Greenpoint seeds!!

I keep waiting for you to provide the science that it can't happen.

Contact breeders and ask them.

Dr who said even ask riot seeds and ask.

It happens and I know for a fact it wasn't stray male pollen.

No one is claiming it happens a lot. If you get a number of people claiming males out of a fem run then ofds are something happened.

The precedent is there in certian reptiles and such. They can change sex if need be.

It happens. It's rare but still happens.

Yeah weird shit does happen in nature, but it evolved to happen over millions of years. Conversely, cannabis evolved to be dioecious and have distinct sex chromosomes over millions of years, which means there’s no recombination between the sex chromosomes at all. Many dioecious plants only have proto-sex chromosomes, meaning the differing X and Y chromosomes still have some recombination. Not cannabis, which indicates that the sex determination evolved long, long ago.

The argument that true males from fem pollen, meaning males that will produce both male and female offspring, is arguing that a spontaneous mutation arose that led to an entirely new sex determination factor. While theoretically possible, it’s on the one in a billion type of possibility. Way, way less than the “1:3000” or whatever odds people like to throw out.

The way, WAY more likely reason for males is either pollen contamination (unless you’ve never had males grown in the same area there’s no way you can guarantee that it hasn’t happened) or they are extreme herms that are still genetically female and their pollen will only produce female offspring.

I’m not saying people won’t see male appearing plants in fem crosses. That I believe. I’m saying if it was truly pollinated by fem pollen, it’s not a true male.
Yeah weird shit does happen in nature, but it evolved to happen over millions of years. Conversely, cannabis evolved to be dioecious and have distinct sex chromosomes over millions of years, which means there’s no recombination between the sex chromosomes at all. Many dioecious plants only have proto-sex chromosomes, meaning the differing X and Y chromosomes still have some recombination. Not cannabis, which indicates that the sex determination evolved long, long ago.

The argument that true males from fem pollen, meaning males that will produce both male and female offspring, is arguing that a spontaneous mutation arose that led to an entirely new sex determination factor. While theoretically possible, it’s on the one in a billion type of possibility. Way, way less than the “1:3000” or whatever odds people like to throw out.

The way, WAY more likely reason for males is either pollen contamination (unless you’ve never had males grown in the same area there’s no way you can guarantee that it hasn’t happened) or they are extreme herms that are still genetically female and their pollen will only produce female offspring.

I’m not saying people won’t see male appearing plants in fem crosses. That I believe. I’m saying if it was truly pollinated by fem pollen, it’s not a true male.
I believe it possible for the male to be a real male from fem pollen.

I get everything you are saying but sometimes what's in a book just doesn't match what happens in real life.

Look above. I found two that claim it possible.

I am emailing breeders now and will post responses when I get them.
I spent 5 years of my life doing evolutionary genetics research in plants.

Multiple people have found lots of males in Riot fems. I wouldn’t trust anything that guy says. Honestly, I don’t care what fem seeds breeders have to say because they’re just covering their asses in the off chance of pollen contamination and herms. “I only said 99% females”.

There’s simply no genetic explanation for seeing true males in a fem cross. The spontaneous mutation of a Y chromosome just doesn’t happen. Particularly in a female that doesn’t contain any of the requisite genetic potential to produce male plants.

Again, I believe people find male appearing plants in fem crosses. But if you took that “male” plant and pollinated a female, all of the offspring would be female, which means it’s not a true male.
I spent 5 years of my life doing evolutionary genetics research in plants.

Multiple people have found lots of males in Riot fems. I wouldn’t trust anything that guy says. Honestly, I don’t care what fem seeds breeders have to say because they’re just covering their asses in the off chance of pollen contamination and herms. “I only said 99% females”.

There’s simply no genetic explanation for seeing true males in a fem cross. The spontaneous mutation of a Y chromosome just doesn’t happen. Particularly in a female that doesn’t contain any of the requisite genetic potential to produce male plants.

Again, I believe people find male appearing plants in fem crosses. But if you took that “male” plant and pollinated a female, all of the offspring would be female, which means it’s not a true male.

the male i was talking about earlier in the thread was a cherry puff f2 male (cherry pie x jo OG) and i think cherry pie is notorious for carrying a hermi trait into crosses so it wouldnt surprise me if it was some extreme hermi. like i said though it flowered out exactly like a male. out of the 3 crosses i did with it 1 strain did show instability and threw nanners late in flower. the other two have been rock solid and are producing some great results. just no males. which is a shame because i would have worked one of the lines further for sure but now i will just pop a bunch and find a good mother
Can you describe the smell/taste, effects of Lucky 7?
Curious what Gu's Stardawg does to the Lucky Charms momma.

