bodhi seeds

That crap should NOT happen. That’s just like me making a seed company called Green Rare Dankness or Blue Ethos.
Bodhi was the type of tree that the Buddha found enlightenment under, so it makes sense that a lot of people would want to name their businesses after that- through their seeds, and so plants, one can find peace and harmony. but I agree that they should look elsewhere for a name if someone already has claim to it- forget Blue Ethos, you could just be Blue Bodhi, and somebody else could do Red Bodhi.
about to pull the trigger on some bodhi stuff from glg. im looking for some short, stocky indicas for the indoor garden. looking for any input/recent experience on any of the following:
cosmic serpent
cherry queen
prayer tower indica
lotus head
also wondering if any michigan folks have shipped from glg to home without incident. its been a while since i ordered any seeds, and back then the move was ship to po box or somewhere that was not involved with the garden. id rather not deal with all that if its no longer necessary. seems to me that it should be fine if ones medical paperwork is in order, but i figured i should probably ask before i do something potentially stupid
Bodhi was the type of tree that the Buddha found enlightenment under, so it makes sense that a lot of people would want to name their businesses after that- through their seeds, and so plants, one can find peace and harmony. but I agree that they should look elsewhere for a name if someone already has claim to it- forget Blue Ethos, you could just be Blue Bodhi, and somebody else could do Red Bodhi.
I’d piss myself if someone did that. Blue Bodhi. Green Bodhi couldn’t say 5hit...
Walked up to Upper Reed Lake 2 days ago with a Montana buddy and our dogs. Space Monkey was the go-to all-day smoke as we laughed our asses off scrambling around the granite boulders and glacial lakes. It’s just FUN WEED, up and giggly, perfect for high-tolerance folks who like to get out and do fun shit! :bigjoint:

I can’t hammer down the smell, it’s a little bit berryish, but mostly a potent, almost menthol-y Vic’s Vaporub sharpness to it.

5 of my 6 SM girls produced male flowers, this girl didn’t, although they all smelled and looked and were otherwise similar. I didn’t keep a cut, but did cross her to a SM male and have F2 beans :eyesmoke:

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Man that's so cool! That's why I love this thread, and living out west. :cool:

We just spent a couple weeks spreading bodhi vibes around Montana! Due to security logistics, we could only transport pre-ground material and small vials of tincture. It doesn't look like much, but this stuff's potent!
Dank Sinatra.jpg

There were a couple days hiking the Beartooth Wilderness, looking over Jotunheim.
Bear Tooth Pass Jotunheim Pano.jpg

She was our fearless leader.

We didn't find any giants, but we talked to this goat for a bit. He was pretty friendly, but kept a safe distance.
Bear Tooth Pass Mountain Goat.jpg

We also took a bodhi break from kayaking the Yellowstone. No action photos because that state's pretty red. kayaks.jpg

Everyone in the whole state was gracious, genuine, and just plain good. Thanks, Montana. You're freakin' wonderful!
Sioux Charley Lake.jpg

I also learned that my buddy in Hawaii who lost everything to Pele has popped a bunch of my Cobra Lips F2, Sakura F2, and Herer HP F2 from a care package sent a couple months ago. It's good to know that even small gifts can mean so much. :peace:
Bodhi was the type of tree that the Buddha found enlightenment under, so it makes sense that a lot of people would want to name their businesses after that- through their seeds, and so plants, one can find peace and harmony. but I agree that they should look elsewhere for a name if someone already has claim to it- forget Blue Ethos, you could just be Blue Bodhi, and somebody else could do Red Bodhi.
Dibbs on black bodhi
Man that's so cool! That's why I love this thread, and living out west. :cool:

We just spent a couple weeks spreading bodhi vibes around Montana! Due to security logistics, we could only transport pre-ground material and small vials of tincture. It doesn't look like much, but this stuff's potent!
View attachment 4177464

There were a couple days hiking the Beartooth Wilderness, looking over Jotunheim.
View attachment 4177458

She was our fearless leader.
View attachment 4177465

We didn't find any giants, but we talked to this goat for a bit. He was pretty friendly, but kept a safe distance.
View attachment 4177459

We also took a bodhi break from kayaking the Yellowstone. No action photos because that state's pretty red. View attachment 4177468

Everyone in the whole state was gracious, genuine, and just plain good. Thanks, Montana. You're freakin' wonderful!
View attachment 4177470

I also learned that my buddy in Hawaii who lost everything to Pele has popped a bunch of my Cobra Lips F2, Sakura F2, and Herer HP F2 from a care package sent a couple months ago. It's good to know that even small gifts can mean so much. :peace:
Awesome pic man beautiful scenery