Random Jabber Jibber thread

Yesterday I was feeling so so, like maybe I could start to process things. I went to work, was able to function, though it was on an extremely low level. Today, today is bad. Today is disasterious. My stomach is in my throat, I can’t control my emotions. I haven’t been able to eat anything since Sunday. Life stuff, man. Life punched me right in the face and fuckin rocked my whole world.

RIP sanity :cry:

Hang tuff girl, you'll be ok...... it always feels better when the hurt goes away..... whatever that means.

Broken heart sucks, for me I can't breathe can't focus.
That much whisky ain't good for you, take care of yourself man.

Agreed - my demon of choice was Gin when I made that journey many years ago.

One night - got shot at (with my own pistol), destroyed a car, split my sternum, severely bruised heart, 4 broken ribs & multiple stitches.

NTS, don't smoke weed (if you haven't in forever) after drinking yourself blind in a jealous rage & then jump into the drivers seat.
What a dumbass that dude was!!
Agreed - my demon of choice was Gin when I made that journey many years ago.

One night - got shot at (with my own pistol), destroyed a car, split my sternum, severely bruised heart, 4 broken ribs & multiple stitches.

NTS, don't smoke weed (if you haven't in forever) after drinking yourself blind in a jealous rage & then jump into the drivers seat.
What a dumbass that dude was!!

Drinking has taken a heavy toll on my life...
Dad was a career alky, he never provided a home or any kinda example me and my brothers. As a result we thought sex, drugs, and partying non-stop was normal. This was a stepping stone for the hellish childhood and short lives we endured .
So we lived with my mom's dad who was a disabled veteran and raging alky as well, also meaner than a snake. Until my know it all aunt decided to have us put in a group home ( 3 years ) . Then mom got remarried and decided to play mom well her new husband was also a drinker but he worked and I mean worked every day , he provided a home, steady meals and insisted we went to school, he also did stuff like take us fishing, hunting, and taught us skills ( and made us use them to ) . But all that early psycho damage had been done, and we were doomed.
My middle brother died in a car wreck @21 long day of drinking, drugs and usual high speed stuff.
My oldest brother drank himself to death a few years later, he just set in a chair and drank liquor till it killed him.
My wife's excessive drinking caused our divorce, we remarried a couple years later, nothing had changed, maybe four years later she put it down and hadn't drank since.

Sorry for the long depressing post .
I figured this would be something super nasty... :dunce:
ROCKLAND, Maine — The 2018 Maine Lobster Festival Sea Goddess has been dethroned less than 24 hours after she was crowned because of what organizers described as photos of "inappropriate behavior" on her social media page.

Eighteen-year-old Taylor Hamlin was crowned Sea Goddess at the 71-year-old festival Wednesday. On Thursday, she posted on Facebook she lost the title after community members emailed photos of her.

The Portland Press Herald reports one showed Hamlin holding a joint. Another showed her holding a device for vaping.

Hamlin said she was told to sign a document saying she could no longer fulfill her duties. Organizers said the photos "were not in keeping with the behavior and image of the Maine Sea Goddess" and Taylor decided to resign.

Crown Princess Erin Dugan will assume sea goddess duties.
I figured this would be something super nasty... :dunce:
ROCKLAND, Maine — The 2018 Maine Lobster Festival Sea Goddess has been dethroned less than 24 hours after she was crowned because of what organizers described as photos of "inappropriate behavior" on her social media page.

Eighteen-year-old Taylor Hamlin was crowned Sea Goddess at the 71-year-old festival Wednesday. On Thursday, she posted on Facebook she lost the title after community members emailed photos of her.

The Portland Press Herald reports one showed Hamlin holding a joint. Another showed her holding a device for vaping.

Hamlin said she was told to sign a document saying she could no longer fulfill her duties. Organizers said the photos "were not in keeping with the behavior and image of the Maine Sea Goddess" and Taylor decided to resign.

Crown Princess Erin Dugan will assume sea goddess duties.
It's been part of the rules for a long time. Was at the event for a bit they charge crazy prices for 2 lobsters.
Hi @Karah hope you're having a better day.

All this time will pass, into the past
So if you're happy, then make each moment last, don't hold nothing back
And if you're suffering, remember it won't last, get over it fast
Get back to living and giving Love

This life is just a test
I will remember, I will remember
This life ain't over yet
So please remember, not to forget

Newborn babies cry, their very first tears, they are so hopeful
Great grandfathers die, after many years, it is a circle
Teenagers find Love, then screw it all up
They are so fearful, yet somehow invincible

This life is not a curse
But there will be hard times, and it will get worse
But always do your best
And always remember that you are blessed

Everywhere you go, plant seeds, Love will grow
But remember who you are
And if you travel far, remember your heart is where your home is
So if you travel to the stars, remember your heart
And you won't be homeless or homesick at all
This life is just a test, with many failures and some success
But I will place my bets, and I will leave here with no regrets
