Do you miss obama?

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Well-Known Member
So full of shit.

Nothing wrong or inferior with fem seed. You just don't want to further the line by breeding fem to fem.

Make them for production all day long.
your not alone about being offended, Ive emptied classroom of hippy PHD PC Bros and liberal chicks in this debate as the student and instructor
BTW, I didnt name the gay genes but the Cannabis naming pronounciation is
MeGI gene is pronouncecd : Me Guy ,, this gay gene determines the gender
DOI gene is pronounced : Do I .. this gay gene turns gay on and off with the use of CS and other chemicals..
Not to offend,, I didnt name them or decide how to pronounce them, its just science,,, but the gay gene popped some ppl bubble big time...

90 % of our DNA is monkey and we got a lot of pig dna already


Well-Known Member
your not alone about being offended, Ive emptied classroom of hippy PHD PC Bros and liberal chicks in this debate as the student and instructor
BTW, I didnt name the gay genes but the Cannabis naming pronounciation is
MeGI gene is pronouncecd : Me Guy ,, this gay gene determines the gender
DOI gene is pronounced : Do I .. this gay gene turns gay on and off with the use of CS and other chemicals..
Not to offend,, I didnt name them or decide how to pronounce them, its just science,,, but the gay gene popped some ppl bubble big time...

90 % of our DNA is monkey and we got a lot of pig dna already
I have a girl duck who acts like a boy duck


Well-Known Member
Careful smoking those fem plants, your penis will turn inside out into vagina.
The first signs are change in vocal cords, adding a lssssp, pre growth of bitch tits etc.. by the time the outy starts wanting to be an iny “we call this the catlyn Jenner effect” its almost to late. But my friend Lino has figured how to regenerate masculinity in femmed males.


Well-Known Member
I have a girl duck who acts like a boy duck
Our proof of GOD is in RNA,,, his revealing code is in there, that why we cant create life, it his code not ours, we are Gods as explained in the bibles... I teach this but the thread was taken down,,, the Greek myth our bibles these books explain gay zygosity, the most advanced breeding books we got other that Dr Suess Star belly, I'm Mc Bean in that cartoon.
I’ll get the video for you.


Well-Known Member
Our proof of GOD is in RNA,,, his revealing code is in there, that why we cant create life, it his code not ours, we are Gods as explained in the bibles... I teach this but the thread was taken down,,, the Greek myth our bibles these books explain gay zygosity, the most advanced breeding books we got other that Dr Suess Star belly, I'm Mc Bean in that cartoon.
I’ll get the video for you.
One time I pooped and it tore my anus


Well-Known Member
He clearly doesn’t understand that silver in the form of CS/STS causes inhibition of hormones, specifically ethylene, not disruption of DNA. He’s intellectually disabled, probably. You’ll have to forgive him.
You need to watch this video as well, 12 minutes of your time that’s it.


Well-Known Member
He clearly doesn’t understand that silver in the form of CS/STS causes inhibition of hormones, specifically ethylene, not disruption of DNA. He’s intellectually disabled, probably. You’ll have to forgive him.
Had this very argument the other day.

No way is fem seed gmo nor is the DNA altered.

Intersex in plants and humans is two very different things.

You are dilusional aren’t you? I’m not making his up it’s science..
No I'm not delusional. I'll be real. I bet you sit here and talk all this shit about fem seeds. I bet the truth of it is you probably never grown them and if you did it was from one breeder and they were shitty and you base your whole opinion on just that.

Let's talk science. As olive drab green stated all silver does is block the production of ethylene the hormone that causes flowering. Blocking the flowering hormone allows male expression. That leaves xx chromosomes impregnating xx chromosomes. That leaves an almost 100% female. You will get a male out of every thousand or so.

The spray used for making fem seed in no way alters dna. None. Zilch. Nada. Though nothing in nature is 100%.

Intersex in plants and animals is two different things. Apples and oranges.

Now on to the next part. I've literally grown hundreds if not thousands of fem seed. Hundreds of strains and probably at least 75-100 breeders. Not only that I make my own fem seed.

I grow everything from heirloom flower, vegetable and cannabis seed to hybrid vegetable seed to fem and reg photoperiod and autoflowering cannabis seed.

No. Not once have I looked into a tent or patch of fem seed and they all be screwed up or full of mutation. Though I've seen a lot of mutations. That's more of a strain thing. I see it in regs and fems.

Though I will agree that breeding further female to female lines is not recommended. It wouldn't be much more harmful of interbreeding reg seeds.

So if you want to refute that then pull out some actual science and experience into it.
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Well-Known Member
your not alone about being offended, Ive emptied classroom of hippy PHD PC Bros and liberal chicks in this debate as the student and instructor
BTW, I didnt name the gay genes but the Cannabis naming pronounciation is
MeGI gene is pronouncecd : Me Guy ,, this gay gene determines the gender
DOI gene is pronounced : Do I .. this gay gene turns gay on and off with the use of CS and other chemicals..
Not to offend,, I didnt name them or decide how to pronounce them, its just science,,, but the gay gene popped some ppl bubble big time...

90 % of our DNA is monkey and we got a lot of pig dna already
So full of shit your eyes are brown. I'm not buying what you're shoveling.


Well-Known Member
I will so say I've seen about the same amount of herms and regs. Very little with good quality genetics and breeders.

I'll even admit that depending on the type of male expression the female cannabis exhibits I'll keep and even use some seeds.

Landrace sativas are notorious for showing nanners on lower bud sites.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
do you not think that the daily headlines about our country is not taxing on people?
Sure I do and it’s effecting the world as well. That’s no reason to give up and complain that opertunity has been taken away. I think most took your post to mean just that. Your stuck in a shit job yes? Are you actively look g for a new job?


Well-Known Member
Id say all the gonads recently found in female abdomens , other than gender confusion not from a mis guided society, and the fact that we now know that the SRY gene is disrupted and from what is yet to be proven, but I know,,, but not so... If can fix it, then I say its broken. We can measure hermy genetic designation in plants and now humans ( both X & y chromes orgs) . I change how gay a human or plant is,,, and very very hard to correct the DNA back. Easier in plants.

Lets be clear, there are 2 sexes and many genders. These hermy GMO are some of the biggest changes to an organism. add a duck feather or tits and vaginas. IDK how to determine which is worse. We got lots of monkey and pig DNA... Id rather have that GMO than someone giving me a bunch of bud that is slowly gaying me out,,, bitch tits and so many DNA disrupts from feminized pot... Ill take the pig and monkey GMO over gay GMO...

Gene jumping is fact now, not new science but lots of new twist as how and what is genes are jumping from organism,,, Pot to human is easy to know how....

I proved that a cannabis and humans Herm was trait to academia with punnet charts from the 80's,,

Greg Mendel said a trait is a gene
I don't like Donald Trump. Would you fix my genetics so that I can be normal like you?
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