Aussie Growers Thread

MIA over a year ago ?
Last I spoke to him Twitter he was heading into more than riu.
Was doing orders for over couple hundred clones for ppl so I guess with Twitter it might have been better business sense ?
He knows what he's doing, I learned alot from him. If you ever talk to him tell him I said what's up boss man.
The descriptions sound pretty bogus to me. I wouldnt drop too much coin straight off the bat

Bubba brings extra yield? Said nobody ever.
The father is slymer? The seeds are regular with a high chance of fems? So they have a male slymer?
Slymer is not known for potency and bubba never tests over 20% yet they have "potential for thc at 30%" i guess everything had that potentail. Im just not buying what they are selling. Especially not at that price.
Bodhi's SSDD is still available...
People are selling F2's already?
They weren’t being sold they were going to be giving for free with a purchase of other things.... he had it f2 in the blueberry muffin pheno and fat calyx pheno but yeah I’m not really keen on it in the end