Do you miss obama?

do you miss obama?

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I would say I do not miss Obama, although his public speaking was greatly entertaining to watch.By no means do I think Trump is a perfect president either.Both have their positives and negatives, with Obama I found their was a lot of hope but not nearly enough application of his aspirations (Not to say that the republicans made it easy for him.). I miss the solidarity of his presence in America, however I think that unity that seemed so strong from a distance was never really there to being with.Under Trumps administration these problems just became more evident, whether it is due to his tweets or just general behavior that escalated these tensions.I miss the united America, even if it was just a mirage.I find the divisive nature of the USA just to much, not to blame it all on Trump (Although his own behavior as a president does not help one bit) but just to re-evaluate the public behavior, it is almost like the majority have forgotten that they live in a democracy.The public's behavior from both sides (eg. Trump supporters and Hilary supporters.) tends to be so aggressive (of course this is a generalization) towards each other to the point of hatred, for America to even start progress on a path of unification I think there need to be more mutual respect for every demographics views and more tolerance in general.

Hope this sparks further discussion and I am interested to hear what everyone else is thinking/feeling about Obama.
Happy Toking. :bigjoint:
When were we ever "united"? WW2 was fought with a segregated south. We were united in a cause but the people were horribly divided along race lines.

Coming back to the present, I just can't look at what's happening to the increase in the national deficit caused by tax cuts and spending increases during a time of economic expansion and wonder what comparable measures Obama committed? Or the rise of white nationalism under Trump. Or the child separations at the border. Or the Muslim ban at airports. Or the reversal of policies to encourage conversion away from fossil fuels. Or the reclassification of National Monuments to the commercial uses. Or the dismantling of the ACA. Or the reversal of policies to support a woman's right to choose to carry a pregnancy to term. When I look at all the damage Trump is doing and read your ambivalence I can only guess that you are an old white man who doesn't feel affected by all that.

Seems as if you are saying that people must reject economics, science and civil rights in the name of "getting along". I haven't even touched on the subject of Trump's treachery in his conspiracy with Putin. That's another matter altogether.
Trump is infiltrating our government on behalf of the Russians. He is connected to the Genovese Crime Family since the ‘70s. The Five Families in NYC also work with the Russian Mob. The Russian Mob is run, at the top, by Putin.

You’re seemingly deluded and detached from the fact that Russia launched a worldwide Psychological Operation and Counterintelligence Operation, interfering in elections and social environments around the world to try to seize global power as well as retaliate against the UN for sanctions over Crimea and clandestine assassinations. The whole “division” is being provoked by the Russians injecting ultranational battlecries into the National Rhetoric, as in the UK, Catalan Spain, The Philippines, and as was attempted in France, Germany, and Canada.

Obama followed through on a lot. It’s why we even have legal pot in the US today. Meanwhile, your middle of the road stance is overlooking the most important aspects of this whole situation. It just shows you aren’t paying attention to the real issue. You’re probably even a Russiabot, testing waters for the upcoming elections.

When were we ever "united"? WW2 was fought with a segregated south. We were united in a cause but the people were horribly divided along race lines.

Coming back to the present, I just can't look at what's happening to the increase in the national deficit caused by tax cuts and spending increases during a time of economic expansion and wonder what comparable measures Obama committed? Or the rise of white nationalism under Trump. Or the child separations at the border. Or the Muslim ban at airports. Or the reversal of policies to encourage conversion away from fossil fuels. Or the reclassification of National Monuments to the commercial uses. Or the dismantling of the ACA. Or the reversal of policies to support a woman's right to choose to carry a pregnancy to term. When I look at all the damage Trump is doing and read your ambivalence I can only guess that you are an old white man who doesn't feel affected by all that.

Seems as if you are saying that people must reject economics, science and civil rights in the name of "getting along". I haven't even touched on the subject of Trump's treachery in his conspiracy with Putin. That's another matter altogether.

No, I'm not saying that at all.Its a complicated matter indeed.You have laid out some excellent points. I was not condoning Trumps behavior and neither that of Obama's. I had more focus on the point of mutual respect of an opposite line of thought and addressing the nature of hatred towards each other as human beings over something as subjective as politics.By no means feel that economics,civil rights and science should be rejected in the name of getting alone but I think when interacting with others on such matters that a level of respect should be present.That was mostly what I was trying to convey.
It is not unreasonable aggression, you idiot. We were attacked. And now, we’re trying to undo the propaganda Russia pushed into this country.

