Well-Known Member
I saw someone posted that a lot of people weren't posting to the TGA site, and I'm a guilty party as well. Firstly, I had to quit budding indoors because the electricity is too costly so I just use small lights indoor to start plants for the outdoor growing season. And I start too many so I can give some away. Most of what I grow is The Weed Nerd's strains from seeds I bought 3+ years ago. I cross some every year almost, usually purposely but with only one or two males, or just one so I know that there's only one male besides a few invisible hermie flowers that are bound to show up in 20+ plants outdoors. These pictures are tester strain "Purple Death Star", given away at Elemental Wellness San Jose, CA 3-4 years ago if you watched the site and they mentioned Free Tester Seeds with a purchase of seeds. I ended up with 20 Purple Death Star seeds. The first two plants are PDS, the third is PDS x Dr Who. The next two plants are Brian Berry Cough, which I've had and never grown yet.