Well-Known Member
The bag seed was a hybrid?
Yeah: we called it "narcohibridos" or "chaparras" : Bodhi's Oxacan Zipolite or CannaBioGen's Talibana de Sonora o Chapita de Michoacán, cames from narcohybrids strains.
The bag seed was a hybrid?
Do you ever get the lime green?
That's what Mexicans call it. It is tall, Christmas tree shape, all calyx not hairy or leafy. Very sticky with small black seeds. Grown in eastern Mexico not the mountains. Zacatecas ,Oaxacan has it. It seems they selected for a light green color.
Funny thing is b4 seedbanks this is where we got our seeds..from brickweed. And some phenos we got where amazingly potent and tasty! Cherry...skunky...hashy...dank actually...I didn’t know “Mexican Brick” was a strain.
Does anyone know a seed bank that carries Mexican brick seed
I have the Lime Green beans to grow it now,strait from mexico to my hands.What have you people got to trade on.shorline get a hold of me for we talked about these beans in the past,and I lost your phone number.send me a pm when I can send one back I will.In Spanish I think there isen't a Mexican landrace called "Lime Green/Verde Lima" (but Im not completly sure); but I know "Michoacana Verde Limón", (" Michoacan Lemon Green??")... But I'm not Mexican.
YOU will not get the good beans on the corner of the Mexicans good stuff unless you know a personal friend in mexico.The dude at the corner store sellin dime bags...prolly get ten seeds for ten$ jus have to sort em out....Ive grown a few out n was never disappointed
Last one I grew from random corner store swag from veg to jar... I wasn't disappointed...YOU will not get the good beans on the corner of the Mexicans good stuff unless you know a personal friend in mexico.