Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

The trolling until the member leaves or gets triggered too much and gets banned.

I didn’t come in here and start posting this way nor would I anywhere else.

But I upset the wrong person and the rules don’t apply.
You drag this site down. People come here for their own entertainment and you just drag the whole thing down. Derail threads, fill them with your witless remarks and Debby Downer crybaby wailing. I can see why, for no real offense you would be moved along. You stopped posting political dialogue a long time ago. For that reason alone, I'd ban you. The game is to increase traffic and your boring, witless, complaining, defensive, racist, narcissistic whining causes the opposite. There is no obligation to keep you around. If you don't add something to the site, the site might decide to just give you the axe. It's probably why you've been canned from every job you've ever had.

I say this honestly and with no acrimony. You are boring and I see no reason why this site should keep you around.
You drag this site down. People come here for their own entertainment and you just drag the whole thing down. Derail threads, fill them with your witless remarks and Debby Downer crybaby wailing. I can see why, for no real offense you would be moved along. You stopped posting political dialogue a long time ago. For that reason alone, I'd ban you. The game is to increase traffic and your boring, witless, complaining, defensive, racist, narcissistic whining causes the opposite. There is no obligation to keep you around. If you don't add something to the site, the site might decide to just give you the axe. It's probably why you've been canned from every job you've ever had.

I say this honestly and with no acrimony. You are boring and I see no reason why this site should keep you around.

Your rediculous slander is key in how I post here.

There was no way to engage in an adult conversation. It’s like talking to drunk children.