Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Are you saying the jump was faked?
No. Not saying anything honestly.
I have my doubts for each theory. Still undecided. Lol.
The fact that the horizon is convex to concave during the free fall, proves the camera used a fisheye.. all go pros have fisheye... Wtf would they use a 'go pro'. Just alot of lil things that do not make sense.
Was a free base jump video, not prove the globe video.. so is what it is .
I've seen multiple videos fromfrom wea balloons showing a flat horizon from that height... Hard to determine.
Wish I could hop n a rocket n know forsure. "I'd do it in a nanosecond" lol
Ya, well while you independently vet basic concepts like these, the rest of us have better shit to do
Fucking retiredGriller back from the dead. You two make great bedposts
Jesus, after viewing your messages posted..lil weird bud. Like 20 pages of u shit talking anyone who mentions any conspiracy related topic.
Pretty fuckin lame.
do you sleep at night? Blood pressure good?
You’re a turd, shaped like a human. Sort of.

We’re just replying to these bizarre comments from knuckle-draggers like you
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