Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?


Well-Known Member
In my defense his wife did come in here and say she was fat and invented some fiction about a Mexican super rapist

You are really driven by me you poor kid. I invade your every thought.

Shame you can’t read or comprehend much. And have no experience actually doing anything but banging nails into planks.

Your opinion holds no actual respect and you are only known to lie here and on other sites.

Now tell everyone how smart and successful your spoiled white ass is again.


Well-Known Member
You are really driven by me you poor kid. I invade your every thought.

Shame you can’t read or comprehend much. And have no experience actually doing anything but banging nails into planks.

Your opinion holds no actual respect and you are only known to lie here and on other sites.

Now tell everyone how smart and successful your spoiled white ass is again.
Maybe if I get addicted to meth and a part time job as a used car salesman I will get the respect I’ve always been looking for


Well-Known Member
You talk nonstop about everything in your life including every detail of your live in partner. Once you let it out here, it's fair game. I haven't insulted your wife but I guess you can't keep it all straight given how many people insult you from all angles.

It's true, you aren't very smart. I'm not smart too, so you are at least right about me not being perceptive.

You insulted her after 2 weeks of them doing it poor follower-dog.

You never admit any mistake but make them continually.

And I never gave any details of our relationship but length. You assume everything. See Benny Hill for the definition fake intellectual dog in a fog.


Well-Known Member
You insulted her after 2 weeks of them doing it poor follower-dog.

You never admit any mistake but make them continually.

And I never gave any details of our relationship but length. You assume everything. See Benny Hill for the definition fake intellectual dog in a fog.
Oh, I insult you with every post, I'll own that. But not your live-in partner.

What did I say that applied directly to her?


Well-Known Member
Didn't he get fired from that salesman job?

I hear it wasn't his fault.
I got paid $450 for 6.5 hours work on Friday turning a window into a door on a second story deck I built

Still saved the company money from what they would have paid their other door and window sub

Now I get all of those jobs in the future

It was my fault because I do great work


Well-Known Member
Maybe if I get addicted to meth and a part time job as a used car salesman I will get the respect I’ve always been looking for

You mean used car manager of a multi franchise dealership with multiple locations.

It was a six figure job even 25 years ago and you could never handle it. You are an unskilled laborer. Even with all the white privilege you have had.

You would qualify for lot boy with your resume. If you still possess a drivers liscense. I am guessing you may have lost that already.

Guess you hated what you had so much you thought you would drink it all away until you could latch on to the right women who would let you keep drinking in front of her computer.

Very telling how much you brag about your success while putting everyone else down but a few internet frauds like yourself.


Well-Known Member
You mean used car manager of a multi franchise dealership with multiple locations.

It was a six figure job even 25 years ago and you could never handle it. You are an unskilled laborer. Even with all the white privilege you have had.

You would qualify for lot boy with your resume. If you still possess a drivers liscense. I am guessing you may have lost that already.

Guess you hated what you had so much you thought you would drink it all away until you could latch on to the right women who would let you keep drinking in front of her computer.

Very telling how much you brag about your success while putting everyone else down but a few internet frauds like yourself.
Lol, used car salesman


Well-Known Member
I got paid $450 for 6.5 hours work on Friday turning a window into a door on a second story deck I built

Still saved the company money from what they would have paid their other door and window sub

Now I get all of those jobs in the future

It was my fault because I do great work

Wow. You cut a hole into a bigger hole. And as always proud to rip off the customer. What a great humanist!

And if you did it for someone else. They got paid the 450. You still get 11 bucks an hour as a framer.


Well-Known Member
Wow. You cut a hole into a bigger hole. And as always proud to rip off the customer. What a great humanist!

And if you did it for someone else. They got paid the 450. You still get 11 bucks an hour as a framer.
Contractors get paid by the job, not by the hour. Clearly used car salesman was your crowning achievement in life


Well-Known Member
Your second point is exactly how I understood it when he said it. Media and dems jumping on it and pulling the racist card. It’s getting old and quite frankly people are catching on to it.
There’s video of Obama using the term no one called him a racist. It was used in the same way denoting chaos.

Except for Hillary's emails Hey ? That's not Old for Trumpsters Yet ? Huh and then there's Obama. Oh I see you know that already. As that seems to be the norm when Trump Shows how much of a Terrible Person he is. " Every single time." It's Unreal how you can see one side, and the other seems fine.
How can that Be ?

Please feel free to show your increases in the PayCheck you get.

Also I want to see the Tax Cuts When available.

Food Prices are up and Gas Prices too isn't that always happening while the big guy sucks in the doe, We certainly haven't got raises to keep up with the economy.

No Health Care for Millions Soon and where is the, "So Many Choices it will make our Heads Spin" We are heads are Spinning along with that Swamped Drain.

You seem like a pretty mellow person, It's okay to Change you Mind, Just Like Most good People here have the choice of.