does smoking weed cause receding gums?

Started late did you Shrubber? Only import weed around in them days. So you been smokin maroccan and soapbar with 2 ciggys per spliff No wonder we can't see your brain
first year i smoked we got good shit from my buddies brother who brought it back from the navy. said he got it in the Philippines, but who knows where it originally came from. after that was about 5 years of mexican brick weed before i moved to Tn. The boys down the road lived Copperhead road for real, brought back a big ol bag of Viet Namese landrace seeds, grew them up in the hollers. i got in with them and they taught me how to grow outside, did that for years, till my patch got sold to developers who built cabins on i moved inside about 4 years ago. different game, most of the 4 years i've been learning how inside is a lot different than outside

p.s. you can't see my brain because i killed it years ago, now i'm zombie proof
Dude, respect.Guess you're over the pond. I was lucky(?) but most Brits didn't have a clue about green-climate didn't help. I learned my trade studying sub tropical agronomy down under after I was deported for stealing a loaf of bread.
I brush 4 times a day and floss every night. I smoke king size joint every day half in the morning and other half at night. Was thinking to switch to vaporizer not sure if that helps?
Little known fact: smoking weed actually does th opposite, in fact i have a friend who used to smoke those exact papers, and his gums completely overcame his teeth and he had to have surgery! By the time they operated, there were only small nubs of teeth left protruding!
Smoking weed will not cause this! Kissing dirty bitches who have been on a cock sucking marathon will. Also, if you're the gay that will definitely cause your issue. Or if you have kissed anyone who has gingivitis that will do it too. Or you could have periodontal disease. Not drinking enough water will do it. Dry/cotton mouth will do this. Brushing your teeth like you're pounding your peckah will do it as well. There are so many variables to that question, its definitely not the weed it self! Or you could just go to a fucking dentist. No health insurance no problem. Genital dental has new patient specials 49.99 for cleaning & xrays.
Smoking weed will not cause this! Kissing dirty bitches who have been on a cock sucking marathon will. Also, if you're the gay that will definitely cause your issue. Or if you have kissed anyone who has gingivitis that will do it too. Or you could have periodontal disease. Not drinking enough water will do it. Dry/cotton mouth will do this. Brushing your teeth like you're pounding your peckah will do it as well. There are so many variables to that question, its definitely not the weed it self! Or you could just go to a fucking dentist. No health insurance no problem. Genital dental has new patient specials 49.99 for cleaning & xrays.

Well done Sir. LOL.
If you have gum issues, it is important to use a Listerine type after brushing rinse. Your dentist can suggest one.

Orrrrrr op could just buy listerine it self lmao. You have really got to be a special kind of stoooped if you have to ask a dentist to recommend a mouth wash. I personally like act over listerine. Does the same thing, actually helps more than listerine but you dont have to worry about your breath smelling like rubiknof vodka after!
I brush 4 times a day and floss every night. I smoke king size joint every day half in the morning and other half at night. Was thinking to switch to vaporizer not sure if that helps?

You smoke in a day what I would have before getting out of bed, the only benefit you'll get from vaping is saving your lungs from smoke.