Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Got any good sources for Jadam info? Looks like there is an ebook for $43 but not ready to spend that just yet.

You said FPJ and FFJ need a "nutrient source like labs". I've never heard LAB to be a nutrient source. Wouldn't that be the FPJ/FFJ and LAB would be the microbe source?

What triggered you to move on to Jadam? I definitely don't go full KNF and am open to trying it out for sure.

I found a link for a copy if you are interested. They slow the download speed unless you pay for a faster DL. Got it in about 30 mins, little less than 100 MB

I've always heard bone meals are slow, which is why I typically use guano for top ups. Didn't know it contained Ca in significant levels.

I've used bone meal for years and was always under the same impression and just never used it as a top dress, only when making a fresh mix or a reamend.

Then, last summer I gave it a shot in one plant to see just how long it really took. This was a true SxS with 2 pepper plants each in 15gal with the mix from the same batch. Top dressed one with the steamed bone meal and the other with some high phos bat guano.

I was more than surprised. The bat guano showed growth and color results in around 2 weeks. The bone meal showed noticeable results not quite a week later @~3 weeks. I had fully expected it to take 4-6 weeks to show anything. Both had been mixed with some fresh VC for a kickstart.

Locally, the bone meal is right at $1/lb ($19.50/20lb bag), and way cheaper than the bat which must be shipped. So, you simply top dress 1 week sooner and avoid the extra cost and hassle of ordering online.

I've used bone meal for years and was always under the same impression and just never used it as a top dress, only when making a fresh mix or a reamend.

Then, last summer I gave it a shot in one plant to see just how long it really took. This was a true SxS with 2 pepper plants each in 15gal with the mix from the same batch. Top dressed one with the steamed bone meal and the other with some high phos bat guano.

I was more than surprised. The bat guano showed growth and color results in around 2 weeks. The bone meal showed noticeable results not quite a week later @~3 weeks. I had fully expected it to take 4-6 weeks to show anything. Both had been mixed with some fresh VC for a kickstart.

Locally, the bone meal is right at $1/lb ($19.50/20lb bag), and way cheaper than the bat which must be shipped. So, you simply top dress 1 week sooner and avoid the extra cost and hassle of ordering online.

Thanks for the info!
Sounds like I need to do some experiments.

Has anyone noticed a difference between animal bone and fish bone?
My dogs prefer animal bone but will eat fish bone too if I don't scratch it into the surface thoroughly.
They aren't interested in crab, so I just leave it on top where it eventually gets watered in.
Can someone review my components and tell me if I pretty much have all my bases covered on this soil mixture I've came up with from my research so far. I'm already up to $226 dollars on amazon for these materials, I heard this way was supposed to be cheap so I'm hoping this pays for itself in the long run?

Base mix

1/2 Royal Gold Basement Mix / 1/2 Natural soil from outside
Earthworm Castings


Neem meal
Crab meal
Kelp meal
Fish Bone Meal
Micronized azomite for my rock dust
Roots Oregonism

Fill my pots, add red wigglers and some nightcrawlers, mulch layer

Water initially with some agave nectar and let it cook....anything I'm missing here?
Can someone review my components and tell me if I pretty much have all my bases covered on this soil mixture I've came up with from my research so far. I'm already up to $226 dollars on amazon for these materials, I heard this way was supposed to be cheap so I'm hoping this pays for itself in the long run?

Base mix

1/2 Royal Gold Basement Mix / 1/2 Natural soil from outside
Earthworm Castings


Neem meal
Crab meal
Kelp meal
Fish Bone Meal
Micronized azomite for my rock dust
Roots Oregonism

Fill my pots, add red wigglers and some nightcrawlers, mulch layer

Water initially with some agave nectar and let it cook....anything I'm missing here?
If you don't need a lot of soil, I'd just go with an organic nute blend, then tweak it to your needs.
It's similar to buying a jar of spaghetti sauce, then spicing it up a bit. :twisted:

I'm out of many organic amendments so lately I've been using Down-To-Earth 'Bio Fish' blend + crab meal & extra kelp.

My plants are digging it.
This little gal is still in a 3 gallon grow bag...
If you don't need a lot of soil, I'd just go with an organic nute blend, then tweak it to your needs.
It's similar to buying a jar of spaghetti sauce, then spicing it up a bit. :twisted:

I'm out of many organic amendments so lately I've been using Down-To-Earth 'Bio Fish' blend + crab meal & extra kelp.

My plants are digging it.
This little gal is still in a 3 gallon grow bag...
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I will need at least 30 gallons
I will need at least 30 gallons
Making 4 cubic feet of soil shouldn't cost $226. :o

Start with a cheap soil that's $10 for 2 cu ft.
Add 1 cu ft castings -- $30 max.
Add 1 cu ft pumice or perlite -- $10 max.
Add the 3 amendments I mentioned earlier -- $45 max.

Yer done and it cost less than a C-note. 8)
Making 4 cubic feet of soil shouldn't cost $226. :o

Start with a cheap soil that's $10 for 2 cu ft.
Add 1 cu ft castings -- $30 max.
Add 1 cu ft pumice or perlite -- $10 max.
Add the 3 amendments I mentioned earlier -- $45 max.

Yer done and it cost less than a C-note. 8)

Royal Gold Basement Mix - $45 for about 50 pounds
Earthworm Castings - $17 for 15 pounds
Perlite - $34.95 for 4 cubic feet


Neem meal - $20 5lbs
Crab meal - $15
Kelp meal - $16
Fish Bone Meal - $13
Langbeinite - $19
Micronized azomite for my rock dust - $26.39 for 20 pounds
Mykos - $9
Roots Oregonism - $12
Royal Gold Basement Mix - $45 for about 50 pounds
Earthworm Castings - $17 for 15 pounds
Perlite - $34.95 for 4 cubic feet


Neem meal - $20 5lbs
Crab meal - $15
Kelp meal - $16
Fish Bone Meal - $13
Langbeinite - $19
Micronized azomite for my rock dust - $26.39 for 20 pounds
Mykos - $9
Roots Oregonism - $12
Go for it.

I showed you a cheaper way... :dunce:
What makes you say that?
It depends on how many you have. A few are generally OK in large pots.
Soil temps and moisture levels will determine whether worms live or die.
If your soil gets too hot and worms can't escape, they will die.
Same thing with soil that gets too dry.
I sell bait. Night Crawlers will die and a lot of dead ones could do harm. Belgium or European Nightcrawlers are surface dwellers and are fine at room temp with plenty of moisture. My red wriggllers aka manure or tiger worms do fine in warm conditions and some show up when I dump mix after harvest. Homemade castings are just too cool.