And as far as trich production goes with leds. There is no question on my end trich production with DIY leds over HPS has went up 10-15% more. Including denser lowers as you said. Which also as you said increases yield. I dont normally take pics of this tent. As they are my own strains. That I've made. I normally dont share with the world. But jus to show trichs with dialed in leds.
First pic is 23 days in. The trichs have trichs. It's original 1995 OG Kush. Yes the beans were 23 years old. But I reversed her the 2nd pic of the two colas leaning beside each other. And crossed her to a mimosa male that was jus smelling super sticky and beautiful.
I call her Mimosa OG lol. Real original right, but leds increase trich production no doubt about it.
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