How would your personal Grow OP look like, with unlimited $$$ ???


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU´ers!!!

Just had a Convo with a Buddy about that there is always a better way/setup you would run with more money, more space and more time. That inspired me to Post that Thread. Just for fun, education and to exchange maybe mind blowing ideas.

Lets say you have (nearly) unlimited $$$, space and time.
how would your personal grow OP look like??? Indoor or Outdoor.
Post your Dream-Grow-Setup and let us be part of your Ideas!


If I would have......
I guess I would run a room with lets say two DE 1000 as headlights and multiple vertical hanging bare 600w bulbs around the plants.
Also would use a CO2 unit, a fucking oversized a/c, and my own colony of killer Insects.
...this I would ultimately combine with a tilapia farm, fed by homegrown salad and selfmade pellets.
All heated and chilled and powerded by the sun and wind and maybe a "block heat and power plant".
I would need a way bigger roof btw.
•1000w HID or LED Equivalent
•Undercurrent Systems W/ Water Chillers
•Nutrient Injection System
•R/O AutoTop off AutoFill Rez
•All In On Ec/PH/Temp Meters
•A/c Dehumidifier Co2 all on controller
•Anti-detection foil below Orca Film
•Auto PH Adjuster Systems
•SCROG Nets (Hanging like HygroHybrids)
•Dust Shrooms
•Fully Perpetual (4 Flower Rooms Min.)
•Mother /Clone Room
•Veg Room
•High Ceiling
•Underground (shipping freight containers is where I looked but unlimited $ I’m building my own custom)
•Concrete Floors with Drainage
•Space To Work
•Can largely monitor and control from my phone.
•Completley Run off Renewable Energy and have a large Battery
• High Quality Water Transfer Pumps
•Water Lines Threaded and faucet
•Professional Electrical

•10’x10’ Custom Boxes With 10’ height(box style) Frames to SCROG For Outdoor Plants.
•Well Feed/Rain Collection system connected to a huge Rez that feeds to a still large but smaller Rez (Where Nutrients would be mixed) That runs a passive drip feed system to all the custom boxes

Perpetual polycarbonate Light Deps
•Concrete Floors
•Auto Pully System for Light Dep Tarps set to Timers
•Breathable Walls
•A/C/ Dehimdifiers set to controller
•Supplement HID Lighting (cloudy days)
•Aeroponics or Coco Drip Feed Drain To waste system (of course perfectly modified for water conservation and stable E/c feedings)
•all run on renewable energy as well

• Sealed Seperate Breeding Rooms
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•1000w HID or LED Equivalent
•Undercurrent Systems W/ Water Chillers
•Nutrient Injection System
•R/O AutoTop off AutoFill Rez
•All In On Ec/PH/Temp Meters
•A/c Dehumidifier Co2 all on controller
•Anti-detection foil below Orca Film
•Auto PH Adjuster Systems
•SCROG Nets (Hanging like HygroHybrids)
•Dust Shrooms
•Fully Perpetual (4 Flower Rooms Min.)
•Mother /Clone Room
•Veg Room
•High Ceiling
•Underground (shipping freight containers is where I looked but unlimited $ I’m building my own custom)
•Concrete Floors with Drainage
•Space To Work
•Can largely monitor and control from my phone.
•Completley Run off Renewable Energy and have a large Battery
• High Quality Water Transfer Pumps
•Water Lines Threaded and faucet
•Professional Electrical

•10’x10’ Custom Boxes With 10’ height(box style) Frames to SCROG For Outdoor Plants.
•Well Feed/Rain Collection system connected to a huge Rez that feeds to a still large but smaller Rez (Where Nutrients would be mixed) That runs a passive drip feed system to all the custom boxes

Perpetual polycarbonate Light Deps
•Concrete Floors
•Auto Pully System for Light Dep Tarps set to Timers
•Breathable Walls
•A/C/ Dehimdifiers set to controller
•Supplement HID Lighting (cloudy days)
•Aeroponics or Coco Drip Feed Drain To waste system (of course perfectly modified for water conservation and stable E/c feedings)
•all run on renewable energy as well

• Sealed Seperate Breeding Rooms
Fuck thats mindblowing Bro!
And 100 points for the details!!!

With unlimited money? Id put a nice 15 foot wall around the 80 acre field behind my grove, throw one plant every 10 feet or so with reservoirs tied into a auto watering system for me to add nutes to each line
Thats how you could do a serious selection run to find a killer outdoor plant Bro. And as a sideproduct you would produce a nice load af buds and extracts!
I love your plan!
The well known Concord grape vine was selected from a batch of 22.000 plants.
Imagine what you can find in 22.000 of our plants.
I wouldn't change much. What I have gives me all the weed I need and allows me to play around with making crosses and trying to learn more about breeding and such. I have no need to grow massive amounts of cannabis. Nor do I want to spend a significant amount of my time taking care of it. I'm happy doing exactly what I am right now.
grain silo, tons of side lighting one really tall plant
Great idea!!