The winning pheno smells like sweet cream that coats your mouth in the same flavor. Efficacy is fantastic. A perfect hybrid blend of body and head high that has no ceiling.

Others in the pack, i had 7 females from 1 pack, smell and taste the same. There were also a couple garlic and onion funk phenos. The high is about the same for every plant.

10/10 would buy another 3 packs and grow again.
The winning pheno smells like sweet cream that coats your mouth in the same flavor. Efficacy is fantastic. A perfect hybrid blend of body and head high that has no ceiling.

Others in the pack, i had 7 females from 1 pack, smell and taste the same. There were also a couple garlic and onion funk phenos. The high is about the same for every plant.

10/10 would buy another 3 packs and grow again.
I got mine ;-)
Thanks Typo
You got to have some to get some.most dont care about money cause alot of these cuts are 1 of a kinds,they want shit no one else has.there in the breeding business not in the selling cuts business.get some fire not many have but know about and you'll have more shit than u know what to do with.a year ago I had hardly shit but this past year has been awesome for finding cuts.

I think you're right. I live near by a person who breeds a strain called skunkdog, and I believe he would probably only give me a cut if I had something rare to trade with him. Being on an island it makes it hard to find rare cuts

I will say that the generosity approach is the most effective. I've gotten so much more by giving stuff away. I still have not paid for a cut.

It's also worth pointing out that phenos found in seed runs from your vault can yield plants that beat any "clone only" in quality. The probability of a typical "clone only" BOTH being selected from a large seed population and being maintained and dispersed around the country is low. The probability of you finding a great pheno in a pack of seeds is higher, I would hypothesize.

I would agree with this too. My space is pretty small at the moment. So when I pheno hunt it's more like pheno gambling. I gotta do a pagan rain dance to get the cannabis gods to bless me with a good one out of the 5 or 6 seeds I have room to grow haha.

Edit: it does happen more often though. I made a cross from Larry og x sour diesel and I've popped two seeds from the batch one was Male and one was female. I've been growing this cut for about a year now and its super sweet berries I can't put my finger on what it taste like so I call it Dbarrymore. The amazing thing about it is its yield. This next harvest I may have done plants that are getting way over 1 ounce per gallon of cococoir.
I think you're right. I live near by a person who breeds a strain called skunkdog, and I believe he would probably only give me a cut if I had something rare to trade with him. Being on an island it makes it hard to find rare cuts

I would agree with this too. My space is pretty small at the moment. So when I pheno hunt it's more like pheno gambling. I gotta do a pagan rain dance to get the cannabis gods to bless me with a good one out of the 5 or 6 seeds I have room to grow haha.

Edit: it does happen more often though. I made a cross from Larry og x sour diesel and I've popped two seeds from the batch one was Male and one was female. I've been growing this cut for about a year now and its super sweet berries I can't put my finger on what it taste like so I call it Dbarrymore. The amazing thing about it is its yield. This next harvest I may have done plants that are getting way over 1 ounce per gallon of cococoir.
I only got 3 females out of my pack of chinook haze, but the one I kept is killer.
The buds keep getting better and better the longer they cure, and that plant is a fucking beast!

I should get a pic...
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Chinook Haze keeper, still in a 3 gallon grow bag.
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I only got 3 females out of my pack of chinook haze, but the one I kept is killer.
The buds keep getting better and better the longer they cure, and that plant is a fucking beast!

I should get a pic...
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Chinook Haze keeper, still in a 3 gallon grow bag.
View attachment 4170540

Nice plant!

So I was doing some research on measuring colloidal silver ppm. There seems to be a few ways. One being where you can add table salt to water, add your CS, and a white cloud should form where the silver particles are actually binding to the HCI. Here is a link to the article and other techniques for measuring your colloidal silver solution
I spent 5 years of my life doing evolutionary genetics research in plants.

Multiple people have found lots of males in Riot fems. I wouldn’t trust anything that guy says. Honestly, I don’t care what fem seeds breeders have to say because they’re just covering their asses in the off chance of pollen contamination and herms. “I only said 99% females”.

There’s simply no genetic explanation for seeing true males in a fem cross. The spontaneous mutation of a Y chromosome just doesn’t happen. Particularly in a female that doesn’t contain any of the requisite genetic potential to produce male plants.

