I have some pretty rare stuff from my dad. I have an entire manilla envelope stuffed full of seeds. Individual packs. Some have like 5. Some have 10 or 12. And some have 60 to 70. Theres around 800 beans in it, jus guessing off the top of my head. Marked 1981-1983. And I have 13 of those folders all labeled different years, the '81 to '83 is jus the biggest folder. That's why it stuck out. Some of them are smaller like the size of license plate wide. And 6 or 7 inches long. Some have like only 50 beans total... All seeds from my dad collecting. I inherited it and around 19 grand worth of debt. From his house mortgage and truck payment when he passed. But anyway. Alot of it he used masking tape. To write on what they were. With pencil some with pen. I guess just whatever he had at the time. The masking tape got brittle and broke off. The pencil Mark's faded off and turned yellow. And you cant read them not all of them but some. I'm sure there some special stuff in them. And probably stuff that isnt around anymore. I'm hoping down the road when it become a norm like smoking a cigarette or those vapes. And 30 years my son can have some wicked stuff that's his granddads. Bc my dad passed about 6 months before my son was born. And my daughter is 2 years younger than him. So neither got the chance to know him. Maybe one day before I'm gone and it's cool when hes older I can run one with him like my dad did when i younger. Of my dads stuff. Like 3 generations of knowledge and whatnot passed down. Idk jus think itd be cool.