My Girls


Well-Known Member
yeah thraxz i noticed its been a really hot fall... and real low humidity yesterday and today.... not good for harvest ideals..... 50-60 humidity is best for harvest.... i cut the top off my girl... its hanging right now....


Well-Known Member
How she looking? What do you think you will get off her? Im looking at about 1and a 1/2 to 2 pounds total! Hopefully! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Nice Thrax! I couldnt believe it when I came out for lunch in Cypress yeaterday, whew! HOT! It went from overcast half the day to blazing. Today is hot too but Im at home much closer to the beach, but the air is hot. 1.5 tp 2 lbs is a nice haul. How do you keep it so cool when the outside temps are around 100?

Where are those pics you promised <taps foot>. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of another crop, S.S.H. and GDP, 5 still hanging! They are some dank nugs!! Looks as if they were sugar coated! I am well pleased with the quality!
I let them hang for two days then break up and put on the racks for 3 to 7 days, Then in the jars...I open them once to twice a day and leave open for about 5 to ten minutes!! This all seems to be doing fine.

Now as for the GDP in the closet they are doing very nice, I will get some pics tonight of them! They are all going to be in bigger pots by this weekend..Minimum two gallon!
Thanks for checking out my journal guys and gals! Also check out my links to my sites!! Tell me what you think!!



Well-Known Member
shit mannnn...nice job.... how long did u hang dry them.... mine are hanging(you know my schwag).....


Well-Known Member
i have been letting them hang while attached to the stalk for 2 to 4 days then I trim a little and put on the racks tell they snap!! You can get those racks at Target and the 99 cent store... Jars at Micheals 1.69 for 1 gallon!


Well-Known Member
All I can say is FROSTY!!! Nice nugs! Your garage must smell nice. You cure the way I do, slow.

I read about pro215 and want to talk to you about it. I would like some details.


Well-Known Member
No problem, Give the # a call thats on the site.. Yes it is very frosty!! Thank you and smells and taste excellent!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have been so busy lately!!
The girls have been watered every night with the usual. No feeding. I will be more thorough tomorrow! So heres some Pics!

They are all in 2 gallon containers and seem to have not been shocked during the transplant.. They are all nice and healthy, I will be cutting clones this next week!! I will flower the clones then get rid of the males and keep one nice GDP for a mother!!

Got a ticket today to the L.A. Cannabis Cup on Oct 18th, Oh yea cant wait..200.00 bucks well worth every penny!



Well-Known Member
They have been watered daily with P.H. at 6.5 temp between 75.6 and 84.5 humidity at 46%. They are about twelve inches and all are pretty uniformed except one. It split and has two main Stems know!! I hope its a female because its a beauty.

I will be giving them a nice dose of some nutrients tonight!! I will also get some pics tonight!!
L.A. Cannabis Cup is going to be bad ass, I have a scope I made that I am going to premiere their.. I will be producing these scopes to the public soon.. You will want one if your a connoisseur, Trust me.. Go to and look at the pics I can take with it as well!! Hit me up if you want info!


Well-Known Member
connoiseur... im definately a cannabis enthusiast..... ill have to buy just scared there will be a bunch of bugs waving at


Well-Known Member
Bro, This is going to be the experience of a life time, You get to try total of 7 gs of the best bud in Cali, 1/2 g of each, Besides the free hash and vapor bar. Food and raffle., and the people your going to meet!!


Well-Known Member
Here they are, They were watered last night with a nutrient mix of Guano, Seaweed extract and open sesame. 2table spoons of Guano, 1 tbl of seaweed, and 1/2 tsp of open sesame..PPM at 650..Temp between 74.5 and 83.6, humidity at 38% and P.H. at 6.5..
I moved them into the hut and they are on an 18 6 light cycle.1000 wt hps with it 22in above, Hooded vent!

They are about 12in to 14in now, and doing very nice. 1 of the deformed ones split and is now 2 main branches!! They are very green and have nice stalks!
I will be taking some cuts this weekend to sex them!!

I also have 8 small Master X O.G. in with them.. In my small cabinet is 1 O.G. Kush 2 Larry O.G.s I just got yesterday and 1 N.L...

The last Pic is the Cyber Crystal Indica!! It is very sweet and sticky!!



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:wow thing just keep getting better:blsmoke:

great picskiss-ass
Here they are, They were watered last night with a nutrient mix of Guano, Seaweed extract and open sesame. 2table spoons of Guano, 1 tbl of seaweed, and 1/2 tsp of open sesame..PPM at 650..Temp between 74.5 and 83.6, humidity at 38% and P.H. at 6.5..
I moved them into the hut and they are on an 18 6 light cycle.1000 wt hps with it 22in above, Hooded vent!

They are about 12in to 14in now, and doing very nice. 1 of the deformed ones split and is now 2 main branches!! They are very green and have nice stalks!
I will be taking some cuts this weekend to sex them!!

I also have 8 small Master X O.G. in with them.. In my small cabinet is 1 O.G. Kush 2 Larry O.G.s I just got yesterday and 1 N.L...

The last Pic is the Cyber Crystal Indica!! It is very sweet and sticky!!