Again, I believe people find male appearing plants in fem crosses. But if you took that “male” plant and pollinated a female, all of the offspring would be female, which means it’s not a true male.
This makes sense to me. Nobody is actually testing for a y chromosome around here...if the plants appear 100% male 1 out of 3000 times, but don’t have a y chromosome, then almost everyone is right in some way and wrong in some way.
There would be easy ways to test this by breeding the anomalous “male” to some good females and growing out the offspring. There are also the gender testing kits, the anomalous individual should test as female while expressing all male traits, if @jayblaze710 is right.
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You even circled the part I said dont quote me on that. That I wasnt sure. Point in fact is. I make fem seeds, and I've made 100s of them. My shit works. You haven't made any. You pulling the shit of I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. Jus like typical people in the cannabis community. When people ask for cuts. It's always on I know so n so he has it. You haven't made any fem seeds. So to me your point is irrelevant. Idc what your buddies cousins aunt does.... I'm done replying to your rubyfruit ass. If I was you I wouldn't attempt to make fem seeds. Bc apparently you're not even smart enough to use google search. Bc for the 2nd time a simple Google search tells you what you "SHOULD" USE PPM WISE. But instead you wanna talk dumb shit. Bc u have friend on Myspace that makes seeds. Well good for you.

Edit: and it tells you some plants are harder to reverse so you need a higher concentrate to get it to work. So before you start running your mouth about something you have no idea about. Do some research.
Your full of shit end of story.
This comes from someone who wanted to rape the seller cos the buyer fucked up his beans when germing them
Your right I don't make fem seeds I'd rather buy shitloads and grow them out it's not about money for me its about variety and my personal stash
As for the friend ? It's my brother you twit...why do you always attack ppl who say something different to you ?
I can take criticism
This is a fem seed I'm growing my bro made with 30ppm CS ( I still need to confirm it is 30ppm he uses) shit he doesn't know what he's doing right ? Maybe I should pull it up and trash it today....
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The whole truth is that YES, Male beans do come from any type of method to get FEM beans!
Bottom line is: There is NO guarantee of 100% female seeds from making S1's! PERIOD! Several breeders state this on their sites. Riot seeds is an example off the top of my head.
Spoken with several other breeders on the subject. Same answers I gave you...

Contact ANY "QUALITY" breeder and ask.
You get an average of 1:3000 beans being male (I've had it happen 3 times. Twice by seeds bought, and once by seeds I made.)

How about twins from 1 bean. Harder to pin down but, around 1:1200 to 1:1500 beans is the ratio for that.

Why? Nature is Nature. It has variables, period. Think Chaos theory. The behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. This is mathematical definitions of possible variations, by outside influence.

Look at it this way. How is a growth pattern of a seed effected by environmental conditions it's germinated and grown in vs. the environmental conditions it's parents were grown in? This is very simple to see and the effect is part of plant nature, Yet, strains will vary in how fast, and just what this enviro shift is, when it starts. It does happen in clones also!

Now apply this same kind of ideal to the idea of a genetic variation. No matter what "perceived law" of genetic's you want to employ here. The mathematical probability IS there for it to happen.
This variation is highly limited in actual application, as can be seen by the 1:3000 ratio of occurrence. This 1:3000 could be seed # "what ever" out of how ever many are produced but, the actual ratio will be right along that 1:3000 !

Like Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) said in Jurassic Park
Nature will find a way!

It's not a true male though. The genome is missing those genes, it just expresses male parts.
I keep waiting for someone to actually point out the science behind this, but I keep seeing a bunch of bro science.

People might find “male” appearing plants in their fem seeds. They’re either from pollen contamination, or are extreme herms that will only produce female offspring. Which means it’s genotypically still a female despite its appearance.

Otherwise, people are arguing that a spontaneous mutation arose generating a brand new sex determination factor, which is ludicrous. If that occurred once every 3000 offspring, cannabis simply wouldn’t have sex chromosomes.

Yeah it is real but what is also real is the fact that the plant doesn't have any male genetics in the genome at all. It isn't a true male, just expresses male parts. Chimera has a post about this that details what they found in the lab he works at. It's in his forum and in my old post I mentioned here. Sam also goes into detail on it and fem seeds in general in a great post over there too.

People do also have true males show up from not knowing wtf they are doing when making fems and using unstable parents. A hermi in the mix will ruin everything. Selfing is not a great way to make fem seeds...has it's uses and can be done, but not at all a proper way. Larger populations are the way to go most of the time.