Looks Like OK is Legal

Looks like the wording of the draft will allow for a greenhouse.

On the premises of a commercial establishment shall not be visible or accessible to the public.

Commercial establishments shall maintain any walls or fencing necessary to shield the operations of the facility from public access and view.

commercial establishments shall ensure any odors that may arise from any stage of marijuana production or the disposal of marijuana are not detectable by the public.
-this one does pose a little problem for a greenhouse, but doest go into more depth about what is required. I'm thinking since its loosely written then it could be interpreted like a plot so far off the main road that no one would smell or see it...

Also this is from the summary provided by the state of things that have changed.
310:681-6-2. Construction of premises

• Removes requirement that commercial establishments be enclosed and other additional requirements. Provides instead that the construction of commercial establishments must meet the standards of any applicable state and local electrical, fire, plumbing, waste, and building specification codes.

Things are looking up for OK
good to see that people with common sense have taken over. fuck the goodie two shoes who wanna get in the way of progress.
good to see that people with common sense have taken over. fuck the goodie two shoes who wanna get in the way of progress.

Yeah for sure. Seems like it'll be better. I looked it up and seems like the biometric door looks (fingerprints) aren't too bad if your looking to start a business.
Wow looks like the Board approved some great changes today, things are getting less and less restrictive.... as far as a commercial businesses go.
Wow looks like the Board approved some great changes today, things are getting less and less restrictive.... as far as a commercial businesses go.

It's quite a relief to see what we almost had and what we're about at now. The critics of 788 said "no one needs that many plants" talking about personal use, but when you know ahead of time the state's going to try to gut everything out of the implementation that they can, it makes sense to aim high!

i would love this. this will shit all over conservatives. they've been shitting on us for years. karma....

It would be awesome, don't know if it'll wind up making it this year. BTW a majority of "conservatives" support legalization, this isn't really a partisan issue anymore - maybe with legislators, but not with the people.
can you eat rosin?
I was just wondering the same thing. I read the whole law (I think). As I remember it there were 75 pages. I believe I saw something in the edibles section that mentioned some dosage requirements.
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I was just wondering the same thing. I read the whole law (I think). As I remember it there were 75 pages. I believe I saw something in the edibles section that mentioned some dosage requirements.
What you probably read was the Health depts rules and regs.. ppl went ape shit over it. Now its down to only a few pages. As of now there aren't any limits on anything and you can have flower to smoke.
OMMA.ok.gov is the site to find the latest stuff.
I'm just worried what the legislatures are gonna do when they come back into session.
Yep it's going to be an interesting year at the Capitol. I'll have my phone ready.

BTW today's the day, everyone!! Our application site goes online (at 10am I think) and the word is the state hired a ton of temps to help with the processing demand. That's licenses for both patients and businesses. Websites are starting to pop up, it's kind of funny to see a few with blank holder elements for products or even doctors on one I saw.
Yep it's going to be an interesting year at the Capitol. I'll have my phone ready.

BTW today's the day, everyone!! Our application site goes online (at 10am I think) and the word is the state hired a ton of temps to help with the processing demand. That's licenses for both patients and businesses. Websites are starting to pop up, it's kind of funny to see a few with blank holder elements for products or even doctors on one I saw.

Yeah I'm excited to get a commercial grow license, but I don't really want to spend the money for everything and then it changes when they come back into session and then changing things. I'm worried they'll change things and I won't be able to make the changes then i'll be out of a business.
What you probably read was the Health depts rules and regs.. ppl went ape shit over it. Now its down to only a few pages.
At the time I read it it had every thing from start to whatever, growing, limits, % in eatables, how it could be transported, what to do with you over the limit grow...It said it you produce more the the limit you had to turn it in at the local PD. Tell me, WHO is going to walk into the police station with a bag of ANY size. I'll go to this other site you mentioned and get what I hope is a little better story that what I read at the OSHB.
Here's something I'm not believing:

"310:681-5-12. Marijuana transaction limitations
A single transaction by a dispensary with a patient, or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if patient is a licensed minor, or caregiver is limited to three (3) ounces of usable marijuana, one (1) ounce of marijuana concentrate, seventy-two (72) ounces of medical marijuana products, six (6) mature plants, and/or six (6) seedling plants."

I can't find any other limits. This seems to be only what you can buy at any one trip to the store, but it's the only limits I could find in the 24 pages. Is there a limit?

One thing I did see (under definitions) is:
""Mature Plant" means harvestable FEMALE marijuana plant that is flowering."
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Here's something I'm not believing:

"310:681-5-12. Marijuana transaction limitations
A single transaction by a dispensary with a patient, or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if patient is a licensed minor, or caregiver is limited to three (3) ounces of usable marijuana, one (1) ounce of marijuana concentrate, seventy-two (72) ounces of medical marijuana products, six (6) mature plants, and/or six (6) seedling plants."

I can't find any other limits. This seems to be only what you can buy at any one trip to the store, but it's the only limits I could find in the 24 pages. Is there a limit?

One thing I did see (under definitions) is:
""Mature Plant" means harvestable FEMALE marijuana plant that is flowering."

The latest rules appear to be exactly what you posted there, I just read it myself. It does seem like a lot but I'm sure it'll all add up pretty quick. I was in Seattle not too long ago and I spent a few hundred bucks and was surprised how much I got, the guy said I wasn't close to the limit.

Yes a mature plant in almost every state that has a real mmj system says a mature plant is a plant that is flowering. SO I'd say that when buds start to form it transitions into a mature plant then you ca have however many seedlings.... basically it allows for a perpetual grow.
Hay, Nugs1,
I know a good building that has been empty for a long time. It's north of Tulsa.
I really appreciate it but I'm looking to do more of an outdoor grow/greenhouse. I don't really have the funds to do all that it takes to do a proper indoor grow.