Greenpoint seeds!!

Idk , I'm really still on the fence with the breeding argument, I understand people put in a lot of time and don't want it copied, but at the same time does anybody really own a plant or strain that God put here for everybody to share. I'm sure somebody put in some work on the chem strains before chemdog or jj or whoever got there hands on it down the line. There's just to many angles to look at it.
Beer companies specially select hops, barely, malt, and yeast, they come very close to ownership of strains, particularly with yeast. Not sayin it's right but its there.
2 lvtk along with the og and mk cuts at 7 days of 12/12. some time in the next two weeks they'll get a good stripping and spread out and then it'll be autopilot to the finish line.

the lvtk is fairly hearty and easy to grow. isn't fussy about feeding and the thrips seemed to prefer the og and mk, which is actually a great thing in my space since i can't seem to go more than a single run without seeing them again. it also clones easily. the clones in the 4.5" pots below were taken 16 days ago and have rooted and doubled in size.

the two plants from clone are throwing pistils already, but nothing from the lvtk yet.

so far so good with the hydro research veg+bloom. clones still get jacks 321.


[QUOTE="Gu~, post: 144463

Some extra insight since I'm pulling the curtains back. Your favorite breeders sell their packs of seeds for $35 to the seedbanks. Hence most of the money you pay goes directly to the seedbanks and not the breeders. So who are you actually supporting?[/QUOTE]

You got that right ~gu, i'm friends with a small time breeder that tests alot for mycotek.He does a bang up job,tests himself and others test for him as well, and was approached by a very well known seedbank.He was offered 20$ for a pk of 10.He told him to kick rocks and went with another seed bank,that retails them for a 100 a pk

I don't mind saying that I successfully avoided all of that. You only go around once....may as well make it easy peasy. You ever hear of my store bought spaghetti sauce method of weed growing?
I had a buddy try to guilt me because I was "self employed, cough cough.." and he was working 60 hour weeks. He told me, "the best type of man I know is a man that'll work his fingers to the bone."

I said fuck that! Keep your over time, I'll find the easiest route every time. Smarter, not harder.
I had a buddy try to guilt me because I was "self employed, cough cough.." and he was working 60 hour weeks. He told me, "the best type of man I know is a man that'll work his fingers to the bone."

I said fuck that! Keep your over time, I'll find the easiest route every time. Smarter, not harder.
My dad always told me it's better to use your head than to give it!!!!!
Trim is done. Ready for the chop.

I already took some samples from this california cannon and it is the hammer. Not for the faint hearted or for those with things to do.

Terps are really nice. Acetone over earthy floral notes. Very loud.

:lol::lol::lol: Im so bad at describing smells but thats the best way i can haha

My cookies n chem are mainly fruit/cookie dom. Only had one lemon smeller of 6 females.
Just to state my opinion.
About 20 years ago I was involved with some excellent people from Washington who were working Dutch strains.

I got to the same point in two packs of Greenpoint seeds, that took them 10 years to achieve.

I am blessed.

It is interesting how breeders want to be paid for their efforts and not their product. Go to the store and get yourself a participation trophy is you need it, shit. Who gives a crap if you spent 5-10 years on one seed line that isn't that great? That's your fault. We are paying for the seeds and their worth, not your efforts. Most breeders need to get that through their heads.
My cookies n chem are mainly fruit/cookie dom. Only had one lemon smeller of 6 females.

It is interesting how breeders want to be paid for their efforts and not their product. Go to the store and get yourself a participation trophy is you need it, shit. Who gives a crap if you spent 5-10 years on one seed line that isn't that great? That's your fault. We are paying for the seeds and their worth, not your efforts. Most breeders need to get that through their heads.

I'd say that GPS packs are generally sold for what they're worth, around $30 shipped. ~$2.50/seed. Wouldn't pay a dime more, and frankly I'm never buying another pack. Got done dirty on the nuggets last double nugget weekend. You could argue they're worth more or less and you'd be right. It's all relative.

I picked up a few packs of lvtk at $49 a pop a while back, paid less than what they're worth to me. Got 19 seeds, ~$8/fem seed. Woulda paid full price no problem, ~$16/fem seed, as I have with a couple packs of his pure ghost.

I just ordered a few packs of jetfuel gelato crosses, paid $120 for 13 fem seeds a pack. ~$9/fem seed. Feel like I got a deal, would've paid $250+ a pack if I had to.

