Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Well-Known Member
"The longer branch of the Nile—the White Nile—begins in the floor of the Western Rift, where it receives melt from glaciers and snowfields of the Ruwenzori Mountains (peaks of up to 5100 meters above sea level), as well as river drainage from Lakes Edward and Victoria."

Sounds like a downward gradient to me, and btw, North is not "up"

How much do I weigh now?
Did I say North was up? I said the Nile flows north and across the equator. My point is it flows down a gradient 4,298 miles covering 2500 miles as the crow flies. This is impossible on a ball earth with only 24,901 miles of circumference.

Respectfully, R. G.


Well-Known Member
Ya. Logic and science are all bullshit, I hear
You don't know science or simple reasoning or plain addition and subtraction for that matter. Read the stats just provided in regards to the Nile River and conduct simple reasoning and prove you can reason. Work the problem and study it closely. Flat earth, flat earth, flat earth :wall:


Well-Known Member
Did I say North was up? I said the Nile flows north and across the equator. My point is it flows down a gradient 4,298 miles covering 2500 miles as the crow flies. This is impossible on a ball earth with only 24,901 miles of circumference.

Respectfully, R. G.
Wait. So the Nile flows how far on your delusion of a flat earth!? According to your reasoning, that's not very reasonable either, now is it?


Well-Known Member
And what gradient? With respect to what baseline? And without gravity, why does that flat-earth gradient even make the water flow north, mr. I'm full of logic and reason? You do realize you can have a local elevation gradient across a sphere too (or any surface fore that matter). Ya know, relative to it's center? Or in the case of an imperfect sphere or other shape, relative its center of gravity (woops), or one with topography that extends above and below the trace of that spheroid or surface?
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