Part/Tool for DIY LED strip build


Well-Known Member
Ok looking for a little help here. I have a terrible memory & have forgotten the name of an implement/tool I have seen used by a number of people on this forum on their DIY strip light builds.

Because I cannot remember what they are called I cannot locate one for a build I’m doing soon.

I’m hoping that from my description someone will kindly enlighten me?

It’s basically like some sort of terminal that you screw in multiple sets of positive & negative cables from you’re strips & only have to run one positive & negative cable from the driver to this terminals input. This is for multiple parallel connections. Probably really simple & obvious but I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called.

Thanks in advance
Ok looking for a little help here. I have a terrible memory & have forgotten the name of an implement/tool I have seen used by a number of people on this forum on their DIY strip light builds.

Because I cannot remember what they are called I cannot locate one for a build I’m doing soon.

I’m hoping that from my description someone will kindly enlighten me?

It’s basically like some sort of terminal that you screw in multiple sets of positive & negative cables from you’re strips & only have to run one positive & negative cable from the driver to this terminals input. This is for multiple parallel connections. Probably really simple & obvious but I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called.

Thanks in advance
Terminal block.
Ok looking for a little help here. I have a terrible memory & have forgotten the name of an implement/tool I have seen used by a number of people on this forum on their DIY strip light builds.

Because I cannot remember what they are called I cannot locate one for a build I’m doing soon.

I’m hoping that from my description someone will kindly enlighten me?

It’s basically like some sort of terminal that you screw in multiple sets of positive & negative cables from you’re strips & only have to run one positive & negative cable from the driver to this terminals input. This is for multiple parallel connections. Probably really simple & obvious but I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called.

Thanks in advance
Use this instead if you're talking about screwing your wires in.
Terminal block.
Not quite. I have some of these. Great for making joins but not what I am looking for. Essentially a block with all the parallel pos&neg cables screwed into it from the LED strips & then one pos&neg in from the driver which the terminal thing then feeds to each other set of cables.
P.s. thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply. Really apreciated. I'll do some digging today & update the thread with what I find in case anyone else with a short memory has touble identifying these again.
I think the barrier strips are what I'm after. Could be wrong. Been a while since I saw the photo of one in use on a build on here. They are cheap so I'll pick one up & give it a look over.