Because you skirted around the RussiaBot comment, and because you live outside the US, I have to assume you are Russian. Not a bot, though. Probably an intelligent person with education and familiarization in the English language and Western/American culture, and nuance, from the Russian military or a contractor thereof. You are being careful about what you say, because everyone is being careful and you know that luke warm produces less stimulation than red hot. At least, until you can establish yourself in people’s heads. Fuck off.
Bad day Olive lol.
It is not unreasonable aggression, you idiot. We were attacked. And now, we’re trying to undo the propaganda Russia pushed into this country.

Because you skirted around the RussiaBot comment, and because you live outside the US, I have to assume you are Russian. Not a bot, though. Probably an intelligent person with education and familiarization in the English language and Western/American culture, and nuance, from the Russian military or a contractor thereof. You are being careful about what you say, because everyone is being careful and you know that luke warm produces less stimulation than red hot. At least, until you can establish yourself in people’s heads. Fuck off.

Luke warm, I am expressing my thoughts.You can give a totally bias approach to everything, I really could not care less whether you are pro Obama or anti-Trump.I am underlining that if a path of gaining any sense of unity and community is through respect.I am not even trying to start a fire in this discussion but just expressing my thoughts.I am interested in what others thoughts are on this topic because they are directly affected.I really don't see the issue and the personal attack.I have a personal philosophy that spreading positivity, is better that that of negativity and I don't like to bring people down.It ties into having mutual respect.
No, I'm not saying that at all.Its a complicated matter indeed.You have laid out some excellent points. I was not condoning Trumps behavior and neither that of Obama's. I had more focus on the point of mutual respect of an opposite line of thought and addressing the nature of hatred towards each other as human beings over something as subjective as politics.By no means feel that economics,civil rights and science should be rejected in the name of getting alone but I think when interacting with others on such matters that a level of respect should be present.That was mostly what I was trying to convey.
Respect should be shown both ways.

I live near Portland Oregon and consider it my city. I'm proud of the city and it's glad that it's seen as a liberal city. That status has repeatedly drawn "white pride and hate everybody else" demonstrations that were populated by outsiders from hundreds of miles away, many of whom flew across the country to project white power onto the streets of our city. These are not residents demonstrating to redress of wrongs or advocating change to make the city better. These are outsiders who choose to travel to our city to demonstrate militant white supremacy in a place that rejects their values. We wouldn't go to central Idaho to demonstrate against a white supremacist presence there, what kind of respect do you think they are showing us by coming here to terrorize our streets?
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Respect should be shown both ways.

I live near Portland Oregon and consider it my city. I'm proud of the city and it's glad that it's seen as a liberal city. That status has repeatedly drawn "white pride and hate everybody else" demonstrations that were populated by outsiders from hundreds of miles away, many of whom flew across the country to project white power onto the streets of our city. These are not residents demonstrating redress of wrongs or advocating change to make the city better. These are outsiders who choose to travel to our city to demonstrate militant white supremacy in a place that rejects their values. We wouldn't go to central Idaho to demonstrate against a white supremacist presence there, what kind of respect do you think they are showing us by coming here to terrorize our streets?

I completely understand.The promotion of white supremacy is not to be considered in any context as positive and should never be condoned.The promotion of white supremacy where by it devalues another demographic is counter intuitive to what the modern world stands for and human rights.I am more referring to respect for a conservatives line of thought and that of a Democrats line of thought.Just respecting another political view and being able to discuss without a looming hatred that destroys the prospect of civil communication.
I completely understand.The promotion of white supremacy is not to be considered in any context as positive and should never be condoned.The promotion of white supremacy where by it devalues another demographic is counter intuitive to what the modern world stands for and human rights.I am more referring to respect for a conservatives line of thought and that of a Democrats line of thought.Just respecting another political view and being able to discuss without a looming hatred that destroys the prospect of civil communication.
I was there for several white pride demonstrations in Portland. The hatred is coming from the other side. You confuse concern and alarm for their hate. The good people of Portland have no interest in projecting liberal values into central Idaho. They come here. It's not a tit for tat argument.

Outside of how people should treat each other, what "compromise and understanding" should one give to Trump himself for selling out to Russia?
When were we ever "united"? WW2 was fought with a segregated south. We were united in a cause but the people were horribly divided along race lines.

