Jordan Peterson

Lots of insults but no rebuttal to Peterson’s adherence to the nazi conspiracy theory called cultural Marxism or his tendency to cite nazi funded pseudoscience

Feckless and flaccid in face of facts
"Debating Uncle Bumblefuck on the topic of Jordan Peterson is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

^ Slightly modified for context.

Buck has reached creationist levels are retardation.:dunce::clap:

If anyone would like to hear Buck's "source" debate Sam Harris; here's VOX's editor-in-clown speaking with Sam Harris.

"Debating Uncle Bumblefuck on the topic of Jordan Peterson is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

^ Slightly modified for context.

Buck has reached creationist levels are retardation.:dunce::clap:

If anyone would like to hear Buck's "source" debate Sam Harris; here's VOX's editor-in-clown speaking with Sam Harris.

I love how angry white power tards get when you point out that their ideas are nothing new and are actually borrowed from the fucking nazis

I love how angry white power tards get when you point out that their ideas are nothing new and are actually borrowed from the fucking nazis

You're the one using caps, bro.... why u so mad?

You've proven you aren't capable of reading academic articles and you can't understand simplified videos, so what should we do so you can understand? Make a pop-up book with only a few words on each page? Should I make a video where I talk really slowly and use my hands a lot? Would that help, little fella?

Please continue with your nazi conspiracy theory that involves best-selling author and academic JP and critically acclaimed Author and Neuroscientist Sam Harris... :D :D :D

This is some Alex Jones level shit right here! Where in this hilarious diatribe do you try to sell me supplements and convince me that water is turning frogs gay?
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Here's a particularly cogent part pertaining to Murray for those who are interested.

20:17 - 22:15

Another succinct and rational response to how you can accept empirical evidence without accepting the social values\policies of that person.

33:37 - 40:15
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You're the one using caps, bro.... why u so mad?

You've proven you aren't capable of reading academic articles and you can't understand simplified videos, so what should we do so you can understand? Make a pop-up book with only a few words on each page? Should I make a video where I talk really slowly and use my hands a lot? Would that help, little fella?

Please continue with your nazi conspiracy theory that involves best-selling author and academic JP and critically acclaimed Author and Neuroscientist Sam Harris... :D :D :D

This is some Alex Jones level shit right here! Where in this hilarious diatribe do you try to sell me supplements and convince me that water is turning frogs gay?
Tell us more about how Jews are secretly conspiring to rile minirities into destroying western civilization
Tell us more about how Jews are secretly conspiring to rile minirities into destroying western civilization
Are they reptilian people too? Did they help fake the moon landing? Are they part of the Illuminati? Where else does your elaborate conspiracy go?? :D :D :D
Is homosexuality caused by a pathogen?

Simple yes or no here will do

You never give a simple yes or no. I tried to have discussions with you but your mind is made up. You aren't discussing anything, you're talking down to everyone because you have it all figured out.

Either stop the condescension or don't expect discussion. You don't get both, hard to believe 29 pages of this and you still haven't figured that out.

Wait a minute, I think i hear a rebuttal coming.

UncleBuck: Peterson is a pseudoscientist, racist, bigoted, Jew-hater

Everyone in reply: kewl
You never give a simple yes or no. I tried to have discussions with you but your mind is made up. You aren't discussing anything, you're talking down to everyone because you have it all figured out.

Either stop the condescension or don't expect discussion. You don't get both, hard to believe 29 pages of this and you still haven't figured that out.

Wait a minute, I think i hear a rebuttal coming.

UncleBuck: Peterson is a pseudoscientist, racist, bigoted, Jew-hater

Everyone in reply: kewl
Of course I’m talking down to you guys, same way I would talk to a mud wall really
He's literally the only one who has brought up anything negative about Jews. Peterson simply stated they are usually smarter than the average white person.... Which they are.
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Of course I’m talking down to you guys, same way I would talk to a mud wall really
It's not offensive to have
That’s false

Peterson peddles cultural Marxism conspiracy theory
You mean Neo-marxism where JP explicitly states that the fight between proletariat and bourgeoisie has changed into the oppressor vs the oppressed. Yeah I remember JP talking about Neo-marxism and post-modernism... dunno what the fuck you're talking about though.

Why do you have a problem with him attacking neo-marxists? The Neo-marxism JP loathes has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with activists and moral crusaders\SJW's like yourself. It's morons like you JP is against, not Jews - he's explicitly happy that Jewish people are doing well and are filling positions that require above average intelligence. Again, he explicitly states that it's a good thing that Jewish people are over-represented in positions that require higher intelligence as it benefits us all.

Why do you keep prattling on about some Jewish conspiracy that was never even mentioned? It's almost like you have so little to say about JP that you have to play your "6 degrees to Kevin Bacon" game and try to win VIA strawman. lol

I will say this though, you have kept the thread at the top of the S&P page for a while now - more people have seen this and JP's work because of you're incoherent rambling than I could have hoped for. It seems like everyone chiming in can see you for the moron you are too....

What's more likely that 99% of the people viewing this are racist Nazi apologists, or that Buck is a hyperbolic moron that gets kicks out of virtue signaling?

This thread entertains. Especially in regards to one member getting his ass kicked for some 29 pages now and I have no doubt this member will be back for more, no matter how insipid and repetitive his false assertions become. Hilarious! :bigjoint:
It's not offensive to have

You mean Neo-marxism where JP explicitly states that the fight between proletariat and bourgeoisie has changed into the oppressor vs the oppressed. Yeah I remember JP talking about Neo-marxism and post-modernism... dunno what the fuck you're talking about though.

Why do you have a problem with him attacking neo-marxists? The Neo-marxism JP loathes has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with activists and moral crusaders\SJW's like yourself. It's morons like you JP is against, not Jews - he's explicitly happy that Jewish people are doing well and are filling positions that require above average intelligence. Again, he explicitly states that it's a good thing that Jewish people are over-represented in positions that require higher intelligence as it benefits us all.

Why do you keep prattling on about some Jewish conspiracy that was never even mentioned? It's almost like you have so little to say about JP that you have to play your "6 degrees to Kevin Bacon" game and try to win VIA strawman. lol

I will say this though, you have kept the thread at the top of the S&P page for a while now - more people have seen this and JP's work because of you're incoherent rambling than I could have hoped for. It seems like everyone chiming in can see you for the moron you are too....

What's more likely that 99% of the people viewing this are racist Nazi apologists, or that Buck is a hyperbolic moron that gets kicks out of virtue signaling?

No, Peterson peddles Cultural Marxism conspiracy theories

Do I need to post screenshots again for ya?
This thread entertains. Especially in regards to one member getting his ass kicked for some 29 pages now and I have no doubt this member will be back for more, no matter how insipid and repetitive his false assertions become. Hilarious! :bigjoint:
What false sssertions have I made, obese white supremacist who lives on welfare?