Aussie Growers Thread

Okay.. then.. lol. Thanks for letting me know I guess ? I think I'll just add you to the blocked list.. So anyone else who's not a sour puss in for a New Solo Cup challenge ?
Okay.. then.. lol. Thanks for letting me know I guess ? I think I'll just add you to the blocked list.. So anyone else who's not a sour puss in for a New Solo Cup challenge ?
One of my morals is not to use “retard” as an insult and that does make me a better person than those that do so
Just different people have different morals I guess ? Doesn't make anyone better or worse than the other person were just all different, I think it has a lot to how you were brought up and obviously your parents etc. Littering is just something that I've always had issues with and that's living in the crappiest street in the crappiest suburb lol.

Who's up for a legit solocup challenge guys & ladies ?
I've got a dozen solo.cups going now and will be popping another dozen but I'm doing them to start of new untried strains indoor for a gd friend so I'm out
I did do a bob however and put a auto in.a cup .
Fuck autos up the arse I just done it cos I love bob in a non homo way
I'm looking for some good revenge ideas... this guy took my $50 and hasn't sent me my goddamn chilis. Paypal aren't doing shit (no surprise there). Can't be sure the address he gives in Tassie is legit, otherwise I'd go visit to kick him in the nuts. So anyone got any evil genius to share?
ps: -stay the fuck away
You buy chilli seeds?
I might have read it wrong but if you did there's only 2 places in.aust I buy my chilli seeds from
I will say one thing I have learnt from spending time on this forum is some of the great ideas for cheap alternatives people use like solo cups, woolies bags as fabric grow pots etc, half the crap I bought at the hydro store to start off with just sits in the cupboard. :(
Do you guys even bother with Jiffy pellets or anyone use them ? I know they are only $10 for 36 I just seem to always get a better % of successful sprouts with them rather than just straight in soil.

What chili seeds where you chasing ? I'll shoot you some Ghost peppers for free if you want something hot, my Carolinas are about a month away from fruiting though :(
You should see the WRX community at the moment going off their nut, There was this drop kick in SA who stole someones pretty rare STI foglight covers off their parked car , but the idiot didn't see the dashcam recording him and his number plate lol. The hunt is on to find him and just make his life hell.

Man its only $50 it might not be worth your hassle, did you pay him via a gift through paypal ? They should refund you it just takes a few weeks and again its $50. You could send him a jack-in-the-box style present, but instead of it been a Jack just save up a good weeks with of Jizzed in socks that would spring out when he opened it.. but sounds like he is probably into that sort of fetish,
10 dollar note covered in spoof
No One doesn't touch a note sent to them
You should see the WRX community at the moment going off their nut, There was this drop kick in SA who stole someones pretty rare STI foglight covers off their parked car , but the idiot didn't see the dashcam recording him and his number plate lol. The hunt is on to find him and just make his life hell.

Man its only $50 it might not be worth your hassle, did you pay him via a gift through paypal ? They should refund you it just takes a few weeks and again its $50. You could send him a jack-in-the-box style present, but instead of it been a Jack just save up a good weeks with of Jizzed in socks that would spring out when he opened it.. but sounds like he is probably into that sort of fetish,

The boys inside used to shit into a package and wrap it all up and throw it out into the sterile zone so when the guards do the rounds they would think it was a package someone tried to get in. Only whe. they ope. It to see what it is its just a shit hahhaa