I tell you what - the 4 I popped didnt get the best start. I germed them directly into cups with coco and perlite (not the best idea in hindsight). Flushed the shit out of it before planting but I don't think I did it enough. All but 1 stalled so I had to repot into some seriously flushed coco and theyre all recovered and growing again. I think I've got the watering down but it was pretty close for a while there. I nearly fucked the lot and lost a solid week, maybe 2 of growing time.
Chalking it up to a good learning experience with growing in coco, just wish I'd used some less quality seeds to work it all out. Didn't have any issues with straight perlite hempy buckets so shouldve stuck to that

Onward and upward now though, they look heaps better and are growing pretty quick