

Active Member
They are small plants. You could cut some of the big fan leaves to get more light into the underneath, how far are your lights from the tops? The yellowing on the tips & edges of the leaves might be too much nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I only give them half the recommended dosage of grow and I gave them 1/4 dose of bloom the day I put them in flower. I check my PH before and I check the run off. It’s Always at 6.
They are small plants. You could cut some of the big fan leaves to get more light into the underneath, how far are your lights from the tops? The yellowing on the tips & edges of the leaves might be too much nitrogen.
I’ve already cut the bottom fan leaves off so the light could penetrate the canopy a little better. I’m running 400 actual from the wall watts of LED
I’ve got a 2x2.5x5 gorilla grow tent.
Two led panels pulling a combined true wattage of 400
Fox Farm Ocean Forest with about 30% perlite
I water when their completely dry but not wilting. And I feed every other watering. The plants are about 6 weeks and now day 4 into flower. But the tips are only yellow after 12 hours of dark. But than once I go to shut lights down after 12 everything looks back to normal. Their still growing. They put on 2 inches in height in 3 days


Well-Known Member
I only give them half the recommended dosage of grow and I gave them 1/4 dose of bloom the day I put them in flower. I check my PH before and I check the run off. It’s Always at 6.
I figured youd come say something like this..
I noticed they look like that as soon as I turn the lights on. But after 12 hours of lights on they look fine.
Lol no they dont look fine. You'll learn though through time maybe..


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are doing too much. Just give them plain old water for a while, dont overwater and you should see some improvement. Changing to bloom nutes at this stage is pretty early, they still have alot of growing to do
So maybe a little help to a fellow grower would be fantastic without the smart ass remark. I’m a veteran with severe ptsd who needs this medication to stay calm and collected without thinking people are trying to kill me everyday
It sounds like you are doing too much. Just give them plain old water for a while, dont overwater and you should see some improvement. Changing to bloom nutes at this stage is pretty early, they still have alot of growing to do
Thank you sir. That was all I needed not some guy who arrogance is so bad that he needs to show it on here. Should I continue with flower or stop flower and get them healthy again


Well-Known Member
Thank you sir. That was all I needed not some guy who arrogance is so bad that he needs to show it on here. Should I continue with flower or stop flower and get them healthy again
No problem. Dont change the light cycle again. Just because you switched to 12/12 doesnt mean the plant is instantly going to flower. I usually only feed mine every 5th watering at half the recommended strength. When it stops stretching and starts really budding its time to start switching to bloom nutes, gradually
No problem. Dont change the light cycle again. Just because you switched to 12/12 doesnt mean the plant is instantly going to flower. I usually only feed mine every 5th watering at half the recommended strength. When it stops stretching and starts really budding its time to start switching to bloom nutes, gradually
Okay so just plain PHed water untill I see improvement. And only water when completely dry. Than in week 4 or 5 use some bloom nutes but I’m small amounts a first. So I still have a chance at bringing these back and getting a decent yield I’m hoping??


Well-Known Member
Dont count weeks. Watch it. You will be able to tell when its done stretching and only the buds are growing. Its very obvious once you see it.
Dont count weeks. Watch it. You will be able to tell when its done stretching and only the buds are growing. Its very obvious once you see it.
Okay great Thanks for the advice. I think every first time grower over thinks the hell out of it and causes unnecessary problems for themselves. Lesson learned


Well-Known Member
So maybe a little help to a fellow grower would be fantastic without the smart ass remark. I’m a veteran with severe ptsd who needs this medication to stay calm and collected without thinking people are trying to kill me everyday
I tried helping you by telling you what was wrong, then you claimed you hadnt actually over fed it (though clearly you did)

How does you having pstd matter at all? Honestly...? Does that make you unable to listen to advice?