Jordan Peterson


Well-Known Member
if you're winning so hard it should be pretty easy to say if you would serve jews if you owned your own store instead of living off your wife's allowance and government welfare subsidies
I serve everyone,come one come all. Glad we resolved that.


Well-Known Member
“Instead of blaming the structure of the world for the seeming inadequacies of being… take stock of your own inadequacies,” - Jordan Peterson

Some advice for Sparkplug.


Well-Known Member
Yes. That's already a law.

So you’ll show black people basic decency and respect regardless of what the law says

Why won’t peterson show transgender people basic decency and respect then? He says he won’t do it because the law says you have to, but that seems like a pathetic excuse for his bigotry that has made him so popular with Twitter neo nazis and other far right racist groups


Well-Known Member

So you’ll show black people basic decency and respect regardless of what the law says

Why won’t peterson show transgender people basic decency and respect then? He says he won’t do it because the law says you have to, but that seems like a pathetic excuse for his bigotry that has made him so popular with Twitter neo nazis and other far right racist groups
It's not basic decency.

Let's get some things straight. Peterson said he wouldn't use made up pronouns, like zir, zim, zee, etc. He said most people who were trans-gendered just wanted to be called the opposite sex, which he was fine with. He specifically said he wouldn't use made up pronouns that he doesn't agree with.

It seems the main point of contention is that you see being called ze, zir, zim, etc., is basic human decency, and I and many other do not. If a guy wants to be called "she", I have no problem with that or vice versa... but I'm not going to call you something made up, and I'm certainly not going to do it under threat of litigation.


Well-Known Member
It's not basic decency.

Let's get some things straight. Peterson said he wouldn't use made up pronouns, like zir, zim, zee, etc. He said most people who were trans-gendered just wanted to be called the opposite sex, which he was fine with. He specifically said he wouldn't use made up pronouns that he doesn't agree with.

It seems the main point of contention is that you see being called ze, zir, zim, etc., is basic human decency, and I and many other do not. If a guy wants to be called "she", I have no problem with that or vice versa... but I'm not going to call you something made up, and I'm certainly not going to do it under threat of litigation.
actually addressing another human respectfully is basic decency, mr. poop eater


Well-Known Member
actually addressing another human respectfully is basic decency, mr. poop eater
Using made up, nonsense words to describe someone because they demand it is not basic human decency.

If I want you to refer to me by the term "Your majesty", are you obligated to do so just because I'm asking you to do so? Is it disrespectful to abstain from my request even though that's how I identify?


Well-Known Member
Using made up, nonsense words to describe someone because they demand it is not basic human decency.

If I want you to refer to me by the term "Your majesty", are you obligated to do so just because I'm asking you to do so? Is it disrespectful to abstain from my request even though that's how I identify?
All words are made up, dr. Small dick


Well-Known Member
Hey Sparkplug;

People can make up all kinds of words, but no one is forced to use them.... except apparently with regards to trans-peoples made up genders.
They’re actually just pronouns, not genders. Your bigotry is showing, dr. Genital wart

Maybe we should go back to talking about your neo-nazi belief that black people are just naturally dumb since we are back to the ugly, hateful corner of Peterson cultism now


Well-Known Member
:D You're such a whiny cunt, Sparkplug lol I don't know how you get any deck building done with such angst....

Trans people claim there are an infinite number of genders (that's what a spectrum is you incomprehensible fucktard) and they use these pronouns to describe their gender identity. For example. when people use the she pronoun, she would be associating with the female gender. All that deck building must have fried your brain.

And no one said black people are naturally dumb. Stop arguing strawmen.
You literally said you think black people are just naturally dumb

And for some reason you no longer want to talk about the absurd notion that makeup is an invitation to sexual harassment


Well-Known Member
You keep jumping topics as a way of not having to admit you're a bumbling retard.

If I literally said that wheres the literal quote? Is this a case of another simple word you fail to understand? First it's spectrum, now it's literal....

Here's an example; You are literally an idiot, or you are a literal idiot.
Oh, do you not like me bringing up all the peterson cultisms that make him so popular with neo-nazi right wingers?

Sorry about that mr. dog rapist


Well-Known Member
I don't see JP as someone to be afraid of, unless you are fully invested in identity politics.