Another white male goes on a shooting spree

He was mentally ill and had been treated and yadda yadda yadda. Because he was white and of means obviously. Had he been Latrelle from da hood he would have been diagnosed with ADHD and antisocial behavior starting at 6. By 9 handcuffed and tased.

Stop beating around the bush and say you think he had white man's narcissism disease which is falsely labeled autism.

"Research has found that even pediatricians and other medical experts continue to labor under the delusion that autism is primarily a disorder among white children."

Replace the lie delusion with fact and there's your answer.

Read more support for you hate here.
Stop beating around the bush and say you think he had white man's narcissism disease which is falsely labeled autism.

"Research has found that even pediatricians and other medical experts continue to labor under the delusion that autism is primarily a disorder among white children."

Replace the lie delusion with fact and there's your answer.

Read more support for you hate here.
Blow me, you fucking twit. I deal with hard reality. Something you've obviously avoided.
Blow me, you fucking twit. I deal with hard reality. Something you've obviously avoided.

For some reason autism is becoming more prevalent even in Japan where vaccines especially MMR is banned It's still rising.

There are over 500,000 hikikomori in Japan who obviously have some sort of autism. But instead of dealing with the problem they allow them to play video games all day rather than get subjected with their outbursts and risk them committing shooting sprees.

Minorities have the problem too but won't admit it because they perceive it as a white man's disease of shame. So those kids mostly commit suicide after their community slaps them into submission.

This is why your claims of racism which are instead classism issues are bullshit. Even if your wet dream happened and a virus which only targeted white alt-right racists eliminated them all, afterwards you'd realise the root of the problem never went away.

The longer you alt-left twits live in denial will only make the problem worse and harder to correct.

Have a nice day. Thoughts and prayers from the Buddha. Tashi dalek.
Stop beating around the bush and say you think he had white man's narcissism disease which is falsely labeled autism.

"Research has found that even pediatricians and other medical experts continue to labor under the delusion that autism is primarily a disorder among white children."

Replace the lie delusion with fact and there's your answer.

Read more support for you hate here.

it's called the 'engineers disease'.
see? remember..we're all on the same team even though there are those who will divide us..anyone comes to our shores and we stand shoulder to shoulder..for we are American.
Harlye was being nice.

I'm being nice too. The only way to get through to your "moderate" lefty brothers and sisters is wacking them over the head with the stick of enlightenment everytime they suggest more division and forcing others to one point of view rather than inclusion for all. Notice how we both liked her comment even though he saw my like first? Eh Mr. Divider?
I'm being nice too. The only way to get through to your "moderate" lefty brothers and sisters is wacking them over the head with the stick of enlightenment everytime they suggest more division and forcing others to one point of view rather than inclusion for all. Notice how we both liked her comment even though he saw my like first? Eh Mr. Divider?
You stick to script, I'll give you credit for that.
You stick to script, I'll give you credit for that.

I'm rooting for the day when money doesn't influence the fake manufactured divides between race, culture, sex, religion, and other preferences. But such a world doesn't come about when you hope and rally for such. There needs to be an actual plan, not the use of intimidation by either side. It also doesn't come about waiting for someone else to come up with a solution for you.
I'm rooting for the day when with the right leaders in charge money doesn't influence the fake manufactured divides between race, culture, sex, religion, and other preferences. But such a world doesn't come about when you hope and rally for such. There needs to be great leaders, with a plan, not the use of intimidation by either side. It also doesn't come about waiting for someone else to come up with a solution for you.
I clarified your statement for you to help you state your meaning more precisely. .

Putin sucks, by the way. Can you say that? Say "Putin sucks right wing dick"? Can you say that through the censors on your connection to the internet?

Trump does too. Duterte too. Ortega too.

Fascists are but one kind of totalitarian leadership. They all suck. You strike me as the fascist kind but it really doesn't matter.