stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

Obama's numbers in 8 yrs were terrible. He was an economic disaster compared to past presidents. Even Bush two was better. Heck even Carter smoked ole floppy ears.

Obama's numbers in 8 yrs were terrible. He was an economic disaster compared to past presidents. Even Bush two was better. Heck even Carter smoked ole floppy ears.

he inherited a great depression from republicans

what does this have to do with trump?

the stock market hasn't gained a point in 7 months now

Screenshot 2018-07-27 at 8.23.16 PM.png
Just curious if the guy spouting about no growth in 7 month is aware he is using a chart that shows roughly 15% growth over 12 months....
Thanks for the welcome! I have to apologize. Looking on my post I feel like it comes across aggressive in a fashion I did not intent. Sorry!

I have to warn you that percentages can be very misleading. A slight improvement in a dire situation can produce a much higher percentage than a much larger boost during stable growth. For example going from 8 to 10 is a higher % of increase than 25 to 30, but the larger % is only an increase of 2 and the other 5.

I would ask how it makes sense people can claim Obama gets credit for his economic policy in his first year but Trump's first and/or second year is due to Obama? Should not then Obama's first year be attributed to W.Bush?

I am sorry, I am not here to praise Trump or attack Obama. I simply saw what I felt was a situation where a graph indicating growth was being portrayed as an example of stagnation. I can not make a valuable comment to Trump's economic effect as I have not examined it. I suspect Trump,would succeed highly at individual negotiations but not at long term economic planning. I feel this way because I think he can be too ruthless at negotiating/dealing with people, so while he gets the best of them at first, people become no longer willing to deal with him. Just a hunch, and I could very easily be wrong.

I would say my biggest economic dissapointment with the Obama administration was when they bailed out financial institutions at the expense of the American public even though it was the former who oversaw the collapse. I feel they should have found a way to protect Americans from foreclosures etc in return for the bailouts. A payment on behalf of taxpayers instead of a bailout, if you will. It was rhein money after all. However, it is easy to criticise and considerations I am not factoring may have prevented that somehow.
most of the growth in the stock market is due to QE, the inflation that was supposed to occur in consumer prices went into the stock market instead
Hi two pump, did you evacuate your trailer yet?
Hi, I don't believe we have ever interacted with each other before at all in any way, shape or form.

Are you really coming at me with that pathetic ad hominem slander simply because I pointed out a fact about a graph?

Good job. We're all so proud.
@BarryBwana, Welcome to the politics forum.
Uncle buck is an argumentative fkr (and I mean that in the nicest way). His side swipes are a part of his charm...
Makes the Politics forum entertaining!
I pointed out a fact about a graph
pick a year of the obama administration

every single year obama was president, his numbers were better than trump.

he became president in january and because he had a supermajority of americans supporting him, he passed lots of legislation immediately to fix the major recession republicans put us in

trump has only passed tax cuts for billionaires, and everything tanked soon after as his trade wars began

no gains in the stock market in 7 months

wages are not just stagnant, they are down. wages have fallen under trump

health care is WAY up

gas is way up

food is way up

housing and rent are way up

labor force participation rate is down

he has doubled the deficit

lowest job numbers since 2011
probably not but I don't take any notice of the personal stuff to much. I give it to people sometimes, I'm going to get it back in some form. Bucks called me many things to, I don't lose sleep over it.

Well I don’t lose sleep over his immature crap either but I actually agreed with him in my first comment to him and he has trolled me like this every post since. I think it’s been 18 months now.

I was brand new to forums. I never even had Facebook. All I did was try to keep up. I must have hurt his feelings bad. Many of my posts were deleted and none of his.

So I just play his stupid game when I get a buck alert. Or one of his silly parrots. Or if I just can’t take the hypocrisy he posts I might have to comment.