Greenpoint seeds!!

This thread reminds me of the restaraunt scene in reservoir dogs except were all sitting around talking about growing.
Personally think the reason alot of the greenpoint stuff has dropped off is cause alot of people are dis pleased with greenpoint over the past couple months but not coming out and saying it
And current customers (like me) hoarded beans while the price was right and have enough to last several years.

It's almost like Gu~ knew he might get shut down by the post office, so he moved a lot of product as quickly as possible.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. :eyesmoke:
And current customers (like me) hoarded beans while the price was right and have enough to last several years.

It's almost like Gu~ knew he might get shut down, so he moved a lot of product as quickly as possible.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. :eyesmoke:

Haha yeah I have a gallon ziploc bag I can no longer fit anymore packs in in the fridge of his gear. I had a huge collection as it is and they are vac sealed so I won't be getting to the vast majority for a long time. The FPOG and sundae driver crosses will be grown out quick like though.
Had no idea you was a woman

I had no idea it was a woman either

Then I hope you never saw the "Mr Tang" references. :shock:

Currently I don't even tell women I have anything to do with fuckin anything. Lucky if I bring weed around them eventually and definitely never let them come to my house or know where I live. Unfortunate but not worth it the way most of them are.

I agree, but I wouldn't limit the comment to the one gender.

I had no idea it was a woman either ;\ and I laughed my ass off at the comment. I am definitely guilty of always assuming everyone is a guy on the internet and especially when it comes to this business. It will be really neat when this is more legal and the women join in more on the fun! Would be a fuckin dream to marry a pretty woman that grows. Currently I don't even tell women I have anything to do with fuckin anything. Lucky if I bring weed around them eventually and definitely never let them come to my house or know where I live. Unfortunate but not worth it the way most of them are.
Its all good. I'm quite used to male dominated settings.
And I don't share my grow with people either, regardless of whats between their legs. Its not just a trust thing, I have other's peoples interests to keep in mind.

Keep lookin Amp. There's good woman out there with a green thumb and warm heart for ya. I guarantee it. :hug:
Its all good. I'm quite used to male dominated settings.
And I don't share my grow with people either, regardless of whats between their legs. Its not just a trust thing, I have other's peoples interests to keep in mind.

Keep lookin Amp. There's good woman out there with a green thumb and warm heart for ya. I guarantee it. :hug:

Yeah, I don't tell anyone that is a given, but many men make exceptions when it comes to relationships, only reason for my wording. Definitely not blockhead enough to base shit on the sex when it comes to this sort of thing. Haven't dated in while, but just moved to a new big city and about to start looking for a water girl again (lol) :P Maybe if I luck out and things go legal here she will be able to show me a thing or two growing.
Yeah, I don't tell anyone that is a given, but many men make exceptions when it comes to relationships, only reason for my wording. Definitely not blockhead enough to base shit on the sex when it comes to this sort of thing. Haven't dated in while, but just moved to a new big city and about to start looking for a water girl again (lol) :P Maybe if I luck out and things go legal here she will be able to show me a thing or two growing.
I hear ya. Bad breaks up can cause a lot of unnecessary turmoil.

I remember as kids when we figured out my dad grew. We were like :shock: and then we were like :clap: and then :eyesmoke:

He kept it well hidden. Not because he didn't trust my mother. It was to protect her and us should anything ever happen.

And you been at this for a minute so the only way you're gonna find a girl to teach you a thing or two (in the garden you pervs) is to find yourself a farmers daughter, ;)
Might be a little hard in the city but they're out there.
My GF atm spends hours making pasta sauce. Think Henry in Goodfellas. And it's real good. But I learned years ago, that if I'm in a no GF atm period, and I want some pasta, I can boil it, heat up a jar of store sauce, and be chowin' down vg grub in fifteen minutes. I labelled my grow weed approach years ago on RIU as the storebought spaghetti sauce method. It can and is done better with more time and effort. But I'm spoiled by low effort / plenty good buds. And I'm lazy. [ stoned, too] "Good enough" has been my code for years.

This may be the single best post on RIU I've ever seen. I LOL'd a dozen times. Epic rebuttal.

Yeah, but there aren't any places on RIU to read about building lights and pasta sauce, so count your blessings, amigo.
Did somebody say pasta sauce. We call it red sauce over here and we don’t skimp on it.AE9F9892-9E76-4B6D-83DF-40B9437BD3BD.jpeg54F0821D-BCD0-48BD-879B-080ABB1C6225.jpegA0D5E51D-2FDA-4E7C-BA8A-105A8EFE86A1.jpeg 2C7BA778-AC00-42C3-AF16-EEF6A1CACB72.jpeg