vote tga best strain and why

tga best strain

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I seem to remember that Sub stated on growtube, that Jtr was kept/saved post fire, it was the weird episode where he was holed up at Dagos house, maybe Im behind on the times, but I do know that Ms Jill went on a big Ig rant, which also might be old news, and was demanding testing thru Phylos, because of "mis labeling". Her good friend runs the dispensary in the next town over from me, followed Mz jiils ig for a bit but fell off....
Yeah, I remember that episode. I also remember Sub saying that all of his breeding cuts were in multiple locations so he wouldn't have to worry incase he ever got popped again. He almost lost Jacks Cleaner in the past and wanted to make sure that never happened again. I would think HGNW and Norstar both have cuts of the male JTR considering that they use it for breeding.
The mislabeling happened with agent orange. Newer packs. They are not agent orange. The wrong male was used. But the labels were already printed and whatnot. They went out as that. I've tested for him for the last few years. I haven't grown any more since that and the weird pic to his step daughter. But I will give credit. His cherry cordial og is spectacular. He sent me a 20 pack of it and sangria I think was what it was called. Both sent as testers before they released. Had no problems out of either one. Popped 15 of the c.c.og. had 7 females. 2 absolute keepers. One was a yielding beast tons of frost. Heavy heavy lemon og flavor. The other keeper was cherry scented and flavored like Marciano candied cherries. Both had an amazing high/punch to them.
Strawberry Daiquiri has some really differing phenotypes, some compact and round, some almost like landrace sativa, some amazing smelling plants individually, I've got 2 peanut "butter and berry" smelling plants going back into flower, 2 jtr dominant plants, and 4 unknowns. Alot of variance, it is an f1, sweet berry citrus smelling plants, funky tropical plants, and peanut/nutty smelling sweet and earthy phenotypes I've never smelled before.
Well, if the original JTR stud is no more, I guess I can settle for some Pandora's Box. Which is after all, a JTR BX, and has been recently re-released. Which makes a lot more sense now considering the circumstances.

Regardless of all that, I've got 12 TGA seedlings going in my garden right now, 9 Grape Lime Ricky's, and 3 Strawberry Daiquiri's. All of them were purchased before the fire so they are true progeny of the original JTR male.
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Well, if the original JTR stud is no more, I guess I can settle for some Pandora's Box. Which is after all, a JTR BX, and has been recently re-released. Which makes a lot more sense now considering the circumstances.

Regardless of all that, I've got 12 TGA seedlings going in my garden right now, 9 Grape Lime Ricky's, and 3 Strawberry Daiquiri's. All of them were purchased before the fire so they are true progeny of the original JTR male.
just a warning on those Strawberry Daiquiri's, make sure you give them plenty of root space, they get root bound real damn fast, and then they start to stretch like crazy, I believe that helped contribute to my high number of herms, they absolutely hate being root bound, like a c99 I used to grow. I'm curious, if any of your strawberry D's smell really nutty, like peanuts, because the best plant out of 48 seeds smells a bit like peanuts, fuel/gas, and lastly berries. Super frosty despite it's growing conditions and has a nice bit of red/purple thing going on, noticed a few plants do change color under 75-80 temps.
F2d agent orange put it to a Chernobyl f1 then f2d that line. Never seen a plant throw frost up the stem and out on the leaves to such an extreme. Got an alien cookie f3 that is a bit special but still doesn’t throw the frost that this cross does.
Sounds fantastic!hows the potency and yield?ever run it outdoors?
I never said @subcool lost anything. Badger made the new JTR crosses with a new JTR male he selected out of JTR packs, Badger has said it and Sub confirmed it to me on IG through DM. No drama intended, ask Sub yourself and see what he says.
I'm wasn't implying that you were causing drama but I do think that what you said caused some confusion. Because it begs the question "If Sub didn't lose any males in the fire, why was a new JTR stud selected, and used for breeding?"
I'm wasn't implying that you were causing drama but I do think that what you said caused some confusion. Because it begs the question "If Sub didn't lose any males in the fire, why was a new JTR stud selected, and used for breeding?"
my concern and why i asked Sub about the change up on the JTR male was because i had purchased 2 packs of the newly released chernobyl then seen Badger say he used a new JTR male so i contacted Sub asking what he thought about finding the golden ticket or slymer phenos with the use of the new male since thats why i bought them. He didnt say why new male was used.
my concern and why i asked Sub about the change up on the JTR male was because i had purchased 2 packs of the newly released chernobyl then seen Badger say he used a new JTR male so i contacted Sub asking what he thought about finding the golden ticket or slymer phenos with the use of the new male since thats why i bought them. He didnt say why new male was used.

I'm curious about this as well (your original question to sub).
How'd he answer that?
just got 10 pack of chernobyl and a 10 pack of rasberry jelly just wondering what people thaught of these were they smelly how did they smoke ?