Coming back to the present, I just can't look at what's happening to the increase in the national deficit caused by tax cuts and spending increases during a time of economic expansion and wonder what comparable measures Obama committed? Or the rise of white nationalism under Trump. Or the child separations at the border. Or the Muslim ban at airports. Or the reversal of policies to encourage conversion away from fossil fuels. Or the reclassification of National Monuments to the commercial uses. Or the dismantling of the ACA. Or the reversal of policies to support a woman's right to choose to carry a pregnancy to term. When I look at all the damage Trump is doing and read your ambivalence I can only guess that you are an old white man who doesn't feel affected by all that.

Seems as if you are saying that people must reject economics, science and civil rights in the name of "getting along". I haven't even touched on the subject of Trump's treachery in his conspiracy with Putin. That's another matter altogether.
We have been in wwiii for a while now. The war against feminism!
You equate Obama's actions to Trump's. Please give examples.
I do not need to give examples because the statement is neutral.I am stating that I do not approve entirely of their actions or behavior.By using the word condoning it does not meaning comparing.
I was there for several white pride demonstrations in Portland. The hatred is coming from the other side. You confuse concern and alarm for their hate. The good people of Portland have no interest in projecting liberal values into central Idaho. They come here. It's not a tit for tat argument.

Outside of how people should treat each other, what "compromise and understanding" should one give to Trump himself for selling out to Russia?

I think if there is completely indisputable evidence of his involvement in collaboration with Russia in undermining activity ,there should not be a compromise and he should step down.As far as understanding I do not think there is any needed for corruption other than understanding it was incentivized in some manner and plays into greed.
I do not need to give examples because the statement is neutral.I am stating that I do not approve entirely of their actions or behavior.By using the word condoning it does not meaning comparing.
Your statement is false. Trumps actions in no way equate to Obama. I've already named the actions by Trump and his GOP that clearly put the lie to your claim. Do I need to list them again?
I was there for several white pride demonstrations in Portland. The hatred is coming from the other side. You confuse concern and alarm for their hate. The good people of Portland have no interest in projecting liberal values into central Idaho. They come here. It's not a tit for tat argument.

Outside of how people should treat each other, what "compromise and understanding" should one give to Trump himself for selling out to Russia?

White pride, do you consider it to be a promotion of white supremacy or the embodiment .Because there is huge promotion of Asian pride and Black pride, however there seems to be such negativity around white pride.I am interested to hear your thoughts.
I think if there is completely indisputable evidence of his involvement in collaboration with Russia in undermining activity ,there should not be a compromise and he should step down.As far as understanding I do not think there is any needed for corruption other than understanding it was incentivized in some manner and plays into greed.
White racist hate groups are not welcome to march in the streets of Portland. This is not said in hate it is said because the good people of Portland refuse to let them project hate and white power in our neighborhoods. They are also marching in support of Trump who you say is a traitor and I agree.
White pride, do you consider it to be a promotion of white supremacy or the embodiment .Because there is huge promotion of Asian pride and Black pride, however there seems to be such negativity around white pride.I am interested to hear your thoughts.
People demonstrating for Black pride are demonstrating for equal treatment to that of white people in the US. What are people demonstrating for white pride demonstrating FOR?
Your statement is false. Trumps actions in no way equate to Obama. I've already named the actions by Trump and his GOP that clearly put the lie to your claim. Do I need to list them again?

No Obama does not equate to that of Trumps actions.I am stating that they both have perceivable positives and negatives.That not all people will view Obama as having a positive influence and another will. Vise versa with Trump as well, politics is completely subjective.Yes you have named the actions by Trump and his GOP and well done for doing so. A lie to my claim? please explain.
No Obama does not equate to that of Trumps actions.I am stating that they both have perceivable positives and negatives.That not all people will view Obama as having a positive influence and another will. Vise versa with Trump as well, politics is completely subjective.Yes you have named the actions by Trump and his GOP and well done for doing so. A lie to my claim? please explain.
Name Obama's perceivable positives and negatives so we can talk about them. I named Trumps and you showed no objections.

I don't really want to defend Obama except to say that there is no comparison between the two. Obama treated others with respect and Trump does not. If a leader represents their followers then your argument of mutual fault for disrespecting each other falls apart. So, tell me where Obama failed to show respect to everybody.