair distribution of funding then? Only rich kids deserve a fully funded education is your ideal of a just society then?
We’re going golfing tomorrow and I’m sure I’ll have a good laugh about the half a dozen white pregnancies he purposely misdiagnosed into abortions this week over a bowl and a beer

Relax buddy, still plenty of whites out there even though they’re being rapidly outbred by minorities. You’ve still got a decade or so until minorities outnumber whites
You really need to examine yourself. Get honest. Forgive. Grow up.
How is letting every child in the country have the same level of education using tax dollars stealing? So your all for keeping the disadvantaged poorly educated by the unfair distribution of funding then? Only rich kids deserve a fully funded education is your ideal of a just society then?
Redistribution of wealth is stealing by definition. Just because you like the idea of what it is supposed to be used for, doesn't mean it isn't stealing. It costs barely anything to get a world class education today. Nobody is failing because they don't have enough money handed to them or spent on them. They're failing because their famiIies are broken and angry, and they haven't learned to have moral character or personal responsibility.
Redistribution of wealth is stealing by definition. Just because you like the idea of what it is supposed to be used for, doesn't mean it isn't stealing. It costs barely anything to get a world class education today. Nobody is failing because they don't have enough money handed to them or spent on them. They're failing because their famiIies are broken and angry, and they haven't learned to have moral character or personal responsibility.
So all the failing whites in dilapidated red states just lack character?
Redistribution of wealth is stealing by definition. Just because you like the idea of what it is supposed to be used for, doesn't mean it isn't stealing. It costs barely anything to get a world class education today. Nobody is failing because they don't have enough money handed to them or spent on them. They're failing because their famiIies are broken and angry, and they haven't learned to have moral character or personal responsibility.
Redistribution of tax dollars in a fair and equitable manner is not theft, most wealthy people pay less taxes on a percentage basis than the middle class here, not sure about there. You are a racist of the worst kind as you feel not only superior to a lower income demographic, you want to take away the one thing that may break the cycle you keep saying is their fault, keeping in mind we are talking about children. You also have yet to explain how they’ve caused their plight in any way. Please explain why a poor child should not be entitled to the same fully funded public education as a rich child?
Redistribution of tax dollars in a fair and equitable manner is not theft, most wealthy people pay less taxes on a percentage basis than the middle class here, not sure about there. You are a racist of the worst kind as you feel not only superior to a lower income demographic, you want to take away the one thing that may break the cycle you keep saying is their fault, keeping in mind we are talking about children. You also have yet to explain how they’ve caused their plight in any way. Please explain why a poor child should not be entitled to the same fully funded public education as a rich child?
Some things aren't fair.
The best part is that diverse, blue areas of the nation are getting wealthier while rusting, decaying white areas of the country are getting poorer and poorer

Pretty soon the very civil klanman is gonna be sucking shit and begging for more equitable wealth distribution

Dumb short sighted racists are dumb
We’ve danced this dance before so you know my stance but I’ll explain it again. Our society/government has decided that 12 is too young to give consent, right or wrong in your pedo mind, it is the law and if you can’t abide by it, in my and pretty much everyone’s world but a pedo, your a criminal of the worst kind.

Didn't your government also decide that your consent or lack thereof doesn't really matter to them, when it comes to aspects of your own body ? Your own property ? (those are rhetorical questions btw...not you'd answer them anyhow)

Odd that you would cite their instructions as something to follow for a guideline concerning what is and isn't consent, since they exempt themselves from having to have your consent in order to fuck you anyway they decide.
Like the fact that whites aren’t reproducing fast enough to replace their current population, much less keep up with minority reproductive rates

Gonna really suck when you’re the minority and getting the short end up of the stick, eh Casper?

I hadn't thought about that. Seems like a pretty racist outlook. I will be fine. I have strong moral character and good work ethic.
The best part is that diverse, blue areas of the nation are getting wealthier while rusting, decaying white areas of the country are getting poorer and poorer

Pretty soon the very civil klanman is gonna be sucking shit and begging for more equitable wealth distribution

Dumb short sighted racists are dumb
I'd rather "suck shit" than beg for "equitable wealth distribution." Do something worth something if you want some money.
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