ganga girls northern grow

Thanks everyone for the good vibes thoughts and prayers. I'm back in the hospital again. Seems they left a stone up in there and I had bleeding from the first surgery. As long as my liver enzymes are lower I get to go home tomorrow. Been feeling pretty crummy as of late so hopefully they fixed me once and for all.

Sorry to hear of this. Hope you find yourself in better health soon !!
2 surgeries later and I finally feel better. I feel once I'm in my garden today I will feel more normal.
Haven't seen the babies in almost a week so I'm super excited.
Thank you all ;)
I'm thinking positive vibes you get to stay outta the f'ing hospital. Nothing like walking through the garden after an absence. just tugging on bud sites and getting your hand on the plants.
2 surgeries later and I finally feel better. I feel once I'm in my garden today I will feel more normal.
Haven't seen the babies in almost a week so I'm super excited.
Thank you all ;)

Good luck with the healing. Take it easy in the garden while you heal. I’d say go at it if you weren’t dealing with TREES!
Enjoy your visit to the garden! Hope all is well there but most importantly I hope the recovery is easy for you!