Some of you might not be able to fathom paying that much for seeds, others (myself included) have probably spent hundreds on a pack and been happy. People only pay what they're willing to for anything, not just seeds.

Other breeders aren't better or worse because of the price of their seeds. Gu controls the price of his seeds because he's been able to grow an infrastructure to do so. Some breeders are selling packs direct for much lower prices than you'll find at a seed bank. It's not greed that makes other seeds more expensive, it's how the world works. Very few companies handle their own distribution directly to the consumer. If they do it's usually not at a discount, most of the time it's what other retailers are charging or more.

If you guys wanna slobber on gu's nuts for properly appraising his seeds' value go right ahead and act like he's doing you a favor. Just like he posted earlier, we've paid for his home and supported his family recently. He's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, he's doing it for the same reason everyone else tried to make money.

Not a slam on GPS, just the fanboyism putting these seeds on some sort of a pedestal purely on price compared to others got to me.
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I'd say that GPS packs are generally sold for what they're worth, around $30 shipped. ~$2.50/seed. Wouldn't pay a dime more, and frankly I'm never buying another pack. Got done dirty on the nuggets last double nugget weekend. You could argue they're worth more or less and you'd be right. It's all relative.

I picked up a few packs of lvtk at $49 a pop a while back, paid less than what they're worth to me. Got 19 seeds, ~$8/fem seed. Woulda paid full price no problem, ~$16/fem seed, as I have with a couple packs of his pure ghost.

I just ordered a few packs of jetfuel gelato crosses, paid $120 for 13 fem seeds a pack. ~$9/fem seed. Feel like I got a deal, would've paid $150+ a pack if I had to.

Some of you might not be able to fathom paying that much for seeds, others (myself included) have probably spent hundreds on a pack and been happy.

Other breeders aren't better or worse because of the price of their seeds. Gu controls the price of his seeds because he's been able to grow an infrastructure to do so. Some breeders are selling packs direct for much lower prices than you'll find at a seed bank. It's not greed that makes other seeds more expensive, it's how the world works. Very few companies handle their own distribution directly to the consumer. If they do it's usually not at a discount, most of the time it's what other retailers are charging or more.

If you guys wanna slobber on gu's nuts for properly appraising his seeds' value go right ahead and act like he's doing you a favor. People only pay what they're willing to for anything, not just seeds.

Not a slam on GPS, just the fanboyism putting these seeds on some sort of a pedestal purely on price compared to others got to me.

Well I would say you are wrong on the one point, this is not how the world works and yes, it is simply greed why the packs cost so much from other companies. wether the greed is with the breeder or the bank, it doesn't matter to the customer. The customer ends up paying the price. As the producer of those seeds, you need to take care of business and make sure they are somewhere people can get em and not bitch and moan you made a bad deal with the vendor for your own product.

Breeders have these outrageous prices justified because people sell the products from the plants. It's like subcool of old saying hey 75 bucks for 5 seeds is a deal because you can grow the plant and one ounce is like 300 bucks and then you can clone it and sell he assumes everyone sells.

So if it came down to GPS having a strain or another bank, not a question where I go, even if it was same price because of the great service GPS offers. Oh then you throw in that it is a better price by a longshot. Well thats business and why GPS is better. That last part is a fact, if GPS has a better price and the same strain, I do believe you would be dumb to purchase elsewhere.

edit: If packs were sold for what they're worth at GPS, then why are people bitching about him. They should be saying oh my seeds are better since they sell for higher???? Someone just posted that breeders are complaining he releases elite strains and ruins their price points with his being way lower.
If you guys wanna slobber on gu's nuts for properly appraising his seeds' value go right ahead and act like he's doing you a favor. Just like he posted earlier, we've paid for his home and supported his family recently. He's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, he's doing it for the same reason everyone else tried to make money.

This is interesting and let me say this one point because some people don't understand business.

Ok so Gu definitely knew that bringing a price point that everyone can afford, will attract everyone. Re-sellers, medical people, you name it they will buy it if the seeds are what they want for the price. So while in that business idea/plan, it will naturally attract people who will be grateful for the prices he offers since not all people sell, and this also does have medical uses for peoples needs. So lives will be changed, no matter how few or how many by people being able to afford the seeds now. That is pretty huge to some. So he gets that praise as well as making a great living because........HE OUTSMARTED HIS COMPETITION-not said in shouting, meant to be the drive home point. sorry if that is a little jumbled but I think most can derive what I mean.