I wouldn't change much. What I have gives me all the weed I need and allows me to play around with making crosses and trying to learn more about breeding and such. I have no need to grow massive amounts of cannabis. Nor do I want to spend a significant amount of my time taking care of it. I'm happy doing exactly what I am right now.
Its ideal to be happy with what you doing.

Its not about growing big amounts of cannabis when I mention those big numbers Bro...its about selection and the possibilities high numbers would bring into the game.​
In every batch of 1000 good drug strain cannabis seeds their is a winner. The problem is to find that winner. You can be lucky find it in the first ten seeds...but thats not usual. So higher numbers higher chance.
Imagine populations in cornbreeding buisness.
If I had the cash to go nuts I'd hire some good grower to grow what I want and be off fishing somewhere where the fish rip up my tackle and leave me breathless! View attachment 4191278

Just got back from a week of fishing. Bluegills where biting with the full moon and all, it was perfect.
But nobody watching the grow which led to dehumidifier overflowing, water everywhere, ugggg!
Forgot to put in the larger reservoir before I left.
Thats the good thing with enough money you can hire a gardener and a whole army of harvest helpers!

Btw I love your avatar @OldMedUser

Yours is kinda cool too. We have a black cat with eyes just like that. Onyx. Hell of a mouser and we had her all white daughter for years until about a year ago when a fox or coyote might have got her. Could have been a Great Snowy Owl tho too as one was hanging around at the time and could easily fly away with a small cat like her. Got two new cats about year ago and the male got attacked by a coyote but got away. Not unscathed tho and it was $260 to get the vet to stitch up his ass. The stitches ripped apart and left a silver dollar size hole but it's healing up, The quarter size hole on his right butt-cheek is healed up now.

Just back from the vets.


Just got back from a week of fishing. Bluegills where biting with the full moon and all, it was perfect.
But nobody watching the grow which led to dehumidifier overflowing, water everywhere, ugggg!
Forgot to put in the larger reservoir before I left.

I grew up near Vancouver, BC so most of my fishing was for salmon but as a kid we'd go out on the log booms in the Fraser river and catch all sorts of fish. Sturgeon, huge bullheads, flounder and an occasional salmon but mostly bottom fishing. Got stuck out there when the tide came in sometimes and would have to flag down a tug or fishing boat for a ride to shore.

Just before I moved up here in '01 I was living in the Fraser Valley and fished the rivers up there for all types of salmon in the fall with steelhead starting around Xmas to April. Plenty of big sea-run cutthroat and other trout too. Nothin but pike and walleye up here and I find them boring as hell so don't fish often. Big pike on the fly can be fun tho. :)

I enjoy growing too much to have somebody else take care of it.
I would be inclined to follow Kami Samuria's layout above but would not want to trim the results of doing so.
I agree and I’d never want to use an auto trimmer. Gotta throw in a couple Closed Loop Extraction systems, Rosin Press System, Short Path Distillation System (for making distillates), Set up the Undergrown grow as a clean room using HEPA Filters and other clean room equipment,(
Hanna Brix measurement system, environment controlled Harvest & Cure Rooms, vacuum seal storage system, lights hooked up to auto pully systems, edible kitchen, bubble hash systems, rolling sift screen system w/ 2ton press. Compost system (outdoors), Reverse Osmosis System for indoor/underground Rooms (using waste water and compost for fruit and vegetable gardens)
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100,000 sqft hydroponic greenhouse with automatic blackout curtains and supplemental DE HPS lighting, with all the best goodies for environmental control, automation and remote monitoring of all things possible. Install nutrient reservoirs underground to keep the nutrients cool. Security like fort knox. Throw in a bunch of solar power to offset the cost of the supplemental lighting and other electrical draw. Hire a bunch of hot women to work in bikinis taking care of the plants. Large climate controlled warehouse for drying and processing. Extraction lab with CO2 extractor, closed loop butane extractor, rotovape, cascade vacuum ovens
This is totally analogous to a kid in a candy shop with unlimited funds. The possibilities are endless...
That being said, if truly unlimited resources and profit is meaningless then I would probably run a bunch of experimental grows.
Someone earlier said a HUGE tree in a silo, I think this is an awesome idea.
Perhaps training a plant in veg to stay right above the soil line for 10 ft, maybe 20, before flowering.
A completely spherical grow - can be done many ways. Several that have been vined and circle it OR SOG with rotating chamber for equal light to all parts.
Growing a 10 footer in veg and tossing it outside in March.
These are not intended to be ideas that will maximize efficiency or money lol