Apartment Grow

Any advice would be appreciated @Roger A. Shrubber . I have these seedlings that are over a week old I unknowingly planted them in soiless medium and now they're not growing, I tried feeding them but to no avail. I'm going to transplant them into my usual promix bx tonight , unfortunately I can't transplant into bigger pots cuz I have no where to put them so I'm gonna spoon them out and replant them in the same starter pots.15369538963891305000990731999613.jpg 15369538963891305000990731999613.jpg
promix is soiless medium. if you're feeding them and they aren't growing, they're probably filling those pots with roots. they look pretty healthy to me. if you feel like it's necessary, go ahead, but i think if you give them a few more days, they'll take off again.
nice looking plants man they are looking real fat! yes promix bx is a soiless medium i use that as well, i usually water with a ph of 6 for promix seems to work. the thing about promix is, it has lime to buffer its ph and over time the lime becomes less effective. the peat moss is acidic so the soil will become more acidic over time. i usually just add fertilizer with my water never thought of adding sheep shit. nice stuff man