The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

NYT: FBI seized tape of Trump discussing Playboy model payment
The New York Times is reporting that during their raid of Michael Cohen's office, the FBI seized a secret recording of President Trump discussing a payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal. The conversation took place two months before the 2016 election.
It makes me wonder what other things Cohen had recordings of, there are a dozen cell phones full of them and a cell phone can record an awful lot of audio in mp3 format. I'm sure Mikey accidentally recorded things he shouldn't have from time to time...
NYT: FBI seized tape of Trump discussing Playboy model payment
The New York Times is reporting that during their raid of Michael Cohen's office, the FBI seized a secret recording of President Trump discussing a payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal. The conversation took place two months before the 2016 election.
It makes me wonder what other things Cohen had recordings of, there are a dozen cell phones full of them and a cell phone can record an awful lot of audio in mp3 format. I'm sure Mikey accidentally recorded things he shouldn't have from time to time...

i hope that whore melanie takes this personally. i would love to see a separation and divorce...
The Hill was quoting another source, Bloomberg. This is the Blooberg article which gives a little more depth:

Opening paragraph:

Vladimir Putin told Russian diplomats that he made a proposal to Donald Trump at their summit this week to hold a referendum to help resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but agreed not to disclose the plan publicly so the U.S. president could consider it, according to two people who attended Putin’s closed-door speech on Thursday.
Rant of The Year: This White Patriot is Disgusted With Traitor Trump!
"No American President has ever disgraced himself, the presidency and the United States like Trump did in Helsinki. The video of Trump sucking-up to Putin will endure as a monument to stupidity, arrogance and idiocy throughout the ages. Trump beclowned himself and made the world much more dangerous. What a fool!" - Steve Schmidt.
Patriots are speaking out, is this you @Sour Wreck ;) I think he speaks for millions and he's spitting mad. The GOP candidate is gonna have fun showing up at this guy's door looking for a vote this fall. I think he'd be swallowing a shotgun that was shoved through his teeth, makes me wish he lived in Louie Gohmert's district and ole Lou came a call'n...

is that a grow lights in right hand corner? :lol:
she should stab him in the neck in a fit of rage suited to a Slovenian whore of her distinction
She gives him the "evil eye" enough to burn him to dust. When Donald goes to prison she will soon be free of Donald with whatever money Donald has left. When the dam breaks, a lot of people are gonna turn on Trump like a pack of dogs, his wife will be one of them, she'll be a real BITCH!

Maybe they will take the "FREE DONALD" movement on the road though, there might be money to be made and suckers to fleece! The base is out there and they are a gullible bunch of morons who can be cultivated and milked like a herd of cows. These are pre qualified suckers and are valuable to any grifter who wants easy cash. Maybe they will start the church or Trump and have a golden statue of a crucified Donald crown of thorns and all erected that they can worship and have processions around carrying tiki torches...
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Trump Says 'Aggressive' Montenegro Could Start World War III
The President and Tucker Carlson spitballed the absurd idea that Montenegro could start World War III. Then someone had the even more absurd idea to air the conversation.
Why do you hate America?
He's just an asshole, he hates some Americans more than he loves America. Morons like that would burn their own house down if they thought it would piss off the "liberal" next door. A Trumper, not a conservative, just another clown waiting to be issued his brown shirt so he can destroy America at his master's command, even though his master lives in Moscow. Too stupid to be a free man and unfit to be an American, not what you would call a patriot.