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nah im cool.. post a factual scientific link, im not watching a random youtube video that you believe is fact
No I’m going to find you the super both tit man that will scare the hell out of you and right into some regular seeds.
YouTube must have taken it down but it will be back and I may get banned here once I post it.
They already know and that’s why they keep pushing the fem seeds like the ding bat above.
Everyone knows people pay more for femmed seeds..right? It’s not uncommon for them to fetch for 150-200$ a pack.
Femmed customers are easily manipulated into paying more, fully knowing there is very minimal work in femenized seeds compared to a real beefed putting the time and passion in to working real seed lines.
If you go back to my post about femmed plants effecting regular plants when brought together. Same concept for us”people” if I get you smoking the fems then you come back for more and your friends will call me too.
Damn. You're stupid.
Gene Jumping is not exactly the right term. Horizontal gene transfer between prokaryotes (animal kingdom) does exist and is relatively common among simple critters like bacteria. This is partly why people on a regular dose of antibiotics can breed super-resistant strains of disease-causing microbes.

Gene sequencing helped researchers identify several genes in vertebrates including mammals that probably came from bacteria and were introduced into the vertebrates family tree via horizontal gene transfer. One of the proteins that makes a necessary membrane in mammalian placentas came from one such transfer.

This is a bizarre and recent finding that shakes up conventional evolutionary theory of gradual mutation and change. Horizontal gene transfer would enable the almost immediate change to a species if that change gave offspring a competitive reproductive advantage.

Those people that poopseye thought were hippies probably left his class because they got bored by his mundane claims and the fact that he mixed up terms. An unfortunate trend in today's discourse is that people are making up definitions to words that have different meanings in common English. If poopsie had been more diligent in word selection he might be recording an interview with NPR regarding his ground breaking findings that plants can horizontally transfer genes into adults thereby changing their sex. Then again, probably not.
follow me last explanation so you can get back to grown,

GG4 champ and other hermy's - hormones in plants, that is UNHEALTHY to smoke, but shit taste good.
Cows and Plants that are not hormone d are healthy to consume. = Regular cannabis seedz

hermy plants create Bitch Tits (gynecomastia) , testicles in girls abdomens, cancer... come on,,, Im done , explaining this, you guys are in denial
They already know and that’s why they keep pushing the fem seeds like the ding bat above.
Everyone knows people pay more for femmed seeds..right? It’s not uncommon for them to fetch for 150-200$ a pack.
Femmed customers are easily manipulated into paying more, fully knowing there is very minimal work in femenized seeds compared to a real beefed putting the time and passion in to working real seed lines.
If you go back to my post about femmed plants effecting regular plants when brought together. Same concept for us”people” if I get you smoking the fems then you come back for more and your friends will call me too.
Have you ever been diagnosed with Schizophrenia?
follow me last explanation so you can get back to grown,

GG4 champ and other hermy's - hormones in plants, that is UNHEALTHY to smoke, but shit taste good.
Cows and Plants that are not hormone d are healthy to consume. = Regular cannabis seedz

hermy plants create Bitch Tits (gynecomastia) , testicles in girls abdomens, cancer... come on,,, Im done , explaining this, you guys are in denial
what language is that?
Here is how it works...I’s hard to listen to the new guy but my teachers are some of the smartest in the industry.
Hermy genes are in the DNA. The DNA is in the Chromosomes.

Feminized plants disrupt chromosomes which effect the DNA, THis is called Chromosomal Mutation it can invert, translocation, and with cannabis often a segment or entire chrome number deletion happens and this almost always a defect in some form . Many times the defect will not show in F1's. You dont get additional chromosome locations with Fem seeds . You dont get 'balanced chrome' location with Fem plants or seeds...

The father determines the Hermy Gene state. In fem plants who is the Father? Do You see the disruptions with this question? How is the mother a Father?

This isn’t how it works. And MeGI determines sex not sexuality; it is not a “gay gene,” ergo you are intellectually disabled. It is not at all involved in this process.

Ethylene is the female flowering hormone. It is expressed in the shaded areas of the plant during daytime and it builds in the entire plant at night. During lights-out, ethylene builds to a critical level after 12+ hours, causing female flowers to form. If you use CS or STS, the silver is absorbed by the plant and inhibits production of ethylene. Because of this, the plant still flowers, but it produces male flowers instead. The paternal sex chromosome will be X, because the “father” is still genetically female (no Y chromosome.) So, both Sex Chromosomes will be female, guaranteeing female seeds via sexual meiosis, not unnatural DNA manipulation.
Look here muchacho’s! There is no need for the “I’m here to defend my friend” I am just me that’s it. Having a gang of goons on the internet just makes you a ding bat!
Here is how it works...I’s hard to listen to the new guy but my teachers are some of the smartest in the industry.
Hermy genes are in the DNA. The DNA is in the Chromosomes.

Feminized plants disrupt chromosomes which effect the DNA, THis is called Chromosomal Mutation it can invert, translocation, and with cannabis often a segment or entire chrome number deletion happens and this almost always a defect in some form . Many times the defect will not show in F1's. You dont get additional chromosome locations with Fem seeds . You dont get 'balanced chrome' location with Fem plants or seeds...

The father determines the Hermy Gene state. In fem plants who is the Father? Do You see the disruptions with this question? How is the mother a Father?
The statement you made that I highlighted in red requires more back up information. There are others but your whole argument depends on this statement and that video contained nothing pertinent to it.