Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Hi all - DPH responded indicating that I have been approved and my card has been sent to the printers, and I should get it in the mail within 14 days. Timing is as follows:

mailed application on 5/29/18; chck cashd 8/7/18; approvd 8/8 (or 8/9?)

Ironically, I have a drug test coming up with regards to a potential new job opportunity. It's with a federally charted bank, so they have to follow federal mandates. Anyone know how the state and federal employment laws would work in this situation? I don't mind waiting until after the drug test has been administered to use my new card...

Also I’m not entirely sure but if you do have a medical card they (the testing lab quest or whomever) should only report to the employer of you pass or fail. As long as you provide your card information I believe they shouldn’t be able to relay that information to the employer. I would honest research a little more though.
I'm on day 81. Application sent 5-21-2018. My CC was charged the same day. I sent an email 7-20-2018 and received a response confirming my application receipt. No date mentioned. Still waiting.
I sent mine in on May 15, 2018. They cashed my check on 7-30-18 and on 8-2 I received a letter in the mail from them stating my doctor did not send in their part. I've heard this has happened to a lot of people. My doctor had proof they sent it so I'm wondering how much longer now or what the new hoop to jump through will be. This is totally ridiculous. I've heard once you get that part straightened out that it could be another 30 days. I mean, come on. Other states receive theirs in a matter of weeks with no fingerprints and all the other baloney. Illinois sucks!
I work for a drug testing lab all positives are reported the ones with prescription get flagged as Ok/expected in the case of pot many private businesses are asking not to test for it however at the federal level it is still illegal and a federally linked institution can retract their offer based on a positive my advise wait to use until after you are hired and working to use
it will be harder to fire you just because is in your system than it is not to hire you in the first place
Just my 2 cents though not legal advice at all ;-)
Ironically, I have a drug test coming up with regards to a potential new job opportunity. It's with a federally charted bank, so they have to follow federal mandates. Anyone know how the state and federal employment laws would work in this situation? I don't mind waiting until after the drug test has been administered to use my new card...
I sent mine in on May 15, 2018. They cashed my check on 7-30-18 and on 8-2 I received a letter in the mail from them stating my doctor did not send in their part. I've heard this has happened to a lot of people. My doctor had proof they sent it so I'm wondering how much longer now or what the new hoop to jump through will be. This is totally ridiculous. I've heard once you get that part straightened out that it could be another 30 days. I mean, come on. Other states receive theirs in a matter of weeks with no fingerprints and all the other baloney. Illinois sucks!
Agree Illinois sucks!
No card today... sucks knowing you’ve been approved and just waiting on the card in the mail. Since my address is not eligible for informed delivery I’m like a drug addict at the mail box waiting to score lol no but really this wait is the worst.
Also I’m not entirely sure but if you do have a medical card they (the testing lab quest or whomever) should only report to the employer of you pass or fail. As long as you provide your card information I believe they shouldn’t be able to relay that information to the employer. I would honest research a little more though.

Does anyone possibly know how long from when they cash your check until you’re approved? My check was was cashed as of Friday (app submitted via usps 6/1) but when I emailed they just provided a generic response we cannot respond to specific timelines or something. I figured it was something like 48 hours to other process the background check but just wasn’t sure if there was a delay between when the check was cashed and when you were approved. I really appreciate the insight if anyone knows.

Hi all - DPH responded indicating that I have been approved and my card has been sent to the printers, and I should get it in the mail within 14 days. Timing is as follows:

mailed application on 5/29/18; chck cashd 8/7/18; approvd 8/8 (or 8/9?)

Ironically, I have a drug test coming up with regards to a potential new job opportunity. It's with a federally charted bank, so they have to follow federal mandates. Anyone know how the state and federal employment laws would work in this situation? I don't mind waiting until after the drug test has been administered to use my new card...

Does anyone possibly know how long from when they cash your check until you’re approved? My check was was cashed as of Friday (app submitted via usps 6/1) but when I emailed they just provided a generic response we cannot respond to specific timelines or something. I figured it was something like 48 hours to other process the background check but just wasn’t sure if there was a delay between when the check was cashed and when you were approved. I really appreciate the insight if anyone knows.
So my check was cashed last Monday and no card here. I’m hoping for a card this week Monday or Tuesday. I would think you are probably about a week behind me. So hopefully you will have your card early the following week. Almost there!
Good morning everyone!

This is going to be the week for a few people! Just checked informed delivery and my card is in the mail!

82 days from when the state received my application!

Hang in there everyone! Your time will come soon!

That’s awesome news. I’m hoping mine is next week possibly.
just tried calling again for my second time. I was told that my Physician's Certification wasn't received until this last weekend, and that I am 'Currently Processing' and that from this point forth it may be up to 3 weeks until the card is in my hand.

5/22 - Appointment with Dr. Footerman @ Schaumburg location
5/31 - App Received by state , Card charged.
8/01 - Called for the first time ,was told I am entering 'Processing Queue'
8/13 - Called again, Physician Certification Received 8/11

Currently on day 74 since my app was received, and Day 83 since starting the process.
It came!!!
I had my appts before I decided to apply so here’s my time line again :)
5/14- fingerprints and paperwork at IEC
5/18- received an email saying that it was received.
Called 7/30 and hadn’t gotten to it yet.
8/3- called and was approved.
8/13- card in hand
Total of 85 days!

Good luck everyone who is nearing their date. Sending positive vibes your way!