I think Silica and cal/ mag should be used separately as well??
Edit Silica should be added before the Cal/mag.
I found this whilst having quick google- from another board.
Start with your water, add each concentrate (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom) one at a time to the water. DO NOT MIX THE CONCENTRATED NUTES TOGETHER! I've considered it when I was first starting, but it turns out doing that can lock out some of the nutrition (that you paid for)
On a side note, if you ever get into another brand there IS a right way to do it. If you use silica and/or cal-mag, start with the silica, then the Cal-mag. I'll give you a couple examples:
Let's say I'm using something like Dyna-Gro, for a full cycle I would need
- Grow nute (aka Foliage Pro)
- Bloom nute
- Silica Supplement
- Cal-Mag Supplement
To mix my solution, I would do the following:
- Measure out 1 gallon of RO water
- Add the Silica Supplement First (if not using silica, see next step)
- add the Cal-mag Supplement
- add the grow or bloom nutrient
- pH the solution and feed the babies!
To remember this, I used the S.N.A.P. method; it's a good way to train yourself when mixing nutes, It goes like this:
To use this method you basically spell SNAP out in your head, each letter being a step in the process
- S-Supplements
- N-Nutrients
- A-Additives
- P-pH
So you start with Supplements, then add the nutes (grow/bloom), then the additives (Sweetners, etc), and finally, you check and adjust the pH